
The Forsaken Realm

The world of Innethus is a magical world that is opposite to the mundane realm. Over the years corruption, betrayal and conflict have struck the many kingdoms. Not only that but demons are infiltrating the world and are trying take it over. It is now up to the unexpected to step up and save the world.

Sean_Xile · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 2

Ky, Saria and Vesryn were walking through a forest. Ky was walking ahead while Saria and Vesryn walked behind him. They were on an Island not far from Vanaheim trudging through a place called Blarefell.

"Where did your mates run off to, Vesryn?" Ky asked as he glanced over his shoulder to see Vesryn glaring at him vexingly.

"They went in a different direction to cover more ground." Vesryn said as Ky nodded and turned away. He had to keep pushing his locks back every time they started to obscure his vision. Usually, he would have them pulled back but today he chose not to. This was a decision that would lead him to be faced with a dangerous situation. Ky pushed his hair back as he ducked under a low hanging branch. Being that his locks were still getting in the way his vision was obstructed slightly. Outside of his peripheral a shadow was moving in the shadows of the trees. As he continued walking Ky heard a hissing sound. He turned to see a giant basilisk emerge from a large burrow that was hidden behind a tree.

Ky looked up as the creature towered over him causing him to stumble back due to stepping on the end of his cloak. He falls to the ground as the basilisk is lunging down at him. Its mouth is wide open revealing the creature's fangs. Ky raised his hand as a blue wisp of energy formed around him. The creature is unable to get to him as he's formed a barrier that slowly increases in size. Ky is looking panicked as a figure is in the air above the basilisk's head. It's Vesryn holding a spear. With all his might he throws the spear downward.

The force behind his through created a gust of wind that sent Ky hurdling backwards. The spear crashed into the basilisk's head forcing it into the ground. In an instant the creature went limp. Vesryn landed on top of the creature's head breathing heavily and was annoyed. He glared at Ky who was leaned up against a tree also breathing heavily. Vesryn shook his head as he pointed his finger at Ky. The two often butted heads a great deal on every encounter they had with each other. Vesryn saw Ky as careless while Ky saw Vesryn as arrogant.

"You always do this...act careless and then I have to come save you!" Vesryn shouted at Ky who looked away without saying anything. Saria appeared from behind the tree Ky was leaning against. She was more composed out of the trio.

"Why don't you have your locks pulled back?" Saria questioned without looking at Ky. Ky sighed as he scratched his head. He shook his head as he slowly rose to his feet.

"Careless...I guess." Ky responded as he began brushing off the front of his shirt and armored vest. Saria reached into her pouch in search of something. She slowly withdrew a hair tie and approached Ky. He glanced at her slightly confused.

"You're too tall so you have to sit back down." She said as Ky seemed confused as he stood motionless. Vesryn was slowly approaching them with a look of annoyance and disgust.

"Thanks, but I can put it on myself." Ky responded, causing Saria to finally look him in the eyes. She had a stern expression on her face which made Ky roll his eyes as he sat back down and turned away from her. Vesryn was looking around as he waited for Saria to finish.

"If you two are done...let's hurry up and get moving before nightfall. I'm not in the mood to deal with anymore monsters." Vesryn said in an annoyed tone of voice as he continued ahead of Ky and Saria who walked behind him slowly.

"Why are we even looking for this.... death sword?" Ky questioned, causing Vesryn to look back at him with an irritated expression. It was clear Vesryn was holding in a lot of pent-up emotion toward Ky. No matter how hard he tried to bottle it up, Ky always had a way to bring these negative feelings out of Vesryn.

"It's a request from the queen and she's paying me and my men a large sum of silver. Not to mention demons have been slipping into our world on a larger scale for the last three years. Alfheim is believed to be dealing with them currently so it's only a matter of time before they find their way here." Vesryn said as Ky stood silently taking in the words that Vesryn had said. He was unsure of what to say.

"I've heard about this sword once a while back. Other adventurers have looked for this artifact, but they never were seen again." Ky said as he glanced at Saria who stood silently looking around. She was always watching her surroundings preparing mentally for potential threats.

"This weapon is said to be capable of letting the user use death magic. If we use this sword against a demon, we don't have to worry about destroying their heart...it's instant death on contact. As for the rumors, well who cares when I'm going to be rewarded handsomely for this. As long as you don't be a nuisance that is." Vesryn responds with a serious tone in his voice. Saria turned her attention to Vesryn.

