
The Four Guardians

THIS SERIES IS ON INDEFINITE HIATUS ---------------------------------------- Over 50 thousand years ago the Demon King ruled all nations with an iron fist, it took the strongest of all around the world to stop him to end a war that had been raging on. After the war, the nations gathered to discuss a punishment for the Demon King, it was decided that the protectors of the Demon Realm, The Four Guardians, would serve all nations if needed whilst also serving and controlling the Demon Realm. The Demon King accepted and his Four Guardians, the most powerful the Demon Realm has to offer, now have to juggle ruling the Demon Realm and sorting out all the problems other nations propose, but of course, not everyone is happy with the peace that currently stands and the rise of new threats worry even the guardians. ___________________________________________ I just write this for fun so don't expect something amazing.

Fabledbyte · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

The one wearing the jester mask

"I found Ren lost and abandoned," Beck spoke his story. "His eyes were fierce and scared even me when I first saw them. He was only 4 years old but he had such a strong hatred for this world. He thought that if he had the power he could become stronger and get revenge on those that destroyed him. So that's what I did. I gave him the power he needed."

Tempus listened to Beck's words as Ren slowly walked towards him. Ren's eyes morphed into a pitch-black pool as steam emitted from his body, each step was heavy enough to crack the ground and filled with powerful determination.

"What power did you give him?" Tempus asked.

"It was a book. The Necronomicon. I'm sure you realise that I should have died many years ago. It was thanks to that book that I was able to keep living. Even with the book, I'm nothing like I used to be. I'm a skeleton of my former self."

Tempus looked down at Beck but said nothing. He felt no sympathy for the man struggling in front of him. Beck attempted to stand but Tempus kicked him back down and encased him in ice, freezing over the wounds on his body to stop him from dying.

"I'll be back for you later."

Tempus stood and watched Ren walk towards him in a blind rage. His skin slowly peeled away and disintegrated from the overflow of mana entering Ren's body. His hair was melting off as his body burnt from the inside.

"REN!" Tempus called out. "YOU CAN STOP THIS!"

He attempted to try and calm Ren but it was useless. Ren couldn't hear anything. His heart was sealed away in a small box that refused to open.

"I see… The book has already caused that much pain to you. Then I'm afraid I can't hold back."

Tempus stood preparing to face Ren who suddenly materialised in front of Tempus. Before Tempus could react Ren had taken his book and crushed it in his hands.

"Ah, shit..." Tempus thought to himself as he jumped backwards for protection. His main catalyst was broken.

"TEMPUS!" A voice called out before separating the two of them with a wall of fire that reached high up the ceiling.

"Eva? I thought I told you to run!"

"I came to help!" Eva ran towards Tempus at full speed trying to keep the firewall around Ren.


With a swing of a fist, the firewall disappeared and Ren was already standing in front of Eva.

Eva attempted to protect herself but was quickly shoved out of the way by Tempus who took the hit for her.

Tempus stood still after receiving the hit; like a boxer who had been in many street fights. Unable to move, Tempus faced Ren with explosive rage. The two of them said nothing but looked at each other. Each second Ren was under the influence of the Necronomicon his body became worse. Tempus watched his reflection in Ren's lifeless eyes.

Tempus was the first to swing. However, his punch was easily blocked by the monster in front of him, who didn't hold back.

"Argh… Physical combat was never my thing… I wish Mane was here…"

Despite receiving a punch that knocked him onto his knees he stood back up and face his opponent.

The two continued to trade blows with Tempus feeling each hit, meanwhile, Ren stood uninjured.

"Huff...huff...huff… what's wrong? You haven't got me down yet?" Tempus barely stood. His body was covered in blood and several of his ribs were broken. His air was running low and his lungs were flooding. He needed the advantage.

"Is it my turn to hit you?" Tempus asked as he pulled out a training wand he stole from Eva.

A flash of light emitted from the wand before it burnt up in his hand. It was like looking directly at the sun through a telescope. A light so bright that anyone unprepared would go blind in just a second. Luckily, Tempus knew that Ren could still see, and he was able to create ice between him and the others, to make it even stronger. The light bounced off the perfect ice wall behind him, blinding Ren so Tempus could run away. Tempus grabbed Eva by the hand and ran back to where Beck was.

