
The Allocation of Heroes

The next day, the heroes were woken up by the maids and told to quickly dress up and come to the hall where they will be taken by their respective kingdoms. While some of them were excited, like Aiden and Avalon, others were nervous. Jay, however, had an uncaring expression on his face, confident that even if he wasn't chosen, he would still develop the power to stand on his own in this world. Rein, as usual, showed no sign of emotion.

As they were taken to the hall by the maids, Elsa excused herself from the other rulers and came to greet them, showcasing her ever-so-stunning smile that looked like it had been practiced for years for it to become this perfect. With a bow, she greeted them, "Good morning, heroes."

"Oh, good morning, Princess Elsa," Aiden replied, standing before her without caring about the other's intentions. She smiled back at him.

"How was your night? I hope yesterday was not too stressful for all of you."

Aiden responded, "No, no, no, Princess. It was not stressful for any of us. How would we become true heroes of this world if we couldn't evenhave the heart to face what happened yesterday?" He smiled at her and continued, "It is you who we should be thanking for all the hard work you put in yesterday. If it wasn't for you, I think we wouldn't have enjoyed the event the way we did."

As he continued flattering her not about the the others, Jay grew irritated and spoke out, "Please, can we move on? I am sure the kings and queens want us to arrive quickly so that they can actually start the allocation process on time," he said with a somewhat annoyed expression.

Everyone was surprised at how blunt Jay was. They all felt Aiden was annoyingly wasting their time, but none of them could speak up since the princess didn't seem to mind. They couldn't believe how Jay boldly said those words, not minding the princess Elsa presence at all.

Elsa smiled awkwardly and said, "Sorry for wasting your time like that. I'll lead you all to the hall. Please follow me." As she started walking to the direction of the hall, Aiden just nodded and smiled at her before menacingly staring at Jay immediately she turned back , as jay who just shrugged his shoulders and followed behind.

As they moved, they saw the rulers of the other kingdoms smiling at them with a satisfied expressions. They were then taken to the front of King Galick and were told to kneel before him. As they did that, King Galick stood up and said, "Rise."

As they heard that, they stood up. Then he continued, "Today is the day you all will be allocated to your respective kingdoms. But before that, there is a problem we must fix inside your body. Haven't you noticed that you have become very hungry easily and also dehydrated, and you lose energy quickly?"

They thought back to the past and realized they had truly felt like that but hadn't really put their minds into it, thinking it was from the stress of everything happening to them. Well, they all felt like that except for Jay.

"Hmm, my body has always been as it used to be. No changes occurred even when I got to this world," Jay thought.

When King Galick saw their surprised expression, he continued, "The reason for that is the magical particles in this world called mana. Your former world was mana-deficient; meaning it had not a single speck of mana. That's why your body is so weak. But in this world, mana is overflowing it's everywhere, so your body is trying to adapt to it.

But it will take some time, which might deter your use of magic for your skills. That is the reason why your skills in your status board has a time limit. Any longer than that can lead to mana exhaustion. That's when your body runs out of mana, which sometimes can lead to your death.

The time limit will disappear when your body has adapted to this world completely, but that will take a very long time. But you shouldn't have to worry about that, we have a solution for that problem."

After he said that, he ordered one of the maids standing at his side to bring something for him. The maid quickly went out and came back, then bowed Dow her head and gave it to him and went away. King Galick showed them what was in his hand, which looked like a glowing green liquid inside a small covered glass bottle.

"This is called an elixir," he continued. "An elixir is a very powerful substance created by special individuals who study the combination of medicine and magic. These rare individuals are called alchemists. Some kingdoms have their own royal alchemists, while some don't because it's not easy to train one.

A lot of resources are needed, and not only that, only one in a million has the alchemy skill. So, this elixir is very precious. It's called the Elixir of Rejuvenation. It can help your body to easily and quickly adapt to the mana in this world and also help you remove the time limits in your skills. Each of you should take one drop. At this stage, your body can't handle more than that, and it's a very quick process, so you don't have to rush when it's being taken. Trust me, no time will be wasted."

As he said that, he stopped so the heroes could absorb everything he just said. Then he continued, "You will all be given a portion and moved to a room to absorb it."

