The King of Galbore made a promise that the hero who ends the worst war of the century will marry his daughter. He did not expect that the hero will be Prince Cassian from a foreign kingdom which he never got along with. Trying to keep the promise to upkeep his reputation, he lets the prince marry the child from his first marriage instead of his gem. What the king did not realise was that the prince knew of his scheme and he intentionally went ahead with the marriage with the forsaken princess. Moreover, Cassian has an unexpected history with Princess Isabelle. But she does not seem to remember him… Isabelle posed as her sister Adeline during the wedding and thereafter, hoping to save her father and kingdom she learns how to be a princess she should be, facing the challenges along the way and many heartbreaks.
Cassian's POV
Cassian walked into Samuel's room.
"Oh, your highness. I didn't expect you."
"Well…" Cassian walked over to the window, looking out at the courtyard. He couldn't face Samuel as he was furious at his friend.
"What brings you here?"
"I always considered you my friend, Samuel. We fought side by side. We studied side by side. We grew up side by side."
"What are your intentions regards to Isabelle?"
"Nothing unjust, if that's your concern. Not while you're married. I caught her showing the new recruit how to hold the sword and I challenged her. She truly surprised me with her skill." Samuel explained as he walked up. He knew that Cassian was on the training grounds and that he saw his interaction with Isabelle. "I offered her lunch but she refused. I've joined her for lunch in servants' quarters. Obviously, I annoyed her enough that she stormed off."
"What did you say to her?" Cassian turned around and looked at Samuel. His eyes darkened.
"I offered her my friendship."
"Friendship?" Cassian's eyes turned cold and deadly. "Don't you dare use your sweet words and empty promises on her." Cassian grabbed Samuel by the collar of his jacket. "Don't you dare try to lift your finger on her. Don't you dare try to seduce her."
"I would never." Samuel smiled. "Not while you're married."
"Are you hoping that we're not going to be?"
"It's been a month or so and she can't stand even looking at you. Your marriage isn't consummated yet. In the eyes of law, you're not married until…" the grip on Samuel's collar tightened. His cheeks turned red from the sudden struggle. "Cassian…"
"Touch her and you're dead," Cassian said through his gritted teeth letting go of Samuel.
"Look, I have been advising you on your relationship for a few weeks now. Things are hardly improving. You've said it yourself, she's not your prisoner. How long do you intend to hold onto her then?"
"I do not know."
"Also, I'm your best friend. How can you not trust me?"
"Because I've seen you seduce three women during a single ball."
"And you think Isabelle would be as easy to seduce as them?"
"I do not know," Cassian answered honestly. The image of Isabelle laughing as she fell onto Samuel's chest popped into his mind. But it was rather the moment when Samuel wiped the mud off her face and whispered to her something that made him question his intentions.
"For your information, she declined my friendship and support and she has said that she doesn't want my opinions on your marriage. Apparently, it is none of my business. And then she stormed off."
"She did?" Cassian raised his brow.
"You have nothing to worry about," Samuel said with a smile.
Cassian scowled at him and scoffed. He shook his head and walked out of Samuel's room.
He waited impatiently for the dinner with Isabelle and he was thrilled when she walked into the dining room. She was still wearing her grey dresses but Jane managed to get a hairpin in her braid, along with the necklace that she got from the market. She still looked away as she sat down at the other end of the table. But at least she was near him.
"How was your day?" Cassian asked her.
"It was good, thank you, your highness," Isabelle replied automatically. She gulped as she realised that she has not called Cassian by his name again. She didn't want to aggravate him.
"As I've mentioned, I saw you fight with Samuel."
"I'm so sorry, your highness." She said quickly. "It will not happen again."
"That's a shame. I do feel like he needs it to make his ego a bit more bearable."
Isabelle looked up at Cassian in surprise, and he smiled at her. It was progress. She looked up at him on her own accord. Even if briefly, barely a glimpse. "If you are keen on wielding a sword, I can ensure that you have the appropriate equipment and a trainer."
"It is not necessary, your highness. It is not appropriate for a princess to fight." Isabelle mumbled as she looked down, reminding herself of everything she was taught. She was failing as a princess and as a wife. She didn't do as she should have.
