
The Formidable Vicario Returns

The era of Lorenzo, the devoted boyfriend, was over. Reborn from those depths was a man forged in the fires of humiliation and betrayal. A man whose sole purpose was to make Michael and those who had wronged him pay...in full.   One way or another, this city would be mine. And those who once mocked me would kneel at its feet, forced to bear witness to my ascension. **** Little did Lorenzo, now known as Vicario knew that his wish for vengeance would be granted the night he vowed retribution against those who had wronged him. After spending some years building a fearsome reputation abroad after a humiliating past from his home city, he returned to exert his rage. However, he uncovered a startling family secret his mother had kept hidden—a revelation that threatened to derail his single-minded pursuit of revenge. As he navigated this newfound truth, would the formidable figure he had become be shaken? Or would unearthing his origins only fuel the flames of his vowed retribution? Or would his descent into the darkest recesses of his past may prove to unearth more than he bargained for? In this gripping tale of one man's thirst for payback, loyalties will be tested, secrets exposed, and the depths of vengeance explored.

The_Wunderkind · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter Four

As I was returned to the cell, I reflected on my conversation with Sarah. 


"Is it really over between us? That I thought I had found an eternal love and soul mate." I shook my head.


Devastated and heartbroken, I finally decided to agree to the terms set by Michael, as long as I would be set free.


"I will make sure he pays for everything he has done to me in a hundred folds till this moment." I swore under my breath, full of determination.


I knew that I would still be ridiculed and humiliated by him—at least once—but I was determined that once I leave there, I will start working on my payback for him—for coming in between and separating me and Sarah.


I asked to see the cop who arrested me since he seemed to be on his payroll.


"Tell Michael that I'm ready to do as he said." I informed the cop.

Time slowly ticked by. As seconds become minutes, and minutes stretch into hours. Finally, when the sun was setting in the sky, the door to my cell creaked open, and I heard my name called out.


"You have a visitor."


I scoffed. "A visitor indeed."


Before leaving the cell, I heaved a huge sigh to calm my pent-up anger.


"No matter what happens, don't react. It will just be for a few moments." I whispered to myself the word of motivation.


I brushed my hair with my hand. "You can do this." 


With that, I followed the cop silently.


"He too will pay. He has to. Including all of them that have made a joke of the law that is meant to treat us equally and justly." I vowed.


Just like I had expected, we didn't head to the visiting room but to an office. 

Rage boiled within me as Michael's smug face came into view. 


Every fibre of my being yearned to lunge at him, to unleash the torrent of fury that had been simmering.

But I forcefully reined in that impulse, squeezing my eyes shut as I heaved a deep, steady breath. 


"Well, well, well..." His mocking laughter cut through the air like a whip. 

"Look what the cat dragged in."


I averted my gaze, shame burning my cheeks. Where could I even begin to form the apology being demanded of me? The mere thought made my pride recoil in agony. Yet I was utterly ensnared, a hapless prey awaiting the predator's jaws to clamp down—not to crush flesh and bone, but to shatter what tattered pride remained.


"Unlike a penniless wretch like you, my time is invaluable," he sneered, his lips curling with contempt. 

"So quickly do as you're told, and we can put this unpleasantness behind us."


Swallowing hard, I forced out the words, "I'm sorry... for foolishly striking you." 


But even as they left my lips, I silently seethed, my gaze boring into the floor.


His derisive guffaw sliced through the tension. "You call that an apology?" 


He turned to the cop with a mocking grin before whipping back, his eyes glinting with cruelty. "I know precisely what you did there."


His voice dropped to a dangerous growl as he spelled out, in excruciatingly specific detail, the humiliating utterances he expected. 


I hesitated, every shred of pride rebelling against such degradation. 


His cold stare brooked no defiance, prompting me to finally acquiesce to it. 


Sinking to my knees, I raised my imploring eyes to his towering figure.

"I'm sorry, sir, for my despicable actions. I am but a worthless, poverty-stricken fool, undeserving of a woman's affections. Please..." I choked on the words, bile burning my throat. 

"Forgive me, sir."


I bowed my head after I had ended the utterance following his instruction. 


But he was not satisfied by the way I delivered it, claiming that I said it low-spiritedly and instructing me to repeat it again, "like you mean every word of it."


I sighed and repeated it the way he wanted me to.


"Very good…" He chuckled and rose from the chair.

My eyes were still on his as he walked towards me.


"Like you said, a poor person like you does not deserve to be with a woman. Not with a woman of elegance and ethereal beauty like her. You are a fool for thinking she will be yours." He chuckled and spat on my face suddenly.


He laughed, then returned to his seat, crossing his legs.


I could not believe what had happened as my eyes remained wide for a fleeting moment before darting to the cop, who did not flinch a bit.

How could he just stand by and do nothing about such an outrageous act in his presence?


Michael then told me not to return to the company. "I don't want to see your disgusting face there anymore. I can't withstand it anymore."


But was he really expecting that I would return to the company after all that had happened? I really didn't have shame, but my pride, which has been ridiculed would not let me.


The only return that he should be expecting was my comeback to ruin his life.


I only nodded in affirmation.