Then the head maid came and bowed to King Galick while raising her hand. As he gave her the elixir, she stood up and immediately ordered some maids to follow her as she took the heroes to a big room next to the hall. Inside the room, there were exactly seven smaller rooms, so Jay had to wait until the others finished before he could start his own. Jay sighed as he saw their change in attitude towards him for what happened yesterday.

"I guess they're showing their true colors uh," Jay thought. "Well, I guess that was to be expected due to what happened yesterday. As a person with no potential, I'm sure they think of me as worthless and weak. They won't want to waste their precious resources on someone like me."

Just as he was lost in thought, a room suddenly opened. It was Rein. She had already fully absorbed her own portion of the elixar, and from what he could see, there was no strain or stress on her body due to using the elixir. It was clear that she had successfully completed it with ease, Jay thought while examining her. Then the maid looked at him and said, "There is now an empty room for you, sir. Would you like to use it?"

Jay responded with a nod. "Right this way, sir." She took him to the room and gave him a key to use to open the room in case he was done. After saying that, she left and waited at the entrance of the big room. Jay then entered and closed the door behind him. He sat down with his legs folded, holding a small jar that contained a drop of liquid from the elixir.

"Could a drop really be enough?" Jay thought as he drank the liquid and closed his eyes. After some minutes, he opened his eyes again with a puzzled expression. "Is this stuff really working? I still feel the same. There are no changes at all."

Jay thought, "well maybe I was being too hasty. Let's wait some more." As he said that, he closed his eyes again. After some time, there were still no changes. "Did they switch my portion or something? What gives? This is having no effect on me."

After he said that, he stood up and went to to the door. Then he opened it went outside, he noticed everyone was done. They had an irritated look on their faces as Aiden spoke up.

"How many minutes does it take your body to adapt? We've been standing here for more than fifteen minutes just because of you," he said with a mocking smile, using the opportunity to get back at him for what happened earlier. He continued, "If your body was that weak, you could have just returned the elixir instead of wasting it on someone who uses a whole fifteen minutes just to absorb that little thing."

Just as he said that, he went back to his position with a satisfied expression. Jay just smiled and apologized. Then the head maid shook her head.

"No need to apologize, sir hero," she said with a smile. Then she turned back to the other heroes and said, "Let's head back to the hall quickly so as not to keep the kings and queens waiting any longer."

She escorted everyone back to the hall. Just as they entered, they saw King Galick sitting on his throne of the hall waiting for them, and the other kings and queens were also sitting on their thrones, waiting for them. The head maid moved to the front of King Galick and bowed her head to him.

"I have brought them back just like you asked, my king."

He nodded and said, "You have followed my instructions well. You may go." As he said that, the head maid stood up and went to her position. Then King Galick stood up from his sit and stared down at the heroes with a smile.

"Now, what was needed to be done has been taken care of. It is time for the allocations to begin."

As he said that, some of the heroes were already getting nervous, wishing to be allocated to a very good kingdom, especially the four most powerful kingdoms. Just as they were deep in thought , King Galick spoke once more.

"All of you heroes should return to your seats. You will all be called by your names and once your hear your names you must move to the center of the hall , and your respective kingdoms will also be called to come and receive you."

As he said that, the heroes were taken to their seats by the maids. Then the head butler, who was also the announcer, came to the middle of the hall and bowed. Then he stood up and opened a golden scroll and said in a very loud voice, "I'll now begin the allocation. The first to be allocated is Aiden."

Just as he heard his name, Aiden stood up nervously and went to the center of the hall. The announcer continued, "I call upon King Galick, the ruler of humanity, as he stood up and went to the middle of the hall. He smiled at Aiden and said, "We welcome you as the hero of humanity." Aiden was initially stunned silly by his words , then he quickly bowed his head and said, "Thank you, Your Highness. I will gladly accept this title and live up to its name." He wore a large smile as he looked back at his classmates with pride. He was then taken by King Galick back to his position.

The next person to be called was Rein. As she heard her name, she immediately walked to the center of the hall. The announcer spoke, "I call upon the ruler of Eldoria and the queen of elves, Queen Evelina." A beautiful lady came to the center of the hall and stared at Rein.

Rein just stared back with no fear or nervousness, just a cold expression with a rare look of excitement on her face. Queen Evelina nodded her head and smiled beautifully. "Let's go," she said and started walking back, with Rein following.