"I thought we were doing this for the adventure not the reward...Also I've heard rumors as well but it's about how dangerous the sword can be. If in the wrong hands the mana in the sword can taint the mana in the atmosphere and that of others." Saria said worried as Vesryn throws his hands in the area as a sign of giving up. He turns away shaking his head as he starts to walk but then turns back around.

"Don't you think those demons are probably going to come with things that's dangerous to us? Why not find artifacts that we have in our world that are powerful enough to protect our home? You two are so afraid of the danger it may possess that you don't realize the value it serves." Vesryn said glaring at Saria and Ky who are standing looking nervous. They both don't know what to say to Vesryn at this point. Saria hadn't realized what exactly she was going to be bringing back to her home.

Ky was in it for the adventure, but he was becoming worried Vesryn was being too greedy to consider the dangers this quest may bring. Saria was also starting to realize Vesryn was becoming less of the man she once knew. She was slowly becoming aware that he was more focused on the rewards instead of the venture. Ky shook his head as he started walking toward Vesryn. He glared at Vesryn as he walked past him. Vesryn returned the look before turning his attention to Saria who was slowly making her way toward him.

"Let's just keep going. Like you said.... we're losing daylight." Saria said as she steps past Vesryn who is standing perplexed and annoyed. He was unsure of why she seemed irritated with him, but he hated upsetting her. Despite how he acted, her opinion of him mattered to him the most. They walked in silence for a while trudging further into the forest. Ky pushed his way through an area of tall grass while the others followed behind him cutting their way through. It was apparent Ky was still being somewhat careless on their journey. Though, this time around he was making sure to keep an eye on his surroundings for he had no desire to be put in a predicament to be rescued by Vesryn, again.

Nightfall was slowly approaching putting the trio on edge. Saria dug in her bag and pulled out a small crystal-like item. She placed her hand over it and sighed as she began to release energy from her body and pour it into the crystal. Slowly, a faint light began to form in between her hands. It was dim but it was growing brighter the more she concentrated. After a moment the forest began to be illuminated by a bright light from the crystal causing the shadows to grow smaller. The trio continued walking until it was finally nightfall, and the forest began to come alive.

They could now hear the sounds of its inhabitants lurking about in the darkness. They arrived at a place that felt sacred but ominous. There were three pillars and a hole in between them. Ky was already standing before the hole peering inside. Saria went around him shaking her head as she told him to be careful. He nodded as he continued to look down in the hole trying to see if he could see anything.

"A shrine of summoning...that's not strange at all." Ky said sarcastically as he noticed Vesryn examining one of the pillars. Saria was walking past Vesryn to look at one of the other pillars. He stood there watching her when he suddenly felt his body moving forward. Ky was surprised because it felt as if he was being pushed. He tried to catch himself, but his body was already falling forward. He cursed as he descended into the dark hole.

Ky began free falling down the hole and he knew if he didn't slow himself down, he'd die on impact. Ky grunted as he waved his hands causing magic energy to form around him. He sighed as a cold chill came upon him. As he continued to fall, Saria noticed his disappearance. Her eyes widened with surprise as she slowly approached the hole with the orb of light floating overhead. She hoped the light could reach far down enough to reveal if Ky was alright. Unfortunately, her light could only illuminate but so deep into the hole. Despite her calm demeanor her hands began to tremble uncontrollably.

"Ky?" She finally managed to blurt out but there was silence. She placed her hand on her head as she sat for a moment trying to think. Vesryn sighed as he stood over the hole with a serious look on his face.

"We can portal back to a nearby city and get some supplies to head down there..." Vesryn said as he continues peering into the hole. Saria is still looking down into the hole and doesn't say anything. She began fiddling with a necklace around her neck that had the symbol of an ankh on it. Vesryn had a jealous look on his face as he knelt down beside her and placed his hand on her shoulder. "That idiot shouldn't have been standing so close to the edge, but I'll say this...he's tough and I'm sure he's alright. He can hold out for a few minutes while we get what we need." Vesryn said reassuringly as Saria is still silent as she is peering into the hole. She slowly shakes her head as she glances up at Vesryn.

"I'll wait here...what if he calls out for help? I don't want him to think we left him." She responds causing Vesryn to pull away as he tries to conceal his frustration. For a moment he stood silently looking at Saria who remained unmoving. It was clear he was frustrated by the fact she was worried about Ky who had just fell into the hole possibly plummeting to his death. He finally turns away from her as he makes a motion with his hand. Slowly a portal is forming before him. He glances over his shoulder briefly before stepping through.