"That is all. He can leave," he said, smiling disdainfully. 


As the cop rose from his seat to lead me to the counter to be released, my eyes caught his name tag on the table: Jude Wayne.


I curled my lips as I swore inwardly. "I will never forget your name."

"But to be honest..." Michael's words prompted me to turn to look at him.

"You've been living the world all this while. She is so sweet. That's the most breathtaking s*x I've ever had." He grinned.

His words pierced through my heart, driving me to do something to make him regret uttering them but I could not—I was utterly powerless.


I was immediately released at the counter and headed out of the station.


With a heavy sigh, I turned to have a sight of the station that violated my rights before walking out of there.


I didn't know where to go as I kept on wandering the streets of the bustling city of New York, my mind lost on how to avenge the humiliation I had received since the previous night.


As some people walked past me, I could notice their creased noses in disgust because of how badly I was oozing, but I paid them no mind. That was less of my concern at that moment.


After hours of walking without heading to a destination, as I passed by a restaurant, my stomach panged, reminding me that I had not eaten since the previous morning.


As I tried to fish out some bucks from my wallet, hoping that it had not been taken by the scavengers—the cops—my hand touched the ring box, triggering memories of how I had expected the previous night to turn out to be but which did not all thanks to Michael.


Like I had expected, the few bucks I had left there were not there anymore.


"Those scumbags!" My teeth clenched as I cursed under my breath.


Left with no choice, I resorted to begging for money from passersby, enduring their disgusted looks, until I managed to gather enough for a meal.

I dashed inside the restaurant to get my meal.


Fiddling with the box after I had finished eating, I realised that I had to let go of every memory I had with Sandra—at least physical ones at the moment—for me to concentrate on my new purpose. 


The cool night breeze whipped at my face as I finally arrived at the Lakeside Overlook, a popular recreational spot known for its breathtaking views of the New York City skyline, where I had decided to let go of all the memories.


Though it had taken me hours of trekking from the bustling city streets, the weariness in my legs dissipated the moment I crested the hill and beheld the panoramic vista before me.


Nestled atop a grassy knoll, the overlook provided an elevated vantage point over the glittering lake below. Across its calm, mirror-like surface, the towers in the city pierced the night sky as their myriad lights danced on the gently rippling waters, bathing the entire scene in an almost ethereal radiance.


I stood transfixed, my jaw dropping slightly as I drank in the splendour. 


All thoughts of Sarah, of Michael's cruelty, of my thirst for vengeance...for that fleeting moment, they were utterly banished from my mind. 


Drawing a deep breath of air, I moved towards a vacant bench, enjoying a view of the lake.


My fingers absently toyed the ring box.


This spot, which should have been the backdrop to our joyous celebration, would now serve as the stage for letting go.


With a heavy heart, I took a glance at the box.


Swallowing hard against the lump in my throat and steadying my resolve, I threw it into the lake. 


That marked the dawn of a new era.


The era of Lorenzo, the devoted boyfriend, was over. Reborn from those depths was a man forged in the fires of humiliation and betrayal. A man whose sole purpose was to make Michael and those who had wronged him pay...in full.


One way or another, this city would be mine. And those who once mocked me would kneel at its feet, forced to bear witness to my ascension.


Sarah was out of it. I was still convinced that she did not cheat on me voluntarily; there had to be a reason—probably she was coerced.


But I still could not dismiss the heartbroken moment in my mind.


"Life can be crazy..." I chuckled mirthlessly.

"Here I am, alone and heartbroken, when I thought my life was just beginning." I squeezed my eyes shut, agony etching lines into my features. 

"I don't know where to go from here or what to do. But I hope the universe can grant my wish this time... and this time, make it last."


Desperation clawed at my voice as I tilted my face skyward. "I know I've never believed in you, God, but if you do this for me; make my life good, make me the man I wish to become, and make those who scorned me regret it, I will be forever grateful." 


Clasping my hands together, I bowed my head as if in supplication. "Please...grant this wish. Very soon." 


With a weighty sigh, I descended the grassy slope, leaving the Lakeside Overlook and all it represented behind me. 

But my footsteps stuttered to a halt as a mournful sound reached my ears. 


Furrowing my brow, I cocked my head, straining to pinpoint the source.


"So it's not just for happy moments that people come here," I muttered, a pang of empathy lancing through me.


Curiosity guiding my steps, I followed the sound until I emerged into a small clearing. 

There, was a hunched figure standing mere yards from the precipice, overlooking the glassy waters. 


My breath caught in my throat as a realisation dawned: the man intended to leap to his death in these very waters?!


For an endless, suspenseful moment, I could neither move nor speak, paralysed by indecision. Run for help? Try to intervene myself?


But then, as if in slow motion, the man inched forward and took a step perilously close to the edge. 


"No!" The strangled cry finally burst from my lips.

As you read this chapter and related subsequent ones, please be aware that any resemblance to real individuals, places, or events is purely coincidental. Any shared names, locations, or circumstances are simply a product of imagination.

I kindly request that readers refrain from drawing connections or making associations between the fictional world and real life.

Thank you for immersing yourself in this tale, and I hope you enjoy the journey!

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