
Chapter 288

Zayne laid on his side, watching Rose sleep peacefully. He didn't know how many hours had gone by since he had returned and they had made up for lost time. He couldn't force himself to sleep even though he needed the rest and instead watched Rose. 

He might sleep and wake up back on the ship waiting to return home. If this was a dream, he wanted to stay in it to enjoy being with Rose. 

Zayne placed his hand on her back to keep her close against him. She was calm earlier but in the morning he knew she would be a wreck when her maid had to come to dress her. It would be a show he didn't want to miss. 

While he liked that Rose worried for him, Zayne didn't want to put her through this again. He had given all his life to the kingdom and now it wasn't just about him anymore. There were a lot of risks with each outing.