
The Forsaken Sword Saint

Taeyang is a talented boy, and he was born with the love of the Sword god. Therefore, recognized as the sword saint. Good things are short-lived, they say. Unfortunately, the love of the Sword god departs from him, and rested on another. This was unprecedented throughout history. No other sword saint has existed while the predecessor was alive. Why did the Sword god’s love fall on someone else? Forsaken by the nation he used to serve, his family and his successor, he ran away from enemies who once trembled at the mention of his name. Hillview, an abandoned city of the kingdom that refused to be forgotten, became his home years after being forsaken. He's taken on a new identity as a hunter. Now, people know him as a coward because he refuses to fight unless they paid him. He spends his time drinking at taverns when he isn’t on a mission. Ironically, people loved, respected, and feared him despite him being called a coward. It was a happy cycle of making and spending money. This, however, did not last long. When a space-void beast arrives above the city, Taeyang plunges at it to protect the city. He forced it to retreat, but while retreating into the void, the beast pulls him in. Taeyang crosses the void and ends up in the Caddel family’s mansion. A noble family of the kingdom. He fell in love with Athena the moment he saw her. She was the only child of the Caddel family and a royal candidate. Reluctant to return to his city, he stays in the Caddel’s mansion. He had a new goal in mind. And that was to be Athena’s sword and protect her life. However, when his opponents are overwhelmingly strong, his goal becomes easier said than done. … I own no right to the picture used in the book cover. I got it from Pinterest. If it belongs to you and you want it taken down, please say so in the comment section. Thank you

_King_Ace · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 3

Date - 05/ 04 / 708 Ephit Calendar

Time - Three Hours After Midnight.

Location - Hillview's City.

"Is someone talking ill of me?" Taeyang asked as he steps into an office. On his shoulder was the one-eyed man he had brought back with him.

The office was dark. The only light came from the energy layer covering the man behind the desk as the candles were out.

"Sometimes I wonder if you're okay," says the man, whose face was distorted and unclear. "Who visits a man's office at this hour?"

"Who remains at an office at this hour?" Taeyang tilts his head at him. "Well, I've completed my mission, and this is evidence of it."

He placed the man down. "You should get him treated. He lost so much blood."

"Why don't you just heal him?"

"That takes time. Will you pay me for it?"

"Why should I pay you for that?"

"Then get him treated. Oh right, some things happened. Thought I inform you."


"Okay, so while hunting there was blah, blah…" Taeyang explained the night's experience for him.

"You simply let it go?"


"You know it didn't die, right?"

"Yes, call someone strong enough to handle it. I don't have the time for it."

"I have a shortlist of people to call for that. However, they aren't around."

"I will not do it."


"Fighting that thing will be a war of attrition. I don't specialize in that kind of battle."

"I understand. Gwen will bring your pay over in the morning."

"Have a lovely night and relax a bit, okay? No one is foolish enough to attack you at the guild building. You are wasting your mana."

"No need to worry."

"Alright. You know where to find me."


Taeyang disappeared on the spot. The man sighed, stood up and walks over to the unconscious one eyed man. "I hope he didn't traumatize you too much."

Outside, Taeyang walked along the bustling streets. Brightly lit, even at this hour. Unless one looks at the night sky, they wouldn't realize it was nighttime. People went about their business, a few bumping into him as they pass by. The scent diffusing from the near stalls on both sides of the street made him smile. Although he couldn't properly see them, because of the surrounding crowd, he could tell these were the scent of foods of various types. From spicy food, to meat, fish, and even of some sweets.

"A good time to eat and drink away."

His gaze rises to the night sky. It was still barren, with not a single star in it. Even the moon was not present. "Cheers to you," he smiles.

His gray eyes had gone dull, losing the glitter it once had. After a while, he continued walking and soon arrived at his destination.

It was a cozy and beautiful looking building. Hard wooden pillars made up most of the outside structure. The windows were hard to see through, however; they didn't stop the light from the inside to penetrate out. A wooden board above its entrance boldly displayed 'Silver's Tavern'.

A smile graced his face upon entering through the heavy wooden door. The cheerful singing and the excitement within welcomed him. Despite serving customers, the two bartenders acknowledged him with a friendly nod.

It was as bustling inside as it was outside. Waiters moved about receiving orders and delivering foods to tables. The tavern was full of customers sitting at round tables or standing and socializing near the bar.

A famous tavern in Hillview city, with a fair share of male and female patrons. The women's observation of the male staff gave a reason for their attendance. The tavern had drinks and beautiful women, which drew the men.

Bold men approached some women. Despite their best efforts, most of them received nothing but rejections or dismissals. Those with appearances comparable to the bartender and waiters were fully embraced. The bar was located opposite the entrance, at the far end of the tavern. Two doors to the left read, 'workers only'. Far right of the bar, two doors were labeled male and female.

"Excuse me, sir."

The voice of a lady causes Taeyang to turn to his left. She was a young lady, with looks capable of capturing any man's heart. "We are at full capacity and will not take in any more customers," she said. Taeyang couldn't help but gulp at the sound of her lovely voice.

He yawns while putting his hand into his pocket. He eventually retrieved a small bag. When he shook it, the sound of metals hitting one another was loud enough for both of them to hear. He placed it in her hand and attempts to go around her. However, she stepped in front of him and said with a determine expression.

"I am sorry sir, we are not taking in customers."

