
The Four Guardians

THIS SERIES IS ON INDEFINITE HIATUS ---------------------------------------- Over 50 thousand years ago the Demon King ruled all nations with an iron fist, it took the strongest of all around the world to stop him to end a war that had been raging on. After the war, the nations gathered to discuss a punishment for the Demon King, it was decided that the protectors of the Demon Realm, The Four Guardians, would serve all nations if needed whilst also serving and controlling the Demon Realm. The Demon King accepted and his Four Guardians, the most powerful the Demon Realm has to offer, now have to juggle ruling the Demon Realm and sorting out all the problems other nations propose, but of course, not everyone is happy with the peace that currently stands and the rise of new threats worry even the guardians. ___________________________________________ I just write this for fun so don't expect something amazing.

Fabledbyte · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Guardian of the seas Part 1

Across the most treacherous terrain lies a waterfall that connects to the world's largest ocean. The waterfall was loud enough to deafen most animals and injure those who came unprepared. Sagitta found herself at the base of the waterfall facing two merfolk inside bubbles created by water magic, who greeted her as she jumped off her horse. She showed them the dragon crest that she always had on her and was led inside the cliffside, taking her down a dark tunnel.

"I've been waiting for you…" A voice called out, sitting atop a small body of water.

"You must be Ebba," Sagitta responded. "Mane told me about you before I departed. It's an honour to meet you." The princess of the merfolk was considered to be the prettiest mermaid in the land. She was of a young face but an old mind. She had ruled the seas for longer than most would guess and her swimming speed is unmatched. Even in the harshest and deepest seas, her swimming can never be touched.

"He also told me about you, Sagitta." Ebba said, "You aren't the biggest fan of the other races, are you?"

Sagitta froze as if she was led into a trap. Her senses were on high alert in case she was to suddenly be ambushed.

"Don't be alarmed, Sagitta. It was just a light joke. Follow me, I'll show you around."

When Sagitta was above land, she couldn't really see what the mermaid princess looked like. But down underwater, she could see everything. Her tail shined brightly as if crafted from thousands of jewels whilst the beauty of her face would entice any man. Her body was slim and slender, covered up by seashells.

Sagitta drank a potion given to her by Tempus that allowed her to breathe underwater and swam alongside the mermaid princess. Compared to a mermaid, Sagitta's speed was lacking. She could hardly keep up and adjusting to breathing underwater took a while. The mermaid's capital was guarded by a drowned labyrinth. Unless someone could breathe underwater, they would have drowned within the first few seconds. The stone walls of the labyrinth were too thick to destroy your way through and reached the depths of the ocean until no more light existed.

Thanks to Ebba who knew the maze like the back of her hand, the two of them made it through the maze that guarded the merfolk and saw the sunken city. It was filled with neon lights and technological wonders that would almost put the Magia Academy to shame. A modernised underwater wonder, filled with casinos, skyscrapers and even theatres.

"Is this your first time coming here?" Ebba asked.

"Y-yeah…" Sagitta responded in amazement. "I've never seen anything like this before."

"Of course, we've dedicated our lives to protecting this city and making it the best place on earth. All these tall buildings and glowing lights that not even the humans above us can compete with. Although we lack weapons we are proud of our tourism."

"Yeah, no shit…" Sagitta said before covering her mouth after realising what she just said to a princess.

"Haha, do not fret, Sagitta. We are all friends here… Come let me show you our prize."

The two of them swam down an endless hole where light could not reach, there were no dry areas and the only living creatures down there were the guards. Over 100 guards swarmed around a large metal box sitting at the bottom. Each guard was tightly equipped with large tridents and helmets that covered their eyes.

"Can they all see?" Sagitta asked.

"Of course not. You see, this treasure isn't one to take lightly when we first came and looked into it madness was created within this world. That is why it's sealed inside this giant box." Ebba said casually as if it was no big deal.

"Shouldn't I have protection then?"

"I believe you'll be fine. As a guardian, you should be able to keep your sanity."

The two of them swam around the impenetrable box, moving to a side with a glass wall.

"Is that it?" Sagitta said. "Why does it look distorted?"

"We had to do that just in case a guard accidentally looked at it. This glass makes it look that way but on the inside, you will see its true form. Would you like to see it?"

"I'm good," Sagitta said swimming to a side where the treasure wasn't visible.

"We call it the Glass Eye down here." Ebba began to speak. "You can call it what you want but we just call it how it looks."

"R-right…" Sagitta responded quickly swimming back up to the top and escaping the eerie vibes the Glass Eye was emitting from its cage. It was only a simple object, yet it Sagitta could feel it breathing and staring back at her.

"I hear you wish to move it to the demon realm?"

"Yes!" Sagitta said. "We wish to bring it to a location where we can constantly have all four guardians watching it."

"I see. I cannot do that tonight." Ebba said "Why don't you stay for a night and have dinner with me? In the morning I'll give you what you are after and you can leave this city to make sure that no danger comes this way."

"That would be wise," Sagitta said. "Will the queen be joining us?"

"I'm afraid not," Ebba responded with no hesitation. "She is out currently. Not that she is ever in."