
Chapter 151

Anna watched as her aunts told Rose stories about their cousins. Rose's ears might be sore by the end of the night because of how much the aunts liked to talk. 

Anna couldn't enjoy the moment as something lingered in her mind. "Grandmother, do you not like Rose? You didn't hold her hand."

"I need a moment to get used to all of this but I do not dislike your sister. How did you take it when she came here?" Valerie questioned, knowing Anna would give her the truth.

"I was brought home because Rose was here. I don't know what happened when she first arrived. Mother must have been crying when she saw Rose. She doesn't like to leave Rose's side for long which makes it odd that she is not here. Did something happen?" Anna asked, concerned for her mother. 

Anna had noticed the tension between her mother and grandmother but never thought it was her place to ask about it.