
The Apocalypse of 2025

The apocalypse of 2025 was life changing for everyone. Many lives were lost. But, people surprisingly quickly evolved. This... "Evolution of human kind" led to the rise of four kingdoms. The kingdom of Fairies. The kingdom of Elves. The kingdom of mages, and the kingdom of shape shifters. Though, the shape shifters could only transform into a certain animal (their spirit animal), and back. But, when they transformed back to their "human form" they were only mostly human. They still had their ears and if they had one, a tail. They could only shape shift into mammals though. But, not everyone was happy with the sudden changes. They were outcasts. Traitors. People who didn't want any part with the four kingdoms. They were constantly hunted by warriors of the kingdoms, either to force these people to join their kingdom, or to kill them.

They were constantly moving in groups. It was hard. Some had children. Some had PREGNANT women.

And then there were the people who didn't have anyone at all. All alone.

And this brings us to our main character.


Amy had lost her family and friends during the apocalypse. She had no knowledge weather they were alive or not. Her best friend, Marie, wasn't in any kingdoms. She was also an outcast. Her and her family had evolved into Shape Shifters, and could transform into wolfs. She had been moving in groups with her family who she had managed to keep with her. Her family had formed that clan.

Marie everyday for a YEAR searched for Amy. But, she never even found a trace. At one point she had given up, thinking her best friend had died. Eventually, more people joined her clan. She had never forgotten of Amy, though. Marie had made two other friends. But she still considered Amy her number 1. Dead or not.

Amy had a more rare case. She was a shape shifter. She could transform into a tiger, which was very helpful considering her circumstances. But... she was also a mage. A mix. At the moment, there had only been 5 mixes in the entire world. Most thought it had something to do with Heterochromia. But, more than five people in the world had that. Right...? Either way, the claim was probably true. Amy had one blue, one green eye.

She was only 16 though. So was Marie. But, Amy was all alone...

Until Now...