The next person was Darius. Just as he heard his name, he started to sweat bullets as he quickly went to the middle of the hall. The announcer spoke, "I call upon the ruler of Drakonia, the king of dragons, King Ignatius von Drakonia." A devilishly handsome with hons on his head man came to the center of the hall with an arrogant expression, staring down at Darius. He observed him for a while, then smiled crazily. "You will be one of the strongest heroes they've ever seen once we're done with you," he said. He turned back and said, "Follow me." Darius quickly followed him.

Avalon's name was mentioned next. He quickly went to the center of the hall as the announcer spoke, "I call upon the ruler of dwarves, the king of Ironhold, King Durgrim von Grimhelm." A short figure walked to the center of the hall with his golden outfit and smiled at Avalon.

"Welcome to Ironhold, hero." Avalon was a little dissatisfied as he wasn't chosen by one of the kingdoms with a very powerful powerhouse, but he was still happy with what kingdom he was allocated to. The dwarven kingdom was no joke, with the financial power to almost hire all the demigods in the whole of Pantheon. With them as a backer my financial backing would be unlimited. Avalon thought of that with a huge smile on his face as he followed King Durgrim back.

The twins' names were called together, and they nervously went to the center of the hall. The announcer continued, "I call upon the ruler of the kingdom of Silverwood, the queen of Feys, Queen Sylph." She walked to the center and took the two of them by their hands and smiled. "Just as I expected, the two of you are really blessed by the goddess of life. I guess I didn't sense it wrongly. You two can follow me," she said while dragging both of their hands.

Orion's name was called next. He nervously walked to the center of the hall. The announcer spoke as usual with his loud voice, "I call upon the ruler of Elarithia, the king of demi-humans, King Thaddeus von Thunderies." As he heard his name, he quickly walked towards the center and stared at Orion for a while. Orion stared back with a somewhat nervous look. "You will follow me," he said. "O-okay," Orion responded nervously as he followed him.

The last of the heroes to be called was Jay. As soon as his name was called, nobody paid attention anymore. Jay didn't mind and went to the center of the hall. The announcer continued, "I call upon the ruler of—" As he wanted to complete his normal routine, King Aether suddenly stood up and moved with inhuman speed, appearing at the front of Jay. The announcer wasn't surprised and just looked a little bit annoyed. Even the others didn't glance, as if that kind of speed was normal to them.

King Aether looked at Jay with his sharp eyes, observing him from head to toe. Then he spoke, "Come with me." Jay wasn't surprised by this, as they thought he was a hero with zero potential, so they gave him to what they thought was the weakest kingdom in Pantheon. He shrugged his shoulders and followed him.

King Galick stood up and spoke, "Thank you all for coming to this event. I hope you are all satisfied with the outcome." He said that with a smile as every other king and queen of the other kingdoms smiled as well, except for King Aether, who just had a cold expression on his face. He continued,

"As the kingdoms' respective heroes, you are to show your class skills to your kingdom rulers so that they can help you develop it till your first upgrade hug. They will also protect you, so you must rely on them. You heroes are still in your infancy stage. You have no power as of yet and are easy targets for demons, especially the ones with exceptional talents.

You are both prey and resources for the demon kings to grow at a rapid rate. So you must stay in your kingdom at all times until you are ready to fight them. That's all I have to say. I hereby put this second part heroes' gathering event to an end. You can now take your heroes back to your kingdoms and have a safe journey. Thank you." As he said that, he went out of the hall.

Aiden was escorted back to his room, where he would be briefed on his training plans, and Elsa stayed behind to send everyone off. King Aether turned to Jay and Princess Ember and spoke, "Let's go," as he stood up and started walking to the exit.

Jay and Princess Ember followed behind. As they exited the kingdom, they were greeted by King Aether's men, who were also orcs. They got to their knees and bowed their heads as king Aether spoke, "We are leaving." They stood up and went to the front of a carriage decorated with animal skins, transported by two huge ferocious tigers with burning red flames on their foreheads, ready to set off. King Aether entered the carriage immediately, followed by Jay and Princess Ember. "Let's go," the carriage started moving, it started from a slow pace to a very fast pace as they were quickly heading back to the monster kingdom.