
The forgotten prophecy

The sound of thunder rang through the night. Clouds slowly covering the Persian blue sky like a blanket. Night had fallen. In about forty-six seconds the full impact of the brewing storm would reach her. She could already feel the raindrops hitting her bare arms falling to the tempo of her beating heart.  She was used to this by now. She counted the twelve steps that would take her to the front door of the all so familiar house she would see every single night she dared sleep. She crossed the threshold and was instantly hit by a wave of warmth; she shrugged of her sleeveless jacket before crossing the small distance between her and the kitchen where her coffee was already brewing. In the amount of time she had visited there, she never saw who occupied the house. She was like a visitor, a trespasser. Every night for as long as she could remember she would fall asleep and wake up in this same old routine. She had no control of what she did in this place that set her nerves on edge every time she visited this awful place. She grabbed her coffee and walked out of the kitchen, through the corridor that seemed to stretch out for miles and into her room. Instinctively her head jerked to the right, where engraved on the wall was the most intricate symbol she had ever seen. A triangle stood proud amidst a thrall of ancient if not forgotten texts. Ruins ran around the perimeter of the circle and flowed into the little space in the circle left. She knew she had seen the texts somewhere, the knowledge niggling at the back of her mind yet staying out of her grasp. Her fingers followed the lines glowing like fire trails. She always did this, it seemed to calm every single one of her nerves right before the dream would finish. She waited for the all too familiar buzzing sensation that would occur seconds before the scene would fade. Nothing happened. Everything was still, the air became thick with tension but nothing moved. For the first time ever, she felt scared. Her eyes widened as she realized that something was off. Nothing had ever changed, it had been the exact same since she was no more than a small bundle of baby. So why would something changed. Her head jerked round as she scanned the room for anything off, anything dangerous. Her eyes were instantly drawn to the window like a magnet. She didn't bare blink as she waited with bated breath. Something was coming, she could feel it. Her whole body was buzzing with the anticipation. Slowly but surely something started to emerge from the blanket that shrouded the room. She felt a chill run down her spine as she realized with growing horror that they were a set of deep blood thirsty eyes. Eyes that meant danger. Eyes that looked at her with such intensity, that they left no doubt of the message they conveyed. It was coming for her.                                                                     Before her brain could register what was happening, her mouth was already open and she was screaming at the top of her lungs. With a giant crack, the glass shattered and she was engulfed in the darkness once more.

Pia_Adam_7734 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 10

So Alex told her. She told her every single thing she could remember that he said and her mother sat there and listened. Alex didn't even care that everyone was listening, she just wanted to get answers and now that her mum was here, she knew that her mother was the best chance she had if she wanted to get to the bottom of the mystery that had become her life, or even survive through it.

"Wow," she finally said once Alex had finished. That was all she said for what seemed ages, "Wow."

"Anything more helpful than 'wow' maybe," Alex urged. She never was one with patience.

"Well, no, your dad more or else covered everything, he knew more than me but from what I do know he told you already," she confessed, "The rest is in the Crolonian."

"That's it, nothing more?" She asked crestfallen.

"Well, the rest you'll find out by yourself," She smiled, "Let's just say, you better keep a cap on that temper of yours."

"I do not have a temper," Alex argued, what did she mean?, the rest I'll find out by herself.

"What you find out could save you or destroy you, we do not know," Martha added as she too smiled. The only other person that was as confused as her was Sam.

"What are you on about?" he asked.

"Do you know what the difference between Angels and humans are?" Max asked, "Apart from our superior intelligence."

"You have wings?" she guessed but got ignored.

"We have a more complex Brain structure than the average person," He explained, "The cerebrum sector of our brain is highly developed. However not everyone is as developed as each other. For example, Martha has the most developed Occipital Lobe, which is associated with visual processing."

"Which is why I'm a psychic," Martha added, "However, everything else is average."

"Oh, so you tend to have supernatural abilities," Alex guessed.

"No, not most of us, that is very rare and is mostly found in Dark Angels because their bodies have more resistance."

"More resistance?" Sam asked in amusement.

"Yes, to be able to harness such powers, more or less all sections of your brain half to be highly developed or it'll just drain you from your mana ," Martha explained.

"So what about me?" She asked as she tried to comprehend this, "I'm half of both, right?"

"Well yes, but yours is a very special case, you're the first to actually live this long." Max said. Martha instantly jabbed him in his stomach.

"What do you mean, the first to actually live this long," Alex asked as she locked onto what Max had just said. It was obvious she wasn't supposed to know that. It was the key that she needed, and now that she had it, it unlocked several questions.

"Why am I being protected if I'm an abomination?" she asked.

"Well if we didn't protect you, the Dark Angels could use you," Max replied, ignoring Martha's and my mums glares. She could actually learn to tolerate him if he kept talking so freely.

"So why don't you just kill me, wouldn't that solve everything?" she asked, the seed of suspicion had been planted.

