
The Forgotten Scars of Cherry Hill

You wouldn't believe a Preacher capable of extreme violence. You wouldn't believe a small business owner to have such frivolous connections, and you wouldn't expect a black pilot high above the neon light streets of a cyberpunk city, let alone keeping a WW2 Legacy alive. You wouldn't expect a showgirl to give our prayer requests either. All of these people wouldn't normally connect or even run in the same circles, but when a tyrannical corporation decides to seize control of the world, It'll take a crack team in this Dystopian-Cyberpunk Indiana Jones world of theirs to stop this corporation.

Ghost_of_Ottawa · Sci-fi
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8 Chs

The Day Fire Rained From The Heavens

As the new 48 hours played out, everyone had gathered at Tuskegee Field when it happened. An air armada unlike anything ever seen before broke the skies into a rain of fire. The Zeppelin hovered over Tuskegee Field, the well dressed man stood at the helm of the airship. 

Sir, should we take the field?

No, I will be going there... Alone.


Just stay out of my way.

The man seemed to glitch from the airship to the tarmac. Earhart had just started the P-51 Mustang and Simms had loaded up everyone into the Tri-Motor Ford.

Going somewhere?

Who are you?

The man lifted his cane and fired a rocket into the hangar just beyond the P-51. I said DO NOT DISAPPOINT ME TUSKEGEE MAN!

RR..... Earhart sealed the canopy and rushed after the Tri-Motor Ford. 

So the chase has begun. All units, burn the two cities, I will be chasing something far more... Valuable. 

RR glitched once more, reappearing at the controls of the Zeppelin. He began chasing after the two airplanes. 


Maybe RR? Maybe someone else? Get Earhart on the radio!

Earhart, this is Simms, do you copy? 

I copy, what do you need?

I need air cover! Seems this jackass isn't letting us run. He's hot on our heels!

Wilco, moving into escort envelope. 

As the P-51 slides in beside the Tri-Motor, the Zeppelin comes fully into view. Rather than propellers, it had jet engines propelling it forwards. Unguided rockets whizzed past the two planes as they tried to outrun the zeppelin. However, the Zeppelin was right about them. Claws snatched the planes out of the air and brought them aboard, leaving both the people and the planes unharmed.

As they were forced to shut off the engines, the strange and mysterious man met them on the flight deck.

Is that?

Before I formally introduce myself... ENSIGN! Turn this Zeppelin around! I have one last thing to show them. Now, all of you follow me.

The Mysterious Man marched up to the helm, as he did, his cane's thudding against the metal walkways sent shivers down their spines. As they reached the helm, they saw Marawa in flames, everything except a few key locations. 

Do you have any idea who I am?

We have a few ideas, but why don't you tell us?

Gladly. The Mysterious Man smirked devilishly before opening fire upon Tuskegee Field, the other shops, the partridge, and more. Looks of horror crossed their faces as the man turned around to introduce himself. Ladies and Gentlemen of the Tuskegee Field district, I am Richard Richardson, better known as International Dick around the globe, and to everyone of my characters, I am the Human Collector. It is incredible to meet new characters this early.

Why the hell do you refer to us as "characters"? We're not your....

Richardson slams his cane down onto the helm's metal floor. Careful Simms, you are a cookie cutter soldier, not worth my time. Earhart, Sensei Light, Reverend Psalms, and Showgirl Matilda. They are going to be my "characters" as you say. You are not a character, you are a problem in my perfect world. Men, take aim at the .... Extras. 

Now hold on Mr. Richardson. There is no need to kill them. 

Oh? The Tuskegee man speaks. Why shouldn't I kill them. 

You need us for something, just as we need them. Nobody else here other than me can fly that Tri-Motor. 

True. Tell you what, I'll make you a deal. Be my characters and they live. Refuse and they die.

The others all looked an nodded. You have a deal Richardson. 

EXCELLENT! Ensign, set course for home. Guards, see our guests to their planes. Nobody leaves the airship till I say. 

Richardson turned around as stared out the window plotting his next move as the group was escorted back to their planes, unaware of what was to come.