
The formidable Ms Shen

Shen Mei is the adoptive daughter of the Shen family. She was adopted before the couple had their first daughter so she later became the elder sister. To outsiders, she and her sister have the perfect relationship but in truth they despised each other. Shen Mei's younger sister tries by all means to kick out her elder sister despite the beautiful relationship she has with her parents. Shen Mei also counterattacks without mercy but has to consider how their parents would feel if they found out about their feud. An assistant to a famous business tycoon later shows up in Shen Mei's life but his identity arouses suspicion. Shen Mei's origin slowly begins to surface and her identity later leaves everyone in shock.

FierceBerry · Urban
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26 Chs

Meeting Assistant Lin

Shen Mei was distressed. She really did not think things through this time. She stomped her feet and let out a loud sigh. She did not wish to bother anyone, so she had no other choice but to catch the bus or a taxi on the roadside, but the bus stop was just too far away and taxis were not common around this area. Shen Mei whined to herself. The moment she got used to this world, she became lazy. Look at her now. She can't even walk to the bus stop.

She then suddenly remembered. She was not a pauper anymore. She can just book a taxi on her mobile phone. Just as she was about to open her purse, a magnetic voice interrupted her.

"Excuse me, Miss."

Shen Mei raised her head and looked at the tall man who was now standing in front of her. Shen Mei sized him up with a blank expression. The man wore a black business suit, black shoes, and wore a silver watch. He rocked a taper fade haircut and neatly combed his hair. He completed his look with a pair of oval semi rimless glasses. Because of the glasses, Shen Mei reached the conclusion that the person standing in front of her was an assistant or a secretary to some business tycoon. Everything that the person was wearing did not look cheap at all. After sizing him up, Shen Mei responded.

"Yes, how can I..." Shen Mei was cut off by the sound of hurried steps behind her. She turned her head and saw Butler Zhou running like his life depended on it with a file on his hands. Shen Mei's eyes followed Butler Zhou. As he got closer, she made way by stepping to the side, and she saw him bow in front of the tall man as soon as he reached.

Then she heard him say, "Assistant Lin, I'm sorry to keep you waiting. Please come in."

'I knew it. My judgment is never wrong. See? I was right. He is an assistant of someone important. Even butler Zhou has to be respectful to him. ' Shen Mei thought at the side as she watched them.

"There is no need to apologize. I just got here. And thank you for the invitation but I'll have to decline. The young master is waiting for me in the car. Maybe next time." Assistant Lin declined the invitation politely and then continued to say, "Can I please have the file, we must be in our way."

"Ah yes." Butler Zhou responded as he gave the file to Assistant Lin.

Assistant Lin took the file and swept his gaze over Shen Mei.

"And this young Miss is..."

"This is the Elder Miss of the Shen family, Shen Mei." Butler Zhou responded quickly. He forgot to make introductions because he was flustered right now.

"Oh, so it's the Elder Miss. Nice to meet you." Assistant Lin said as he revealed his perfect white teeth and smiled at Shen Mei.

That smile caused Shen Mei to be in a daze for a moment. Seeing the dazed Shen Mei, Butler Zhou cleared his throat, and she came back to her senses.

"Nice to meet you too, Assistant Lin." She also revealed her killer smile and made a small bow.

Butler Zhou was satisfied with Shen Mei's response, and Assistant Lin made a mysterious smile that went unnoticed by the pair in front of him. He then said,

"I'll be on my way then."

"Have a safe trip." Butler Zhou responded.

Assistant Lin looked at Shen Mei one more time and turned to leave. Shen Mei saw him get into a car that was parked not too far away. 'I must have been too distracted not to notice the car parked there.' Shen Mei thought as she shook her head.

After the car was out of sight, Shen Mei turned to Butler Zhou and asked, "whose assistant is he?"

"Elder Miss, his boss owns the biggest company in the country, and he is one of the most feared people in the world. That's all I can tell you. But I request you not to offend them if you meet them again in the future."

Shen Mei pouted and looked at Butler Zhou. "What do you mean by that? What are you insinuating about me?"

"Elder Miss, we both know that these days you're a little strange. If you're not sleeping, you're eating. And you've thrown all your manners out of the window. People get offended by just looking at you." Butler Zhou teased Shen Mei at the end.

"Butler Zhou!"

"Alright, don't try to act coquish with me. Weren't you on your way? Just go."

"But Butler Zhou, I don't feel like driving today, and there are no drivers today. Would you please take me to the mall?" Shen Mei held the hem of Butler Zhou's jacket and tried her luck. But Butler Zhou slightly slapped Shen Mei's hand, and she quickly retracted it.

"You've been lying around the house for days now. You've gotten fat like a pig... it's time to exercise, if you don't want to drive, you know where the bus station is. If I were you, I'd get going before the sun becomes too hot." Butler laughed and gracefully went inside the house.

"Butler Zhou!" Shen Mei stomped her feet and gritted her teeth. What kind of Butler was he? She was clearly the master and he had to obey her, but look... This is what you get for being friends with the butler.

Shen Mei pulled herself together and tucked her hair behind her ear. She took out her phone as she started walking. Ever since she came into this world, this was the first time she seriously looked at her phone. Everytime her parents wanted to talk to her, they would call the landlines at home. So she had no time to figure out how these smartphones work. She fiddled with the phone for some time, trying to book a taxi. She wished she had all of Shen Mei's memories. If she did, she wouldn't be facing such problems.

Just as she got out of the gate and took a turn on the street, she met a familiar figure.

"Miss Shen, we meet again."

Then Shen Mei saw that smile again.

Enjoy your reading =)

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