
1000 hours to save the world

In the pursuit of her adventure Megan will not be alone, however. She will have as a companion her greatest creation, the artificial intelligence TANYA.

"TANYA, if we calculate how long do I have to find a solution"

"If we do the math there are 41 days left before the entire human species disappears"

Megan by storing her things in her bag them then a moment of hesitation

"TANYA if we make a detour to Paris how much time will we waste."

"4 days"

Megan with an expression of regret took opened the locket in which was a picture of a young girl.

"It looks like this year I'm not going to be able to come to see you either, I'm really bad my promises not true"

She then closed her medallions, put her bag on her shoulders and took out a brick.

"Once bricking touches the ground I won't be able to go back. I would find a solution. "

Why Megan sets fire to her house may be that some are wondering. The reason and the simplest possible. She is afraid, afraid of not going to the end if she has a place to go back.

"Megan the itinerary is it always the same"

"Yes does not change anything. It doesn't matter what happens. We cannot afford the luxury of making detours. Time does not leave us the luxury."

"Okay Megan"

"On TANYA transform you"

TANYA then had a transformation process from woman to motorcycle.It is for her that Megan is so proud of her creation. At a time when robots are common money she created her own motorcycle / artificial robot.

"it's off to Italy"