
The Forgotten Princess

Alicia Rosalyn Von Heist is the youngest daughter of King Edward of Alvannia. She is an illegitimate child born from a maid in the castle her father has fancied. After her mother died when she was young her father took her home and ‘adopted’ her. Because of her low birth and illegitimacy she was neglected by her father the king and bullied by her stepmother the queen and her step-siblings. When she was 16 years old a war broke out with the neighboring country of Grandcrest. The war lasted for two long years and the two countries have made a truce at the end. The Grandcest empire demanded a princess to be married to the young king. It is said that the king of Grandcrest specifically asked for the hand of Alicia. Alicia was 18 years old when she was sent to Grandcrest as the fiancee of the young king who was said to be a cold blooded evil tyrant, King Regaleon of the Grandcrest empire. Note: Cover photo from Pinterest.

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Some Peaceful Time (1)

"Lately, there is a bandit group on the rise. They were notorious is robbing and stealing, not only those wealthy travelers but also these isolated villages." Brad said.

"That is horrible." I said with astonished voice.

"Not only that, it is said that they kidnap small children from the said villages and also rapes their women." Brad said with an angry expression. "These low lives should not be allowed to live."

I agreed with Brad's words. I am happy that Jack's Crimson Mercenaries are helping these people in need only asking for a low price in return. At least this village can be kept safe while they are around.

'These bandits need to be caught.' I thought.

These parts of the woods are still under Alvannian territory. I am thinking of sending Richard a letter to address this issue. I am sure that he can do something to make sure that our citizens can be safe and have these bad people caught.