
The Four Guardians

THIS SERIES IS ON INDEFINITE HIATUS ---------------------------------------- Over 50 thousand years ago the Demon King ruled all nations with an iron fist, it took the strongest of all around the world to stop him to end a war that had been raging on. After the war, the nations gathered to discuss a punishment for the Demon King, it was decided that the protectors of the Demon Realm, The Four Guardians, would serve all nations if needed whilst also serving and controlling the Demon Realm. The Demon King accepted and his Four Guardians, the most powerful the Demon Realm has to offer, now have to juggle ruling the Demon Realm and sorting out all the problems other nations propose, but of course, not everyone is happy with the peace that currently stands and the rise of new threats worry even the guardians. ___________________________________________ I just write this for fun so don't expect something amazing.

Fabledbyte · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Guardian of the seas Part 3

"Greed. Hurry up… I need you to guide me." At the bottom of the pit, next to the chamber of the eye, the water was filled with thick dark red blood. The Jester Mask, Envy, that approached covering her eyes, replicated and took out any magical attack thrown at her, whilst her assistant, a middle-aged man who didn't cover his face with a mask, dealt with the others.

"Is it this way? This way?" Envy said as she was trying to swim through to find the eye. "Greed can you use your eyes? We are waiting for you here…". Thanks to potions created for them, they were able to communicate underwater as if it wasn't there, similar to the ones Sagitta used herself.

"S-sorry, Envy…" What the guards all thought was a dead body floating in the water began to speak as if it was alive. The man who seemed as if he didn't care floated around with his eyes closed, lost in his own mind and slashing anyone that came near him in a blink of an eye. "I was busy…"

"It's ok, Teehee. Just take the eye. It should be around here somewhere."

Envy stretched out her arms looking for anything that wasn't water or a boring rock. "Is this is?" She said holding the head of a man she had already killed. "This feels like an eyeball?" Her fingers jabbed deep into the eye socket of the dead man.

"T-That's not it…" Greed said swimming directly into the chamber.

"Are you looking at it?" Envy asked not sure where to face.

"Y-yes… it's pretty worrying… it's speaking to me… I can't look away… it's calling me."

"STOP RIGHT THERE, ENVY!" A voice called out from above.

"Who is there?" Envy said attempting to look, frantically as if she was part of a comedy routine, "Is it the guardians? Is it Tempus?"

Sagitta covered her own eyes, keeping them shut whilst she readied her bow from above. By using magic, she was able to sense their positions, but hitting them was a different story.

To any outsiders that watched this conversation, it would seem as if two blind people were trying to attack one another. The only person who could see was Greed who was focused on the chamber of the eye.

Sagitta enchanted her bow and attempted to fire several arrows through the water, piercing and moving as if there was no liquid in their way. But Envy blocked the arrows with a brief spell, using the water to create fast currents.


"S-sorry… it's just… I can't move… I can't tell what's real and what's not… my eyes feel like they are being ripped out of my own skull… my eyeballs don't feel like my own… I want to take them out…"

"Greed!" Envy called swimming towards the direction of his voice. "We are leaving! NOW!"

Envy swam to where she thought Greed was and held onto him.

"Why is it warm here?" Envy asked. Her usual joking attitude had left her, in her heart she was worried.

"It's ok…" Greed said. "You can remove your blindfold..."

Envy slowly opened her eyes at her companion's request, she could hardly see from the blood in front of her, and she watched as two tiny eyeballs rolled towards her looking her dead in the eye.

"Greed… a-are these yours?" Envy asked despite not wanting to know.

"I don't know." Greed said covering his eyes with his hands.

"GREED!" Sagitta screamed having just removed her blindfold. "I WON'T LET YOU ESCAPE!" Sagitta launched an arrow at the distracted Greed only for Envy to block it with her body. The arrows were impossible for Envy to recreate, as such she allowed them to pierce through her body.

"I told you, Greed..." Envy said as she tried to stop herself from bleeding out. "I can only protect you against magic users. It's no use if the arrow is physical."

"I'm sorry, Envy." Greed said crying tears of blood. "I think I'm ready…" Greed slowly opened his eyes, the Glass Eye that was being protected rested in his right slot, with the left being a pool of blood. Sagitta had no choice and turned away quickly, only to end up facing Greed who already knew she would turn away. Sagitta stared directly into the eye and couldn't look away. She couldn't move. She couldn't speak. Her hands went numb as she released the bow in her hand. her legs stopped moving, causing her to continue sinking even further into the pit. Towards the bottom of the ocean, where the pressure would kill her.

"Now we can leave…" Greed said swimming with the injured Envy in hand.

"Teehee… you had me worried there. What did you do to her?"

"I just looked at her…"

"You were pretty fast back there… I didn't think you could move that fast."

"I just looked at her…"

"I...I see…" Envy responded thinking that she shouldn't ask anything else. She could feel the power of the eyes. She didn't want to risk looking at them, but she knew that her friend was gone. Greed was no longer the same.

The two of them swam away, there was no way for them to be harmed by anyone. Anyone who looked at Greed's eye stopped moving and fell to the floor. He held Envy in his right arm as he slowly breathed in water from his mouth, unaware that his potion had worn off.

"Sagitta… Sagitta… Can you hear me? Sagitta?" At the bottom of the deepest ocean. A place where a normal body couldn't survive. Ebba held Sagitta in her arms. Sagitta's body was colder than the water they were swimming in. Her skin looked as if never had any blood, and her white eyes stared into the endless ocean and the sky far above that was impossible to see. Her body ached as if it was dead, her heart beating slower than it ever should. All Ebba could do was return her to the surface and hope that she could be saved.