

"...without the Earth Hero, they won't be able to hold on much longer. We should be able to take the city by the new moon next month. If that old lady dares show her face, I'll take action myself."

"Yes sir!"

"Good, then see that my commands are followed through. Revin, what news of Gayron?"

Slowly, I became aware of the conversation around me. Exhausted, I tried to yawn and open my eyes, only to find I had none. My soul ached and trembled, but the sensation was distant and smothered, lingering only in the back of my mind. Still, it was enough to confirm what my eyes could not. I was having a vision.

The world around me warped and blurry, like looking through a grease-stained window. I panicked, certain the confusion caused by the blade demon had followed me into my dreams, but then a new voice spoke, clear and enunciated in my ears. As the voice spoke, the world gradually began to brighten, revealing looming humanoid forms.