
The Forgotten Series: Unraveled

Phyrix isn't just your average teenage kid. All his life he's had a wild imagination and eventually everything started coming true. By the time he was reaching highschool, he started having rabbit hole dreams and nightmares about death and destruction. Then he met her, and everything unraveled. A sequence of events that could never possibly be imagined started, and this is just the beginning

TheCorner · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Julies Diary

Dear Diary,

Today was a fun day, honestly my Dear Diary The teachers were so nice, My fellow students all wanted my help. It is kind of weird on how these turn of events had started happening though.

Not to long ago I was getting teased and bullied about how smart I was. It made me feel like I just didn't belong. The only person I had that understood what I was going through was my big brother Phyrix.

I'm so glad I have such a great big brother! He build back up my confidents and everything's. I do worry about him though since he gets bullied all the time. I know its because of our other sister . Sometimes she can be just so mean.

I mean I know she knows Phyrix Doesn't have a Perk so why does she torment him so. Her Gift of the gab could turn anyone against people. I guess there isn't much I can do about it though.

It does seem though that my brother does seem to trudge through it fairly well. I guess that's why he is so good at giving me grade A advice. I just find it sad that he cant seem to do it for himself.

He has been having these weird dreams though as of recent, but the problem is I cant tell if they are just dreams or if he actually has a perk. Since every event he talks about he seems to avoid with out a problem.

There is no control for actually saying if he has foresight or not. I do know though that Uncle Porter did say he doesn't have any trace of a Perk, but a sister could have hope for her poor big Brother.

I guess my perk isn't much to show off though since it is just intelligent. Its almost bothersome at times, but at times I feel like I just want to be normal like my brother so I'm not keeping such big secret from him. I don't like keeping these things from my brother since he is been so great to me.

I honestly cant wait till this Friday though, me and my brother are suppose to watch a few new episode of our favorite anime's. I always enjoy spending time with him but I do notice his want to spend more time with father. I guess he will be getting that this Saturday.

The only problem with that though is that is the meeting day for the top perk members of our family. To discuss how thing will start to be carried out to keep our secret counseled. Well that's what they are suppose to talk about but sometimes it ends up bringing in a new perk user of the family and explaining the situation at hand, and how we need to keep our powers hidden from the world.

This is to ultimately save us from experimentations from our government and protect us from groups that wish to harm us. I guess that is a down side to having these perks. To live in constant hiding. Big brother told me that I shouldn't hide my intelligence though and I should embraces the path that was chosen for me. He expects so much from me. it makes so so happy I'm kind of giddy writing this part.

I guess that may be the reason I've been using my intellect more at school then less like I was for a while. I am so proud of my brother though he said a girl saved him in his last dream I'm hoping that this one does come true. My brother could use someone like that in his life.

I mean I'm just his little sister, I cant do much about it or even help with the situation he is in at hand. My intellect only goes so far. Plus I'm told it takes a lot of work to masters ones perk.

I find it weird though how do you master intellect what gains to I get from doing such a thing. Do I gain a hyper intellect or what or is this perk just really useless in terms of its prowess.

I guess only time would tell. It does make me impatient though to wait so long for my own ability to show me what it is really good for.

I guess I do get to remember everything that happens to me and have an understanding of everything I work with or on. on top of that I can process info really quickly as well. But my curiosity hits on where that hits on the human scale of things, can a normal human do what I do as well with out a perk, controlling the cognitive portion of there brain or do only perk users have the ability to do these thing.

If that's the case am I on the low end of my perk or the high end. These are the things I worry about the most. I guess grandma Mary did say mine and Julies perks would go greatly unnoticed in this day and age.

She did want to emphasize on the fact that even though it would go unnoticed I should be just as careful as any other perk user about my abilities. I guess I'm still curious on how to act of average intellect and if I'm doing well on the fact.

I mean I mainly wright in you to at least make it look like I'm a normal intellect girl with my friends. They always want to read you to but I guess its a good thing I write in invisible ink then.

This is mainly so I can vent out my frustrations in the end. and I wish I could be more open about my abilities as well.

So frustrating!

I know I'm all over the place in this one but I guess I just have so much to talk about.

But back to the beginning of what I was saying since I've gotten older and made more friends now my situation seems to have gotten so much better. My brother was right in time it would get easier and if I just push forward all will be well.

I Do love my brother and I wish I could be more open to him about everything I want to tell him.

Anyways I think that will be all for this entry since the final bell just wrung.

Thank you My Diary for letting me vent a bit today.