
The Four Kings of PRIDE

on April 19th four brothers are born. All four fated to do great things in there futures. There father a king is over joyed at there births, happy to see which one of his sons is going to be his heir for the throne. But in this kingdom there can only be one king.

GavinG · Fantasy
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284 Chs

Dianne Sear!

Chapter 70 Dianne Sear!

Kabre Country Training Grounds

Giving the okay for there battle to commence, still standing in the same position staring at his cloaked opponent. Axle says with a blunt tone, before we do anything I would like to know what my opponent looks like. So please remove the cloak. Grabbing there cloak with there right hand ripping it off there body, his gaze never wavering at the reveal of his foe, opening his mouth to speak, Axle says, interesting your a girl has well! Thinking in his mind Axle says to himself, so far all the battles that I've been in have all been with females. Staring at Axle with her sparkly pink eyes, blowing in the wind her bent pink and yellow shaped rose petal and sunflower hair blow in the afternoon air. Cracking her knuckles replying back to Axle's claim, The woman says in an aggressive tone, Is there a problem that I'm a female! Taken aback at her response, raising up his left eyebrow Axle says with a straight face, not at all! Also before we begin this little duel please state your name!

Looking at Axle with a serious face, opening her mouth to speak, the tall slim muscular dark chocolate skinned woman says with pride, my name is Dianne Sear! And I'm going to show you the might of the women of Kabre!

End of Chapter 70

The Four Kings Of Pride will be on break unitl further notice!

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