
The Forgotten Valkyrie

One night, Elara has a vivid dream about her past, a time when gods and goddesses walked among mortals, and the earth was brimming with magic. In her dream, she sees herself as a valkyrie, a warrior maiden serving Odin, guiding the souls of the bravest warriors to Valhalla. The dream feels so real that Elara wakes up with a start, a sense of longing and confusion washing over her.

Bobby_Oben · Book&Literature
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26 Chs


The following evening, as Elara prepared to open the bar, the memory of Einar and the strange occurrences from the previous night weighed heavily on her mind. She had spent hours poring over the ancient scroll he had given her, trying to decipher its cryptic symbols and directions. The more she studied it, the more certain she became that it held the key to understanding her true identity.

As the evening crowd began to fill the bar, Elara's eyes kept darting to the door, hoping to see Einar again. The regulars chatted and laughed, oblivious to the storm of thoughts swirling in her mind. Finally, as the night wore on and the bar started to quiet down, Einar appeared once more, slipping in like a shadow.

Elara felt a mix of relief and urgency as she approached him. "Einar, I need to know more. You said you were watching over me. Why me? What is my true past?"

Einar gestured for her to sit down, his expression serious. "It's time you learned the truth, Elara. I am a seer, one of the few left who can see beyond the veil of time and space. I have been tasked with guiding those like you—beings of great power and importance who have been hidden away from the world."

Elara listened intently, her heart pounding. "But why was I hidden? Why can't I remember anything?"

Einar's eyes softened with sympathy. "You were hidden to protect you from those who sought to harness your power for their own ends. The memories of your past life were sealed away to keep you safe, but the seal is weakening now because the world needs you."

He paused, allowing the weight of his words to sink in. "You were a valkyrie, Elara. One of the fiercest and most revered warriors in Odin's service. You guided the souls of fallen heroes to Valhalla and fought alongside the gods in many battles."

Elara felt a shiver run through her. "I... I remember bits and pieces. Dreams of flying, of battles, of a golden hall. But it's all so fragmented."

Einar nodded. "That's to be expected. As you embrace your true identity, the memories will come back to you more clearly. The scroll I gave you will help. It contains locations and names of others who can aid you in your journey to reclaim your powers."

Elara took a deep breath, trying to process everything. "So, this dark force you mentioned... what is it?"

"The dark force is an ancient evil, one that predates even the gods," Einar explained, his voice grave. "It has been lying dormant, but now it seeks to rise again, to plunge the world into chaos and darkness. You, Elara, are one of the few who can stop it."

A mix of fear and determination surged through Elara. "But how? I'm just a bartender now. How can I fight something so powerful?"

Einar reached out, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "You are much more than that. The power of a valkyrie lies within you. It will awaken fully as you embark on this journey. Trust in yourself and in those who will join you. You are not alone in this fight."

Elara felt a strange sense of calm wash over her. She didn't fully understand her abilities yet, but she knew she had to try. "What do I do next?"

"Follow the map," Einar instructed. "It will lead you to the places where your memories and powers are hidden. Seek out the others who remember the old ways. They will guide you and help you prepare for the battles ahead."

As Elara nodded, committing herself to the path ahead, Einar's eyes glowed with approval. "Remember, Elara, you are a valkyrie. Embrace your destiny. The world depends on it."

With that, Einar stood up to leave. "I will be watching over you, but the next steps are yours to take. Be brave, Elara."

She watched as he disappeared into the night, feeling a newfound resolve settle within her. The path before her was daunting, but for the first time, she felt a sense of clarity and purpose. She was a valkyrie, and she would reclaim her past and fight to protect the world from the looming darkness.

As the last of the patrons left and the bar grew quiet, Elara locked up and returned to her apartment. She unrolled the scroll once more, studying the first destination marked on the map. With a determined heart and a clear goal, she prepared for the journey ahead, ready to embrace her true identity and the challenges it would bring.