
The Forsaken Luna

Kara had always wanted to be Alpha Olive's Luna. And just like a dream come true her wish was granted when it turned out that she would be betrothed to him. She has always fantasized about that day and when it finally came. Not only did her to be betrothed didn't show up, he went to keep another shewolf company. Kara was so broken when she heard it making her form an alliance with the known heartless Alpha whom everyone believes he's a devil. And now he could only help her on one condition. What do you think the condition would be?? And who is the shewolf Alpha Oliver was with??

Loveme_More · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Number 8

Kara rolled in bed for the umpteenth time, she felt uncomfortable cause the bed made her body sore.


Her stomach rumpled signifying that it WS time to feed it.

With a soft groan escaping from her mouth, she lazily got out of bed and adjusted the Yellow bonnet on her head. She wasn't sure where the kitchen would be or what she would find there but she knew for sure that it wouldn't be too hard to figure out since the house was a small one.

Stepping out of her room and pulling the door close behind her, she perceived a sweet scented aroma in the air. It smelled like food and it was coming from her left hand side.

Without much thoughts she strolled into the room and suddenly stopped in her tracks.

He was cooking. Her husband was the one cooking. An Alpha that she had heard stories about, stories that he would manhandle ladies and different sorts.

Who exactly was this Wolf? What was he really capable of?.

She wondered.

He perceived an unfamiliar scent and he turned around to see Kara staring at him, she was dressed in Creamy Pyjamas.

" Hi, you are awake." He said in his deep voice and sent her a smile.

" Hmm hmm, good morning. " She responded.

" Take a seat, I made breakfast. " He informed and pointed in the chair just some steps away from him.

You don't have to tell me twice.

She thought.

" Hmm hmm." She hummed and walked nearer to it, pulling it out and settling in it.

She watched as he played with the frying pan in his hand, throwing it up like a skilled chef. He was the first Alpha she would see in the kitchen doing the works meant for a slave. Maybe she found that disturbing but for now all she cared about was the hunger she had to suppress.

He placed a plate of toasted bread in front of her, accompanied by a cup of thick tea.

" Here you go." He muttered and served his as well.

He pulled the apron over his neck and placed it back on the hook in the corner of the room. There were several other aprons there.

" Dig in." He informed and watched her pick up the fork.

" A fork? Really? What about you try using your bare hands. Come on, it's heavenly." He said happily and smirked.

Her hand? Bare hands?.

That was something she would never try on a normal good day but Wolla she could give it a trial.

She got up to wash her hands in the basin and picked a dry cloth hanged to dry it. After that she returned to her seat and settled back in it.

She picked up the bread and took a bite.

" Waw!." She exclaimed. It was delicious, tasted different from all the toast she had ever had, tasted like Paradise.

" You like it?." He asked happily on seeing her eyes lit up. It had been a long time someone else complimented his cooking, he had missed that.

" I love it.' She replied shyly. It felt a bit awkward expressing herself to a stranger. ' Any special ingredient?. " She asked.

" Humm yes." He replied.

" Can you tell me?." She asked. She couldn't wait to blow her family's mind off with something like this. It would put them in a shock since she wasn't much of a Cook.

" It's a secret.' He responded calmly and watched her expression change. ' But I will tell you if you....if you do the dishes." He said.

" Dishes? Me?." She exclaimed.

How could she do them and stain her nails? She has only done dishes once in her life and that had been so long. How was she supposed to do it? Or start?.

" Yes. It's a price you have to pay to get me to teach you." He replied and munched on his toast. It wasn't as though he couldn't wash them himself but he just felt like she needed to do something, anything to get him to know his bride well.

" Umm okay. ' She responded. ' Is it a recipe from your mom." She asked curiously. Maybe if she knew where it was from, she could learn directly without having to move a finger.

" My Mum? Hell no!.' He replied and laughed trying to hide the sadness in his voice. He really didn't have much of a relationship with her before her death, before they took him in. ' I learnt it from Ryan, you see he is a very good cook." He added.

" Good morning Luna Kara and Alpha Wilhelm. " Ryan greeted as soon as he stepped in.

" Good morning Ryan, I was just telling Kara here about you.' He said and paused, replaying the words in his head. ' Luna Kara? Alpha Wilhelm? What is it with the formality? Did you wake on the wrong side if the bed?." He joked.

" Of course not Alpha Wilhelm. I was only doing my job." Ryan replied.

" Pfff! Stop it already, it creeps me out. You know how bad I hate being treated like that." He said, squeezing his face. He was starting to not like Ryan's expensive joke. Ryan knew how much he hated being treated like the rich kid, it was one of the reasons he had picked an escape house, to escape the whole absurdity.

" I'm afraid I made some changes. " Kara chirped in and watched Wilhelm's head turn to look at her. His eagle like eyes threatening to Peel off her skin but she didn't care anyway. It was better she made her rules now than later.

" What changes? What are you talking about?." He asked and looked them both. For a weird reason he knew for sure that she was up to no good. He wondered what she must have done or said to his Beta, the only Wolf whom had treated him like he deserved to be treated since the adoption of his new parents. No one except them and his Beta knew that he was adopted, they all had kept it a secret to help him fit in and to maintain their honor.

" He is a servant after all and should be treated in such way so I helped you put him in place." She snapped. She didn't get why he sounded so angry and pissed off.

Why was he so bothered about a servant?.

She wondered

" Put him in place? What exactly did you do?." He roared angrily, his voice causing her to shiver for a split second before composing herself.

" Nothing much. From now on he will address us in that way." She informed even though she was scared that he might hit her just like she had heard in the stories.

Maybe this Wolf wasn't as bad as he was painted. Maybe not.

" Oh no, you don't. How dare you try and run my place, my house in your own way." He yelled aloud, squeezing his palms into fists.

Who was she to try and order Ryan around? Who the hell did she think she was?.

He thought angrily.

" Point of correction, our house. I'm married to you now." She snapped. She was right after all, all that belonged to him was now hers as well. That was the way their kinds lived.

" Yea a marriage of inconvenience. I helped you out only because I pitied you." He snapped back. She was only being ungrateful even when he had helped save her face. Helped her from being humiliated further.

Maybe he should have just let her be. Maybe he should have just let her weep her life out. Maybe he should have let things lay the way they were instead of putting things in place.

" Well I never pleaded that you do it, I only suggested and you did it because you needed my help with your so called weak Wolves." She snapped angrily before she could stop herself.

Maybe that was harsh.

She thought.

" Let this be the first and last time you order Ryan around. He isn't here to serve you, he is my best friend. He belongs to me." He yelled angrily, pissed by her guts. Her boldness to confront him.

Who was she to claim things that he had worked so hard for? Claiming his house was okay but his Beta was not. Because to him, Ryan was his Father.

" He belongs to us. There is no I again Wilhelm, all there is now is us. We are one." She replied rudely, her lips twisted and her hands fondled on her waist.

" No we are not so know your place. " He replied angrily and turned around, making his way out of the room. She had missed him lose his appetite.

" Ryan in my room now." He ordered.