
Chapter 249

Late in the evening, Catherine arrived at the palace to see her son. She had much to talk about after what she witnessed at Zayne's home and by now Gage must have heard the gossip of his brother returning with a woman.

Before Gage heard the wrong story, Catherine was here to tell him what she saw. They had much to celebrate. After seeing the couple interact, she was certain Zayne had fallen in love. 

Catherine hurried to the throne room where Gage had to be speaking with men from the court. She needed to pull him away from them before they started to plan where to send Zayne next for another victory.

"Announce me," Catherine told the guards standing outside.

The doors opened for Catherine to enter and her name was announced to end whoever Gage was speaking to.

Catherine stumbled upon two soldiers speaking to Gage. "I need to speak to the king alone."