"Give me your catalyst!" He said to Beck.

"My catalyst?"

"Hurry up! I can win but I need a strong catalyst."

Tempus was desperate. His lungs were punctured from the first hit and he was only alive because of his magic.

"Here…" Beck handed Tempus the book he used in all his fights. One similar to Tempus' except it was worn out from all the use.

Ren climbed over the cliffs to reach the three survivors. Everywhere he walked a trail of blood fell behind him from the hole in his back.

Tempus opened Beck's book and closed his eyes. Breathing in and out. Tempus launched his hand forwards causing an earthquake that turned the arena into rubble. Crushing Ren whilst Tempus struggled to protect Beck and Eva. The whole arena came crashing down to the ground from that one quake, powerful enough to destroy a building designed to never crumble. Luckily, there was no way for Ren to avoid it, everything shattered and crumbled on top of all of them.

The smoke and dust eventually started to clear but Tempus was on the floor coughing up blood. He quickly stood and limped over to find Ren, who had passed out with the Necronomicon next to him. However, stood over his body a small humanoid that watched him sleep.

"It looks like you've failed us. Teehee." The figure pulled out a book hiding in their clothes and enchanted their fist.

"S-stop!" Tempus called out.

The smoke continued to clear as Tempus got a clearer view of the person standing over Ren. Above him stood a small person with tied-up blonde hair, wearing a jester mask.

"Teehee I was wondering if I would encounter you. You go by many names, Mr Windtrapper." The strange jester paused before carrying on. "Guardian of the North, The fourth Guardian, The selfish child, Time thief. What strange names you have! I've always been interested in you!"

The Jester mask childishly stood above Ren's body, playing with his passed-out body, kicking him whilst he was down.

"Windtrapper? It's been a while since I heard that name. I'm going to have to ask you to step away from Ren" Tempus said slowly limping forward.

"What can you do in your state? You are too injured and have no weapons. Teehee"

Tempus used what remained of Beck's burning book to conjure a staff out of thin air. A staff with a bronze handle and a blue emerald orb at the top that swims around the crystal sphere at the top. It was unlike anything anyone had ever seen before. Everyone in the area could feel the power coming from that staff. Even the Jester.

"I see… you still have your Guardian Weapon. Teehee. looks like you plan to go all out. How exciting. I shall have to do the same. Teehee."

The Jester Mask's expression shifted. Her typical laughter quickly became more serious as she pulled out a separate book from behind her and threw away the one she used before.

"Another troublesome book…" Tempus said to himself as he could feel the evil radiate off it.

Tempus quickly conjured a large fireball at the end of his staff. Within a millisecond, it had already reached a size Eva could only hope to achieve.

"WOW! What a fun looking spell! I wanna try!" The Jester Mask stared at the book in their hands which opened itself to a seemingly random page. She looked up to see a fireball the exact same size as Tempus, standing above her head, in her control.

The two of them threw the miniature suns into each other. The rubble and metal that wasn't melted from the head were blown away by the shockwave, far into the depths of the city that was now exposed to the danger.

"Tsk… I was right. That book isn't normal."

"So you know… This was given to me by my master. The book of Envy."

"I've heard rumours about it" Tempus interrupted. "It has the power to copy any spell. The copy of the spell will be exactly the same as the original. Meaning that I'd need to get creative with this battle."

"As much as I would love to battle. I must leave. My master awaits!"

The jester masked used the book of Envy to create a gust of wind that blew both the Necronomicon and Ren into their hands.

"Goodbye. Windtrapper! It was fun battling with you! I hope you use all your power during the next battle! You shouldn't have to hold back for others! It was much more interesting when you didn't." The Jester Mask disappeared into the wind. Any mana signature that would be left over never appeared. Tempus could only assume that was due to a spell the book was copying. They vanished without a trace. Although, Tempus did question if he should return them. He could return them now and probably kill them. He knew he could do it, but he also knew his body couldn't withstand it.

"Tempus!" Eva cried out climbing over the rubble.

Tempus turned to look at her but quickly passed out in Eva's arms.