
Congregating with the royal advisor

After a long three hour lesson, Isabelle escaped Annette and walked towards Samuel's quarters on her own. She already instructed Jane and one more servant to wait for her there. As she walked down the long hallways, she saw young maids taking notice of her more than usual. She tried not to act any different, ignoring their gazes. It was the first time that she even noticed their keen interest in her. Samuel was right in thinking that Annette had maids spy on Isabelle.

Isabelle knocked on the door and as it swung open with Samuel behind, she entered his living room with a slight smile.

Isabelle sat down to have a tea with Samuel, Jane and Kirsten standing out of the earshot.

"A game of chess and a lesson on governing power of Ariadna?" Samuel offered.

"You actually have a lesson planned?" Isabelle was surprised.

"I've tried to be prepare. I've realised that I haven't taught you anything worthwhile yet."

"Then I shall I accept. Although I should warn you that I am a lousy chess player."

"I highly doubt that." Samuel smiled as he set up a game. Isabelle drank her warm tea as Samuel explained to her some of the theory on the government of the kingdom. They've awaited what was to come while trying to occupy their minds with the distractions at hand. Isabelle tried to conceal her nervousness. Samuel didn't seem worried at all as his face was gleaming with the widest grin even if he lost already a second game of chess.


It didn't take long for the word to travel to Annette that Isabelle was in Samuel's chamber unchaperoned.

Annette smiled with satisfaction, ready to act to get rid of Isabelle once and for all, taking her rightful place beside Cassian.

She walked to Cassian's study with determination and knocked on the door with confidence. She hid her smile before she walked into the room. It wouldn't be right to be smiling at this time and she knew how to hide her satisfaction well. She was a natural actress.

"Hello, Annette." Cassian answered rather coldly. His father was sat opposite him again as they spoke of some matters that Cassian needed guidance on. Straight after the welcome he looked back down at the piece of paper, completely disinterested in Annette. Annette thought that it wasn't going to be for much longer. Soon she will have all of his attention after showing that his wife was unfaithful.

"Hello, Cassian." Annette curtsied. "Your majesty." Her curtsy to the king was over the top and dramatic. Artorius looked at her with suspicion.

"What brings you here?" Cassian inquired, slightly worried about the sudden intrusion but not enough to pay proper attention to the woman with rehearsed pained face on. She still did everything perfect, resembling a porcelain doll on the best of days.

"Cassian, how can you sit here so calmly if your wife is congregating with your royal advisor?" Annette asked with her forehead creased in pretend concern. "I only came to see if you're okay."

"Congregating?" Cassian looked up at Annette from the letter at hand and furrowed his brows. He didn't understand the hint of accusation and didn't see why it was a problem that Isabelle was with Samuel.

"She's unchaperoned in his quarters!" Annette stumped her feet.

"That doesn't mean there's anything wrong, right?" Cassian asked, ready to defend Isabelle and her innocence in front of Annette. Although his insides twisted he wouldn't allow anyone tarnish her name. At least not without proper evidence but even then… his thoughts shocked him more so than the sudden claims about Isabelle thrown at him. He realised that he only wished for Isabelle to be happy. He wasn't sure how he felt if it didn't include him.

"If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself." Annette challenged him.

Cassian stared at Annette in disbelief. He used to trust her. Now, he barely did. Between how she spoke of Isabelle, Artorius' and Samuel's warnings he felt already uncertain of her. She seemed different than what he remembered from years before but also since they all grew up.

And especially Cassian did not trust her when it came to Isabelle.

"This is ridiculous. You are insinuating quite an outrageous thing. I don't see why I should entertain this whim." Cassian said sternly.

"I agree with Annette." Artorius intercepted the conversation. "Let's go and see."

Cassian was speechless as he looked at his father. Artorius gave him an encouraging nod. He was expecting that Annette was trying to put doubt in Cassian's mind and that Isabelle was innocent but the only way to prove it and end that conversation for once and for all was to see it with their own eyes.

Cassian couldn't believe that his father would condone it not realising that his father had a strong inkling that Isabelle and Samuel were not doing what Annette implied.

Cassian let out a sigh.

"Look, this is ridiculous. If your accusations are untrue, I expect your apology." He said to Annette as he stood up. He walked from his study with Annette behind him and then his father.

Cassian hesitated by the door to Samuel's quarters. He hated the thought of what he might find and he hated that he wasn't absolutely sure of what was happening on the other side.