"Well..." Max seemed suddenly uncomfortable.

"They tried," Her mum said, "But they failed.

"Wait- hang on a moment," Alex cried as panic took over and she backed away from the group of people in the room, "I'm being hunted by both sides. Why wasn't I told of this?"

"Because they failed," her mum said reassuringly, "Angels can't destroy Angels without any crime, even if they are part Dark."

"Good." she said as relief washed over her

"Anyway, now that we've got that out the way, we might as well think up your extra Lesson router for the next month or so.," Martha said. "She should be able to stay over here at least twice a week,"

"Wait-what?" Alex asked alarmed. She had heard the words extra lessons and month and everything else was forgotten." I don't need extra lessons."

"You need all the extra lessons you can get hold of," Max sneered, "You're seriously thick." She sent him her most deadly death glare secretly hoping something would drop on his head. Unfortunately her prayers were futile. She could not wait till they leave; she couldn't stand being in the same room as him for more than necessary. That was when she remembered what Martha had added.

"Wait a moment! Why do I have to stay here? I like my house," she cried, "Its Max free!"

"I was going to ask that, except in a more polite manner," her mum said as she gave her a disapproving look.

"Well, Alexis will have to be under constant supervision because she has already come close to being taken," Martha explained, "Twice. So it only makes sense that she stays over here sometimes too, especially the days were your working night shift."

"Do I not get a say in this?" she asked in disbelief, her life was getting planned out for her and she wasn't allowed a say in sideways. "I mean Sam will be with me 24/7 anyway, Emma as well."

"Well yes, but we need someone who is able to stop them if they seriously decide to attack," Max said, "And a sewer rat isn't really that helpful."

"Max, is right, not about the sewer rat but the need of someone able to stop you getting hurt if they decide to attack," Martha explained, "Which is why Max will be with you, Max and Sam, One to protect one to drag you from Danger."

"And from what I've picked up in the short time I've been around you teens, I don't think Max and Alex alone will end up good," her mum added. She didn't like Max anymore that Alex.

"I am not going to be stuck around this idiot for a month, no way," Max protested, "It could seriously decrease my IQ"

"Max!" Martha said sharply before turning back to Alex, "Whenever your mums working overnight, you will be staying over here but try and not to stray from Sam and Max that means you have to start bonding."

"How?" Sam asked, "In case you haven't noticed we don't get on, and no matter how much we bond there's no guarantee that this little miss will tell us anything."

"Well excuse me for caring about your feelings," she muttered.

"Not telling me something important is not caring about my feelings, it just leaves me worried incase it's something big because I'm finding it hard to believe everything you tell me now, so why don't you just tell-"Sam began. Alex stood and marched out of the sitting room and into the restroom then. She knew what Sam said was true but she couldn't help it, the fact that he has to give up so many things for her safety was not doing anything for her conscious. She sprayed water on her face. She guessed the only thing that could solve this was if she could remember any kind of detail that would prove valuable.

"Alison, Alexis, Alison...your mine...comes...out..."

Alex turned around looking for the kid but no one was there. However, she could feel him close, really close. She turned back around slowly and standing a meter from her was the kid and in his hand was a machine of some kind. All she knew was that it was trouble. She turned around and bolted out of the room screaming at the top of her lungs. She turned the corner and collided with Sam and Max.

"What is it now-"Max began but got cut short when a bullet shot past his shoulder, "Crap!"

Their parents were by now out of the sitting room and were opening the door. They struggled to dodge the bullets being blasted at them as they bolted out of the door. All five of them turned the corner and bolted towards the cathedral.

"We need you three to do us a big favor," her mum shouted as she ran behind them "Don't get killed."

"What do you think we're trying to do?" Alex cried, "Use your brain women!"

"Don't talk smack to me Alex!" she scolded as they ran into the hall. That was when she realized Martha was holding the Crolonian, she quickly wrapped it around in a grey cloth and shoved it into Sam's arm. She searched her pocket and handed Max her purse and gave a small nod.

"What's all this for," Alex asked suddenly worried.

"We're going to send you to the Angel world by opening a door. Inside the purse is a tracking ring that one of you should wear so that when the coast is clear we can come get you." her mum explained as she took off her necklace, "This is for you Alex. Never take this off and please try to keep your symbol hidden, okay, no one should know of it."

"Why, what about you two?" Max asked, he was as panicked as Alex but he got ignored as Martha and her mum said some mumbo jumbo that opened a rip in the atmosphere. They shoved them towards it just as the door got blew off its hinges and the kid came in. It had gathered accomplices. Max climbed through followed by Sam who grabbed Alex's hand and pulled her with him.

"Now stay out of trouble, will you," her mum cried. The last thing Alex saw was the kid fire the gun in her mum's direction.

"MUUUMMMM!" She screamed as she was pulled through the portal.

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