"Please speak up if Samuel bothers you or makes you uncomfortable."
"It is not a bother, your highness," Isabelle said but she wasn't sure at the moment. Samuel's suggestion of friendship wasn't inappropriate, but the tone of his voice and the glimmer in his eyes made it feel like there was an intentional (or unintentional) subtext to his proposal.
"I will be away for a few days to attend to some business," Cassian said with some upset in his voice. "I do hope that you will be comfortable around the castle. Matilda and Jane will be there for you so ask them if you need anything."
"I do hope it's nothing serious," Isabelle uttered with worry. "My apologies, your highness. It is, of course, none of my business." She added quickly, looking down at her hands.
"If you're interested in current affairs, don't be afraid to ask," Cassian said as he straightened out in his chair. "Ariadna, like every place, has its own problems. Due to the conflicts in neighbouring kingdoms, our big issue is keeping and monitoring the borders as we get the increased number of illegal crossings. I am going to attend a summit where we discuss our current political affairs. As much as we try to not meddle in the political affairs of the Kingdom of Herold and the kingdom of Preyina, we need to decide on appropriate actions to keep their conflict at bay. Besides, the political tension between Galbore and Valarie is quite prominent." Isabelle looked up in surprise. She had very little awareness of that. Cassian noticed it, and her quizzical look. "It's been the case for years but maybe one day it can be resolved. Although, maybe not. I do feel like it is a more personal grudge that's the real reason. King Edgar and King Constantine never really saw eye to eye." Cassian started playing with the glass of wine, running his finger on the edge of it. "My father, King Artorius, has been delegating me to attend the summits for a while now."
"King Artorius?" Isabelle repeated quietly.
"He will attend the Spring Equinox celebrations, with a few other family members. The invitations are yet to be sent out but we still have a few more weeks until it needs to be done." Cassian changed the topic. "But… I think you should meet him sooner than that."
"As you wish, your highness." Isabelle agreed although unenthusiastically, looking back down at the plate of food in front of her.
"Would you consider hosting a ball in a couple of weeks?" Cassian asked curiously.
"If you wish, your highness," Isabelle responded. Cassian stood up and walked towards her. Isabelle flinched at it thinking that he was going to have another outburst over her not saying his name, but his title of respect came much more naturally to her. She still struggled to stop the automatic response that was ingrained in her over the years.
To her surprise, he squatted on the side of the table to be at her eye level, making it almost impossible to look away from him. Isabelle swallowed the bite that she was chewing and looked at him. She was more puzzled than anxious.
"When I return, I wondered if you'd like to visit the winter cottage up in the mountains with me." Cassian offered. He contemplated it for a few days and Samuel's words pushed him to act upon it. Isabelle was his and he wasn't going to give her up.
"If you wish, your highness," Isabelle said. She closed her eyes as she realised that she did it again. Cassian watched her carefully.
"If you struggle to say my name, take your time. I do wish for you to call me by my name instead of my titles of respect but I can see that it's a struggle for you."
"I understand, your-…" Isabelle bit her tongue. "Ca-…Cassian." She stuttered.
"We can speak of the visit to the Cacumina Mundi upon my return from the summit."
"Did you know that…?" Isabelle started but then she turned all red as she went quiet.
"Go on."
"Cacumina Mundi in Latin means…"
"The top of the world." Cassian finished her sentence with a smile. "Yes. The highest peak on the continent is part of the Cacumina Mundi mountain range. That's where it gets its name from." Isabelle nodded, shyly smiling back. "Unfortunately, I must go as there's one more matter that I have to attend to tonight. Have a good evening, Adeline." Cassian said still fighting an urge to call her Isabelle. He brushed the back of her hand as he stood up, leaving her alone in the room.
He struggled to steady his breath. He barely brushed against her hand, barely felt her skin under her fingertips, and yet he barely could contain himself, he just managed to stop himself from grabbing her and embracing her.
He smiled as he thought of her finally speaking to him even if she was very reserved. He hated that he had to leave for a few days and that he was as busy as he was recently and he couldn't spend more time with her. He went off to his study to prepare the last of documents and appointments before he had to depart.