
The Forsaken Hero

Discord: https://discord.gg/PX3xqJdZMY I closed my eyes with a sigh and let the needle slip through limp fingers. It wasn’t like anyone would miss me. They could always find someone else to beat or rape. The nothingness was a relief. At least now I have peace. Only...I don’t remember 'nothingness' having so many gods. As one of ten heroes chosen by the Divine, I was sent to another world to fend off a demon invasion. But, the gods aren’t all helpful, and treat this as a game. Waking up in the magical world of Enusia, I found myself cursed and alone, clapped in chains and despised. This world was worse, far worse than the playground I so naively left behind, filled with betrayal, pain, and death. I've heard that the brightest lights cast the longest shadows. Perhaps, in this life, I can find if that's true. I'm tired of living in the dark. It's time to find the light.

Author_of_Fate · Fantasy
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411 Chs

Depths of Integrity

"You're sorry?" I echoed duly. The word reverberated through my mind, swirling faster and faster until it plunged into my soul, igniting a spark of white-hot fury. Words bubbled up in my chest, breaking past my natural timid restraint and erupting through my lips. "Sorry? What are you sorry for? For letting Korra die? For allowing the inquisitors to defile her with their filthy hands? Korra, who called you a beloved friend to the very end…you're just going to abandon her?"

At the end of my outburst, I found myself standing, my chair cast out behind me. My tail lashed violently at my feet and my hands gripped the edge of the table hard. Levin stared at me, open-mouthed, his face pale.