His father stood by his side with a weak smile still resting on his lips. But Annette was seemingly too happy. Her face was radiating. For the first time ever he wondered if Annette had his best interest in heart. He wasn't sure if it was reassuring that she would pick his side so easily and betray Isabelle. But she was his friend. Maybe it was expected.

Cassian took a deep breath and momentarily closed his eyes as he reached for the door knob.

He opened the door and walked into the room without a knock or an invitation.

His eyes straight away caught Isabelle who was sat in the armchair opposite Samuel, with a cup in her hand.

"So… legislative." Isabelle stopped mid sentence and looked up in surprise. Samuel looked up much more slowly, holding some chess pawns in his hand. Cassian caught on quickly that Isabelle and Samuel weren't alone as Annette implied. Jane stood on the side of the room and there was another servant.

"Your highness." Samuel's face broke into the smile but he hasn't moved from his armchair. "If I would've expected such a company, I would have called for more tea." Samuel let out a sigh before turning to Isabelle. "I'm sorry, your highness. It seems like this is something very urgent. I am sure that we can reconvene once I attend to it."

Isabelle put the cup away and stood up, curtsying to them as she always did when she saw Cassian.

"Thank you, Sir Asselin." Isabelle bowed her head and then turned towards Cassian. "I shall excuse myself. Many apologies, your highness." Isabelle walked out of the room, bowing her head to Annette. "Your grace, your majesty majesty." She curtsied before the king.

"What was your lesson today?" Artorius enquired as he started walking with her, uninterested in what was to happen between Samuel, Cassian and Annette.

"Governing power within the kingdom. I must admit that his highness arrived at a perfect time as I was being quizzed by Sir Asselin and I have forgotten the name of the third realm of power."

"Which ones did you remember?"

"Legislative and executive. And the one I can't recall the name of is a power to prosecute the ones who break the law."

"The word that you are looking for is judiciary."

"Oh, thank you!" Isabelle smiled brightly.

"May I ask you a personal question?"

"Anything, your majesty."

"You must know that there will be no repercussions to your answer. Do you think that the duchess of Balmore is being honest?"

"In what sense, your majesty?"

"Is she someone you'd trust?"

Isabelle widened her eyes contemplating the answer and whether she should be honest.

"Unlikely, your majesty." She mumbled at last.

"What about sir Asselin?"

"Sir Asselin has been my back up within the castle. When his highness was hurt, I was put in a position that I was not prepared for. Sir Asselin guided me through the legislative nightmare and through the dark time when I wasn't sure if his highness was getting any better. He did exactly as intended for the royal advisor. I would consider him a friend but if you're suggesting anything else, then you're mistaken."

"I'm glad that he makes you feel at ease in the royal court." Artorius smiled. He noticed Isabelle go quiet as she was lost in thought. "Is something bothering you?"

"No, your majesty." Isabelle forced a smile onto her face.

"As you know, I will be departing after lunch. I appreciate the kindness you have shown me in the last few days, and the care you have provided me with. The tea, and now the ointment, seemed to ease my pain beyond anything any royal physician has previously given me. I should return within the next few weeks but I must return home to my wife who is expecting all the castle gossip. She is very eager to meet you too."

"I am so sorry to see you leaving so soon." Isabelle sounded sincere. "I am looking forward to meeting her majesty. She sounds like a wonderful person."

"I am certain that you will get along well. Lastly, I'd like to remind you that if you don't trust anyone in the castle, you have the power in here equal to my son. You can decide to send anyone away."

"I could never send her grace away. She seems to be a dear friend to his highness. I think that this decision belongs to him."

Attorius nodded.

"When did you start drinking anemone tea?" He asked again which made Isabelle particularly wary that something might be wrong.

"Oh, many years ago. I was told that it brings many health benefits."

Artorius looked at Isabelle in silence for a good moment. "Who told you that?"

"My grandfather and father."

"And you drink it every day?"

"I always did, your majesty. Is everything okay?"

"Not many people indulge in the anemone flower tea. I was just surprised.

"Oh, I see." Isabelle was surprised by this comment. "I didn't realise, your highness. If it is troubling, I will stop. But… I didn't request it when I arrived. I was given it."

"It's not a trouble, I'm sure. But it does have unusual taste and I've heard that it might be harmful."

Isabelle's eyes widened.

"I shall look into it then. Thank you for your concern, your highness."

Artorius smiled as they've walked down the hallways. Isabelle bid him goodbye near his assigned quarters before she went to the library.