Taeyang squints at her. He didn't bother taking note before, but now he saw her features clearly. Red color eyes that looked like fire, a slim face, thin lips that called for attention and a black hair that falls over her right shoulder. She crossed her arms over her average size chest while she stared at him, ready to repeat her words again.

Taeyang scratched his hair before turning to leave. "Sir, your money," she called out. However, Taeyang didn't turn back. "Sir, your money," she repeated and grabs his right hand.

She soon realized that was a terrible mistake. One she shouldn't have made even if she had nine lives. A chill ran down her spine and a deadly aura filled the tavern, causing the noisy tavern to go silent.

She released his hand as she watched his dark gray eyes turn crimson red. It happened in a flash. Before she knew it, he had unsheathed his sword and slashed at her neck. She saw her life flash before her eyes, but it still felt slow compared to what had just happened.

Blood trickled down her neck. She was too frightened to move her hands to check it. She watched him tilt his head slightly.

"Silver, are you that worried?" he asked. She frowns at his word. "You arrived quickly!"

"Still, I wasn't fast enough," a voice replied from behind her. The familiar voice brought her relief. It was the voice of her employer. "I apologize for what she did. She is new and knows nothing."

"I can tell. That's why she's still alive."

He sheaths his sword and his eyes color reverses back to gray. A smile appears on his face as he walks past her.

"Haha! It's sir Coward!" a voice yelled and the cheering in the tavern continued.

"Where have you been, sir Coward?"

Several ladies waved at him. Taeyang flashed them a smile before turning back to Silver. A man with a huge build, dark curly hair with a mutton-chops (long side burns that connects to a mustache), beard and brown-colored eyes.

"I'm sorry," Taeyang smile sheepishly while scratching his head.

"Hey Coward!" a voice yelled. Taeyang turns to a table having a group of five seating around it. Among them, a man was standing. "Why did you scare her like that? Haha, I'm sure she peed in her underwear."

The group and several others bursts into laughter. Silver turned to them. "You are laughing. You all didn't even try to stop him."

"Coward wouldn't kill an innocent damsel," said someone from across the room.

"Yeah, yeah, I hope the day he does, it wouldn't be any of your daughters," Silver replied.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Hey coward! My drink's empty, I need a refill!" a man at one table in the center shouted.

"I need one too."

"Plus me."

"You all get your own refill!"

Several men raised their empty cups, asking Taeyang for a refill, and Silver yelled at them for it.

"Alright, Taeyang, let's have an arm wrestling. Winner buys the other a drink," a bald man suggested.

"Wrestle me too."

"The wrestle can't happen without the strongest man in Hillview."

"Strongest man, my ass! Sit down!"

"Hey Coward, wrestle me too."

"I'll pass," Taeyang rejected the many offers and turns to Silver, who shook his head. "Free food and drinks for everyone."


"Way to go, coward!"

Screams and cheers erupted in the tavern. So loud it quaked the very building. Silver sighed before muttering. "Shameless bastards. You repeat the same thing every time."

"Let them be Silver," Taeyang voices.

"I know you are rich, but at this rate, you will become a roadside beggar."

"I was once a roadside beggar. It's nothing new."

"Idiot. So, who do you want to serve you today?"

"Hmm?" Taeyang turns to the door. The lady was still standing there, trembling. "Let her serve me today."

"Alright, I'll have her ready. She's still in a daze, so go wait at your table."

Taeyang nods and walks away. Silver watched him make his way through the crowd. Every table he passed either tried to keep him there or hauled him with a toast. However, they all failed. He rejected them with a smile.

Silver walks up to the lady and pats her shoulder. "Are you alright?"

"Huh? Yes sir," she replied.

Silver touched her neck. There was a shallow on it. His finger tip glowed, and the wound healed completely, leaving no scar.

"My apologies for not telling you about the silver-haired man. I was preoccupied. There's an unwritten rule everyone here follows, even those stronger than him."

Silver pauses and looks up at Taeyang, who had gotten seated at a table at one end. He sighs and continues. "When he is in the tavern, no one may hold his hand without permission. A tragedy occurred to him in a tavern and he remembers it every time he enters here."

The lady looks up at Silver. Her mouth opens to speak. However, Silver spoke first. "So that's it. Anyway, you'll be the one to serve him tonight."

Her eyes dilate at his words. He turns to her and continued. "He specifically asked that you serve him."

"Sir, I can not do that," she says. I didn't sign up for this."

"Huh? Something like what?"

"I would not use my body…"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Silver smacks his head and sighs. "I didn't mean to serve him in bed."


"Serve him by filling his cup when he's too drunk to or getting him more drinks. And in the morning when he wakes up, feed him. He gets extremely hungry when he sobers up. His stomach becomes a tank. However, his eyes won't be clear enough for him to see. That's where you come in to feed him."

"Oh, I understand, sir. But how do I do that when I can't touch him? What if I forget and hold his hand?"

"Whoever is serving him is the only one with permission to touch him, so don't worry about it."

"Alright sir."

"So go to his table. Give him priority, do not answer other customers' calls. You are free to eat whatever you like while with him, but you may not get drunk. Is that understood?"

"Yes sir. What about this sir?" she raised the pouch bag in her hand up.

"He gave it to you, so it is yours," Silver said and walked away. She took in a deep breath and looked at the table Taeyang sat in. Currently, a waiter was attending to him. She exhaled and walked over.