
The Forgotten Monarch.

Enzo was your typical run-of-the-mill child that lives in a rural village, the only outstanding point was that he is cuter than children his age and seemed to be smarter. One day Enzo dreamt of four women that had kingdom toppling beauty, from then on he would dream about them everyday, until one day he heard a sound. From then on his hectic life began. From finding he's on his third life to finding out that his parents are one of the strongest beings. Follow Enzo as he uncovers the secrets of his first life and in finding his wives. Who knows he might add more members to his harem along the way. /////////////////////// I do not own the art , and if the artist wants to take it down or credit him, contact me.

FreezeTDE · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

'Easy' Training (2)

"No no of course not dear. You won't be training with weapons or fighting styles anytime soon. You will do that after you've built your foundation. That way your every move will be infused with Qi."

"Now enough rest and let's start. You're gonna run from that tree to that tree until I say stop, after that you're going to..." With that Celine kept training Enzo till sunset.

'huff, that was tiring. If I train like that everyday I could compete with world renowned athletes back on Earth. ~Heh~who am I kidding, I may never return back there. Man I miss my little sister and her adorable little smile. I hope she finds my diary and I get to see her again.'

Enzo was feeling melancholic, he was saddened by the fact that to his family he is dead and if they find his diary, the only one who might believe him is his sister. Yes he achieved his dream of going to another world, but at what cost. If he had to do it all over again, he would still choose the same choices except that he will start searching for a way to another world earlier, that way he may have a higher chance of going to another world with his family.

The days passed as Enzo kept training and then came the awaited day. The day he would finally build a core. The day he officially embarks on the road to immortality.

"Enzo Enzo Enzo, look what I got. I got the pill that will enable you to finally cultivate. Here, eat it."

"Wait wait slow down, we still have to tell him what to expect and how to absorb the maximum amount out of it. Or what did you want to waste the pill we waited weeks for?" Replied Victor with a semi angry voice. This time he had to show her that he was angry, but not to the point of yelling at her, he knew that she wouldn't retort him or get angry at him as she knew that it was related to their son's future.

"Okay okay sorry, I wasn't gonna give it to him actually, I of course knew how important it is." The reason why the pill took that long to be made was because of the time that it takes to be made and that the ingredients to make it were hard to find.

"Okay, now when you're gonna take this pill you will experience pain, terrible pain all over your body with the training you've done these past few days it will not be as terrible as it should be, but it will still be very painful, especially for your mind and brain, they will feel like splitting, try to hold in your screams as much as you can and circulate the energy you feel in your body, the more you circulate around your body, the better your core will be. Also, depending on your talent you will reach a higher cultivation level. The core you form are ranked according to their color from low to high they're; white, red, yellow, blue, violet, silver and finally gold being the best. Don't worry, nobody has had a silver core for a loooooong time. Just do your best and we will support you the best we can."

"Well, except for your sisters, of course." A soft mutter came out from Celine that only Victor heard as he was standing right beside her.

"Here, take it all in one go and remember to hold in the pain and circulate the energy." Taking the pill from Victor's hand, he took a deep breath and steeled his mind and swallowed it directly without chewing it for fear of it losing any efficiency.

Enzo immediately sat in a lotus position the moment he started feeling something and did as his parents told him. As he was circulating the energy he heard the sound of the system, but ignored it as he wanted to concentrate fully.

*Groan* Enzo gritted his teeth, his body was oozing out a black, sticky liquid. His brain felt like exploding. Everyday bone and inch of his body were breaking and reconstructing with every second passing.

The pain continued for what seemed like an eternity, Enzo felt like dying most of the time, but he steeled his will and held in the pain. One of the things that made him hold on was his sister, the little hope he has of seeing her again, another thing was his journey, he was excited about his future and what will become of him.

*hah hah hah*

Enzo breathed out in exhaustion.

"It's black" muttered Enzo before passing out.

"Black? Have you ever heard of a black one? Well who cares if we never heard of it then it's probably even better than gold. Also the fact that he instantly became a peak inner stage cultivator, something that I've never heard of before. Even his sisters only reached the foundation building. The most important factor is of course our genes, having two of the strongest beings as your parents will guarantee you a top notch core.~~hehe."

"Well now we're going to start giving him the highest cultivation techniques we have to nurture him better and we'll have to teach him more about the other worlds and universes out there."

"Of course we will still keep our true identities hidden, he still hasn't seen the world. We'll start by training him the basics, I've promised him that and I will keep my promise. After that we'll see what he wants to do, but after he's taught the basics we need to take him to a place that has a higher Qi density."

"Okay then, it's decided. Before all that we wait for him to wake up. For his sisters it took days and he reached an even higher level than them so who knows when he will wake up."

"Yeah, I will wait for him here while you go and hunt some beasts with a high cultivation level so I can make it for him to eat."

"Sure, anything else?"

"For now, I don't need anything else." Replied Celine before giving Victor a kiss on the lips.