
Order of the Fate Hero

I clutched my staff tightly to keep my hands from shaking as the inquisitors approached. My tail, however, had no such recourse and quivered behind me in fear. Korra had been an inquisitor, yet she hadn't left any trails to connect us or lead them to me. We'd been traveling alone in the wilderness for almost a month now. Why were they here? And, more importantly, how did they find me?

"My Lady?" a voice sounded practically in my ear.

I jumped and, upon seeing it was only Orion, laid a relieved hand on my breast and took a deep breath. The veteran soldier followed my wide-eyed gaze and frowned, hand falling to his sword hilt.

"Ranks!" he bellowed, disrupting the training behind us. Then, in a quieter voice, "What the hell are they doing here? We haven't seen inquisitors for months, not since I turned away that brown-haired girl looking for you. They'd better not be the reinforcements the church promised to send."