
The Forgotten Series: Unraveled

Phyrix isn't just your average teenage kid. All his life he's had a wild imagination and eventually everything started coming true. By the time he was reaching highschool, he started having rabbit hole dreams and nightmares about death and destruction. Then he met her, and everything unraveled. A sequence of events that could never possibly be imagined started, and this is just the beginning

TheCorner · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The Beginning

The day August 23 20xx 7:45am. It was my first day of high school, as I jump off the bus to go into the doors of the main entrance. I can hear others snarky remarks at me, over hearing them calling me names, like stinky, the retard, special ed. it wasn't anything I wasn't use to, but stung none the less. My backpack just hanging off my right shoulder as I make my way to the door.

Suddenly pushed down by a bulky guy, with blond hair blue eyes. His name was James, he was a Jock none the less. I hit the ground my bag falling to the side as one of his friends pick up my bag and scatter it across the ground. This one was John he followed James every where he went.

James "so I see you managed to pass the 8th grade? probably sympathy from the teachers since you're mentally retarded."

I start grabbing for my books not wanting to fight, trying to get my Notebooks and pencils back in my backpack. John steps on my hand as I reach for one of my pencils. "What? Is the retard scared?" I kept my head down ignoring the comment as I reach my other hand to a note book to pull it into my bag.

This seemed to have angered them a bit more, James kicked me in the side "What, the faggot thinks he can ignore us huh?" I ignore even more continuing to pull more stuff into my backpack my other hand still pinned. He goes for another kick, as i hear a girls voice yell out. "Stop it!" I look up into the direction of the voice and there I see this girl with long light brown hair blue eyes. I thought to myself who is she, I have never seen her before.

The guys scuff, John stepping off my hand. James said turning around, "You're lucky this time Phyrix, but next time you will get it." The girl runs over helping me with my books as i cant stop staring at her. she looked so enchanting at the time. "Those boys are really rude, but why didn't you fight back i know you can handle them." I open my mouth trying to speak. nothing comes out, as she gets closer and says under her breath "I know who you are..."

The rest of what she was say gets drowned out as my alarm goes off. I wake up from my dream, thinking to myself. Not another one of those dreams. I yawn and stretch a little trying to think who the girl was as her image starts to fade from my memory. Not being able to remember completely but the sound of her voice I decide to get ready for school. This time I purposely miss the bus calling my Grandma up telling her I missed the bus.

This time I enter through the office side doors and head into the office to get my class schedule. The date August 23, 20XX 8:15 am. I head to my First class of the day, which is homeroom, paying attention to my surroundings just in case.

I make it to my homeroom class room just down the right corridor where the office was. Open the door and look inside as I see everyone talking to each other sitting in the seats they feel most comfortable. I choose a seat in the way back not wanting to be noticed. James and John were at the front of the classroom talking with a few girls flirting like always. My so called friends at the window seat talking with each other. I call them so called because they don't really talk to me anymore since my sister spread a rumor about me.

At the other side there were the preppy girls they always love to gossip. They also like to pick on me and tease me as well. Sometimes they would come over and pretend to ask me out to get a reaction out of me, then tell me that they were kidding," Who would date someone as disgusting as you?" I did have one friend that sat next to me as well. He loved superheroes like the famous Steelman. Ok not like he loved him. Steelman was his Favorite hero. His name was Greg, he enjoyed talking to me about it a lot. He says,

"Hey man how was your summer, I didn't get to see you that much."

I replied, "Just fine actually watched a lot of tv, Played a few games, and stayed inside mostly."

"That's Awesome man the new season of Middleville came out so I've been busy watching that." Greg replies.

I look at him with a smile, "Yeah I heard its been pretty good. I guess you're happy your favorite superhero got an origin story series."

He lets out a big open smile "Yeah he's getting the recognition he deserves"

This went on for awhile till the first bell rang. Our homeroom teacher quiets us down as he tries telling us the rules of the school and what to expect. How homeroom will be everyday 3rd period not 1st like it was today. The schedules we got showed it on there, but it didn't show third period it showed homeroom period with third following. I guess its just away to get us to remember when to get to homeroom. He goes on with telling us that homeroom is about preparing for future events that will happen later on in the year.

I think to myself great school activities. I didn't really much like being social with everybody else anymore so this was a dreadful thing for me to hear. He continues on telling use more an more till the bell rang. It was finally time for first period to actually start.

I head to my locker to put my bag away and grab a few notebooks out of it. My locker was on the first floor and my first period class was on the second, so I needed to hurry. I made it to my locker to get my stuff inside, shutting it with just a notebook and pencil ready for the next class, as I thought to myself I know I'm just getting packets today, but it's always good to be safe than sorry.

I head for the stairs where James and John were as I try to sneak by. They ended up noticing me walking over and pushed my notebooks out of my hand. "I see you made it here" James said with a cocked voice. I pick up my notebook and pencils and start moving up the stairs, as they laugh at me while saying, "Fucking faggot scared."

Shrugging it off i make it up the stairs to my first class, math. This was one of my favorite subjects. I get ready for class as the teacher walks in and introduces himself to us. He then proceeded to tell us that this class was more of a review then anything else. My attention drifted as I thought to myself great, easy math Losing interest quickly I start dazing off day dreaming, all the sudden the bell rang. Class was over before I even realized it, getting up grabbing the papers left on my desk. I hurry down to my locker to put it away. Heading to my next class.

The whole day was like this until lunch hit, during my fourth period, which was my study hall, luckily I got to eat second block. Unfortunately I wasn't the only one. James and John were just ahead of me already getting their food. I start thinking to myself how do I avoid these guys? I thought of a few ways to avoid them, but realized no matter what i do they will notice me.

So I trudge through the line hoping that they don't notice me. Grabbed my tray as I get my food onto it. Today was pizza, one of my favorites. I move out of line using my school id to pay for my lunch. I start walking forward looking for an empty spot at the tables. There I found one, but it wasn't just an empty spot it was an empty table. I made a bee line to the table and sat down. the other good thing about today was that cookies were on the menu as well.

I finally get settled into my seat and start aiming to eat my food. Suddenly I hear a bang at my tables edge. Greg apparently had the same lunch as me. He scared the living daylights out of me. I was thinking it was James and John again. Following suit were a few other people that didn't mind sitting with me.

"Well it looks like we have secured our table for now on." Greg says with a smile.

"Yeah and its all thanks to Phyrix great job" Jesse says. He was a stocky fellow, with glasses, he is a pretty good guy.

"I cant believe we actually get this table to ourselves, and no one else." Julie said. She was a petite girl and enjoyed messing with me.

"well it was the only table available honestly" Joe says, with him being a small guy

"i think we are just lucky we have the same lunch period this semester." I smile for my good fortune.

It looked like I was safe for lunch for the first half of the year. my food was going to be mine for once. As Julie Takes my cookie off my tray. "Hey that's my cookie." I look in dismay.

Julie looks back and says, "actually you owe me a cookie from last year when I couldn't eat anymore. I said you could take it as long as your next one was mine." I sigh real quick remembering the situation.

"Damit I thought you had forgotten." I said.

"Me? No especially not when it comes to a future cookie."

Through Lunch we all enjoyed ourselves and headed back to class. This time with no real event happening. Period by period go by. The end of the day is here, and I head to the bus to get back home.