
The Forty-four Carat Love (original)

"...He had two choices: he falls in love with his wife or kills her..." What will happen if he chooses the wrong one? Years later, after the mayor's wife's death in Szombathely, forty-four people commit mysterious suicides. But this is not the worst. All of the bodies are found, but after four days they disappears... The police and the FBI try to find out the cause, but as the came closer to the true, the more the strangeness and the mystery grows... ---------- The story is interwoven with unexpected and clever twists, complicated characters and identifiable situations with humor.

HannaNagyvari · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

2. The divorcer

"Diana, you know there was never a deep love between us," James started, sitting on the sofa in the living room, "but we've had a lot of disagreements lately. And you know what else... That's why I'm suggesting we get a divorce. As soon as possible."

Dia swallowed nervously. It wasn't that she hadn't expected it, it was that it struck her heart every time he brought it up.

"James, the gala starts in an hour, this is not the right time to do this. Besides, think it over. Think about the children. What will happen to them?" She said quickly and almost stormed out, but she suddenly turned and said, "Get ready." She then left the room, leaving her husband behind.


The gala was crowded. And true is, that this isn't even a real gala. No, it was just an unnecessary occasion where James had to make a speech, (again), and he had no idea what the speech was, (again).

Nevertheless, he remained calm. He watched, almost bored, as his wife walked slowly and gracefully towards him, but without any good intentions. No, this kind of approach was more like when the lion approaches you, but you don't know if it will attack, or when it will attack. This lion, however, did not attack. At least for now.

Diana sat down silently next to James, but didn't look at him. She took a glass of wine in her hand and slowly began to sip the velvety liquid. James swallowed nervously as he repeated one thing in his head; the plan, the plan, the...

Liam Towosovsky, the High Commissioner for Food Safety, tapped the side of his glass. The tune carried like a mischievous breeze through the room, causing every guest's head to turn in the direction of the Congressman.

''I'd like to welcome all of our guests to Sampiano Agricultural Company's Holiday Appreciation Gala, but now please welcome a true hero of our city on this special occasion. A big round of applause for Mr. James Sampiano, who will open the gala with his festive toast."

James was now aware that everyone was watching him, including High Commissioner Liam, because the signal was there for him to speak, but for some time he had been looking ahead.

''Umm... Yes, so thank you to everyone who came and supported the company,'' he began after some hesitation, ''but I won't mince words, let's get on with dinner.''

The High Commissioner's eyes widened, not just a little. The speech Mr. Sampiano had just made could not, even with the strongest goodwill, be called a 'toast'. He started to suspect that something was wrong.

The guests were also a little taken aback, but in the end, they decided not to attach any particular importance to the matter.

The waiters then began to bring in the other special drinks after the champagne, and the unspoken toast was forgotten by all.


During the feast, James sat quietly watching the candles on the table play brightly, and beyond the window, the sky closing its blue eyes and casting a veil of black over the beautiful Alps.

Towards the end of dinner, music came from the stage, and the man rose monotonously to ask his wife to dance.

On the dance floor, Dia hummed silently to the rhythm of the music and her body swayed gently to the beat.

"Diana," James began, "as we dance..." he looked deep into her eyes, "I was reminded of fond memories. How I felt when I first touched you, our first dance, our first kiss. Our meeting and our love. I think I won't be able to forget these things in my life."

She smiled at that, "I remember too. All of that. See? We can make this work."

The man almost wispered "No..." He then hold her closer as the music slowed down. "Dia... we will ruin each other's lives."


"Dia...don't force what doesn't work. Let's get a divorce."


James felt his heart heavy because he knew what was in store for him tonight, but he knew he had to do it. He had to.

The night was coming to an end, like an inevitable bad omen. All of the plates were almost emty, some of the guests already went home.

"If you excuse me, I would like to go upstairs to my children," Dia interjected, then moved to stand.

James immediately got up and put his arm around his wife's waist. "If you excuse me too, I do not want to leave my wife to leave alone."

A few important ministers nodded understandingly, then the couple walked out of the ball.

James's strong arms gently held her waist as they slowly climbed the stairs. Dia stopped a few times during the act, due to the amount of alcohol she had.

He opened the door to their suite.

When the door was wide enough, Dia moved to go inside the room, but she couldn't comprehend what she was looking at. James grabbed her hand to pull her out, then slammed the door in fright, but it was too late. Diana put her hand over her mouth in horror.

James' heart rate skyrocketedand the man's pulse quickened.

Then in a sudden movement he grabbed his wife around the waist and pushed her down the stairs.

It is hard to say if the act was wanted or not, but it happened.

She rolled down for a long moment, then landed with a thud. The woman's face was bleeding as she layed dead on the Persian carpet. It was hard to tell how much broked bones she had, but from the unnatural position of her limbs, it was clear that probably a lot.

The man's eyes widened in shock, but he couldn't tore away his eyes from the dead body, so James had missed something very important: Sofi was watching from the upstairs bedroom. The little girl couldn't even scream in terror.

He -after a lot of time- looked up and glanced towards the room, and for a split second his eyes met hers.