

3 Years Ago

Lexi knew that she had been irresponsible. She knew that she was in a predicament of her own making. The only thing she regretted was not confessing to the love of her life and not putting in an effort to make him realize the importance he had in her life. They say that your life passes by in the front of your eyes when you are in a life-threatening situation but the only she saw was a pair of light grey eyes shining with a hint of amusement and a smile so wide and genuine that it radiated the love and affection he had for her.

That was the last thing she remembered before losing consciousness. The memory left a faint smile on her pale face and made her look at peace.


Present Day

Ezra looked at the sleeping beauty in front of him and couldn't help but sigh. He had been waiting for his sweetheart to wake up for three years. She looked so lifeless with all the machines that were hooked to her body. Three years ago, a phone call changed his entire life. He almost couldn't control himself when he saw the love of his life looking like a lifeless corpse. The doctors told him that there was only a slight possibility that she would ever wake up. Even then, she might not recover fully. It was the first time that he cried. His wife had just gone out to get a birthday cake for him. How could that lead to his wife in the hospital fighting for her life.The stoic, calm man who led his start-up company to such unimaginable and unbelievable heights was no where to be seen. He cried because of his helplessness. He felt utterly useless. All his wealth was unable to stop his wife's suffering. He completely broke down and there was no one who could help him because the only person who could was lying on the hospital bed covered in bandages and the machines were the only thing that where keeping her heart beating.

That day he made a decision to be strong because Lexi needed him. From that day, he spent as much of his time as he could by her side. He talked to her everyday because he heard that coma patients could hear everything. He studied about every type of therapy and treatment that could help her wake up. He massaged her everyday to keep her limbs in proper working condition. He hired the best doctors to look after her. He bathed her daily because he knew that she was always uncomfortable with anyone else touching her even if it was a woman.

He hoped that one day she would open her eyes and look at him with those beautiful green eyes of hers. He desperately wanted to hear her voice. He prayed everyday that she would wake up because he didn't know what he would without her. Everyday for the past three years, he would have nightmares about her leaving him. He sang to her everyday what she sang to him the first he had a nightmare after they got married:

"You are my sunshine

My only sunshine

You make happy

You are the first thing I want to see

When I wake up

You are the last face I look for

When I go to sleep

Your smile is the reason I wake up

Your heart the only place I want to be

You are my angel

My only angel

Please come back to me"

The nurses would always have tears in their eyes when they heard him singing. They knew that he was a very rare gem and such people were very hard to come by. They wanted him to have a happily ever after and they were also hoping that the patient would wake up even though they knew that the chances were slim. The man's devotion was so commendable that they couldn't help but be moved.

It was one such day that Lexi moved her hand. For three years, there was no movement at all and the only way she was living was through the machines so this caused Ezra to panic. He shouted for the doctor to come in.

The doctor checked up on Lexi and asked Ezra to come out. He said," Mr. Sterling,your wife might wake up anytime now but we don't know what her condition maybe. It's miracle that you have been waiting for. However,there maybe some damage to her body and we are not sure to what extent it will be. We can only wait for her to wake up and then only we can find out more about it." After, that the doctor left leaving Ezra alone.

He was happy that his wife was going to wake up soon but also nervous. He had not seen her eyes for three years, nor had he heard he sweet voice even though it was ingrained in his mind so deeply that he would not forget it till the day he died.

He laid down on the bed beside Lexi. Holding her in his arms was the only way to ensure that she was still here with him. He could feel his eyes drooping due to exhaustion and soon he surrendered to sleep.


The Next Day

Lexi felt like someone had put weights on her eyes. They were so heavy that she couldn't open them without exerting all of her force.

However, when she opened her eyes, there was a stranger on her bed. She screamed in horror, "Who are you?"

Hi guys, this is my first attempt at writing a novel (─.─||) and I hope you like it. It would be very encouraging if you could leave a comment, a review and recommend this story if you like it.

P.S. Have a good day everybody(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)

Shari_dsozacreators' thoughts