Ky's eyes opened as he winced in pain. He grunted as he struggled to sit up by a sharp pain shot up his left arm. He groaned as he looked around to see himself surrounded by ice and that his arm was broken. During his fall, Ky tried to use ice magic to slow down the momentum of his fall. He managed to survive but the impact to the ground still shattered his arm. It wouldn't be unexpected if his arm was completely useless now.

Ky looked up to see a faint light overhead which appeared extremely dim and distant. Ky had no one to get back up to his comrades so he had no choice to either wait for them or find his own way out. Unfortunately, Ky wasn't going to stick around in the dark not knowing what could possibly be lurking in the shadows. He looked around trying to find the faintest of light in order to guide him. He glided his hand around on the floor feeling what felt like stone and also possibly moss or weeds. Staggering to his feet he felt pain shoot up his right leg forcing him to kneel. Grunting in pain as he struggled to stand, he yelled out loudly.

"Kyrenic?"A voice from above could be heard. Ky looked up in the direction of the faint light.

"Sa...Saria?" He yelled back hearing his voice echo as he winced in pain again from the throbbing sensation in his leg. As Ky continued looking up at the faint light, he could feel the atmosphere changing. There was this cold presence in the air. He became on edge as he looked around despite not being able to see anything.

"Are you alright, Ky? Can you see anything down there?" Saria yelled down to where Ky was. Ky realized his only way back up to her was finding another way out. He was aware that Vesryn knew spatial magic, but he was only able to create portals to places he has been or seen. As Ky stood thinking a sudden realization came upon him. He began to wonder if Vesryn pushed him into the hole for some kind of sick joke. As he continued thinking about the possibility, he became upset. He tried to shrug off his negative thoughts to focus on the situation at hand.

"Hey Saria, I'm fine but I think I'm going to have to try and find a way out on my own." Ky yelled as he began to try and feel on the wall and use it as a guide.

"No wait, stay where you are, Vesryn went to go get supplies to come down and get you." Saria replied but Ky was already moving through the darkness. He was unsure of where he was going but he'd hope that there was no more danger for him to be faced with. The fact he was told the quest would be simple now frustrated him because it was clearly a lie. Ky continued walking for what felt like at least twenty minutes before he saw light. Once he finally reached the light, he realized it was a torch that led down a hall lined with other torches. The walls were made of stone like the ground beneath his feet. There were runes all over the walls but Ky was unsure what they were for.

He then began to assume that this was the dungeon that he'd be able to find the sword. Then he slowly began to wonder if he'd even find his way out or if he'd just get into more trouble. Ky knew that if he did, then Vesryn would have another reason to chastise him. Once Ky was at the end of the hall, he found himself in a large barren room. There were three different passageways on either side of the room.

Ky sighed in annoyance as he realized he'd have to guess on which way was the right way. As he started toward the passage on the left, he saw someone emerging from the passageway on the other side of the room. His eyebrow raised in confusion when the guild that Vesryn hired emerged from another pathway. A short woman with fiery colored hair and glittery skin smiled as she stepped forward..

"Konichita Ky Watata Kokay Kuro Anat."She said as she raised her hand as a ball of fire appeared in their palm. He noticed faint particles of dust flowing around her little wings. Ky raised his eyebrow in confusion because he hadn't the slightest idea as to what she said.

"Nice to see you guys again too."Ky said, cringing by the foreign language she had just used. The fairy's name was Solara, and she was a part of the guild Vesryn hired to help him on the quest. Ky was assuming that she was using a foreign language. Ky grew up as a peasant, so he was taunted by the common language which was spoken by everyone.

"You don't speak Atrari? Geez, you really are a peasant. She said in a surprised and displeased tone. Ky shook his head slowly unsure of why she was asking about the language spoken in the kingdom of Astria. At the moment he didn't have time to question her much because he had to prepare to fight. Solara came at him in the blink of an eye and elbowed him in the face.

"I said we're here to kill you!" She yelled as he stumbled back trying to maintain his balance on his wounded leg. She waved her hand and a ball of fire appeared. In a swift motion a flurry of fire balls were thrown at him. Ky grunted in pain as he lifted his arm quickly causing ice to appear in front of him to counter her attack. Fire was easily more powerful than ice magic but if timed right one could weaken the damage of the attacks. The other three merely watched as the fairy continued her assault on John. She was laughing as flew around him throwing fire all around him. He waved his hands as ice spears and magic energy rings formed around him. Without hesitation he sent his attack toward everyone. He knew in this very moment he was in a life-or-death situation.

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Astrari language

Konichita Ky Watata Kokay Kuro Anat

Common language:

hello ky we here kill you

Sean_Xilecreators' thoughts