
Visit from the Lieutenant

The realization struck me hard, sending a burst of excitement and anxiety dancing through my soul. Astral Winds, the spell taught to me by the Ally of Fate, required two things, and now one of those was a reality. With Fable as a pattern, I could rebuild my soul to my full, heroic potential. All I needed now was a source of mana capable of sustaining the process, as well as a safe, defendable position to engage any demons the process drew. 

As Korra and I were pondering these thoughts, Fable stiffened, his ears swiveling toward the door. A moment later, there was a sharp knock, and Luxxa's voice floated through the thick oaken door. 

"Forgive the intrusion, but would you deign to join us down below? There is something we must discuss," she said.

"Be there in a sec," Korra called. She rolled her eyes and muttered in a voice too low for anyone but me to hear, "'Deign? Is that even a word?"