
The Four Guardians

THIS SERIES IS ON INDEFINITE HIATUS ---------------------------------------- Over 50 thousand years ago the Demon King ruled all nations with an iron fist, it took the strongest of all around the world to stop him to end a war that had been raging on. After the war, the nations gathered to discuss a punishment for the Demon King, it was decided that the protectors of the Demon Realm, The Four Guardians, would serve all nations if needed whilst also serving and controlling the Demon Realm. The Demon King accepted and his Four Guardians, the most powerful the Demon Realm has to offer, now have to juggle ruling the Demon Realm and sorting out all the problems other nations propose, but of course, not everyone is happy with the peace that currently stands and the rise of new threats worry even the guardians. ___________________________________________ I just write this for fun so don't expect something amazing.

Fabledbyte · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Mane Vs Wrath

"What have you done!" Mane exclaimed as he tried not to crush any of the dead bodies that lay around him.

Wrath stood still. Although he was blind Mane could tell that he was being carefully watched.

"For our goal." A voice said from within Mane's head.

"So the beast does speak?" Mane said trying to antagonise his opponent but mostly doing it to control his anger. The little joke that pleased himself was claiming to him.

"Telepathically. Now, Give the gloves."

Mane looked down at the gloves he was holding in his hand the whole time. He looked back to his opponent before smiling at the insect in front of him.

"Not happening."

Mane didn't waste any time charging forward at extreme speed, except, when he did he found himself stopping to cough up blood in front of his opponent.

"You cannot win." Wrath spoke.

Mane jumped backwards to create some distance and found that he stopped coughing up blood. He thought back to his magic lessons that Tempus rambled on about and scanned for a catalyst. He had no idea what he was looking for or where it could be. After finding the gloves he knew they could come in all shapes and sizes.

"Very well, then," Mane said as he held his hand up in the sky.

There was silence as he stood still as if he was posing. After several seconds the wind started to pick up. A large claymore, bigger than Mane, cut through the air landing directly in Mane's right hand.

Although Mane wasn't a mage, Wrath could feel the amount of magic that was swarming in his weapon. A giant blade that had the power to cut mountains in half and trample on anything its user chooses.

Mane dashed forward again ignoring the blood that rose in his throat. He could feel all of his organs commit suicide inside him but he kept charging forward. He held his sword up covering Wrath and the dwarven village in its shadow.

Wrath, acknowledging his opponent, jumped backwards and cancelled his magic on Mane's organs. During his retreat, Mane watched closely and saw a gold spark around his neck.

Tightly attached, a golden necklace with a black pearl inside absorbed all the light into it.

"I found it!" Mane thought to himself running on his last breath since he no longer had lungs.

Mane moved again but unlike before. Wrath was watching closer than before but couldn't feel the sword swing. All he could feel was his own arm fall to the floor in front of him.

He looked down at the arm and picked it back up. No blood came from the wound. Not even sweat. It was as if Wrath wasn't human.

"Shit… just what are you?" Mane said knowing he had to end it all or else he would die.

Mane stood tall and swung both his arms back. His eyes were closed and his claymore stretched far back to the mountains.

In one simple motion, he quickly swung his whole body around several times. Slicing everything within 100 miles in half. Even the mountains around crumbled because of it. The sky was split, the planet itself was at risk. Every single soul within 100 miles felt it. The power to cut planets.

Wrath was unable to dodge. There was nowhere he could go. He could feel the attack coming but couldn't retreat in time. Not that he wanted to. Wrath's body lay in two pieces, perfectly cut on the floor, unable to move.

"Seems like I beat you." Mane wanted to say but could no longer see straight.

He tried to walk forward to what remained of Wrath's body but collapsed right at his feet. Unable to move. Unable to look around, he could only see a purple portal open up right next to him and someone step out.

"Good job, Wrath." The voice said, coming from a small humanoid person. "I do wish Tempus was the one who came here but Mane will have to do."

The person picked up Mane with ease on his shoulder and walked back towards the portal whilst carrying Wrath's body with magic through the air.

The person that was watching the battle from long before it started. The person that commanded the Jester Masks. The person that Tempus beat, Ren, stood over the bodies of all the dwarfs, kicking at their lifeless bodies.

"I do wish I could pay you back for the pain you caused me at the academy, guardian of the north, Tempus."

This novel will be going on a little break for a while to focus on my uni work. Make sure you add it to your collection to know when the next chapter gets posted. In the meantime why not check out some of my other stuff.

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