

Caught in bed with a man that wasn't her husband, Kathleen Crawford was declared guilty and shamefully banished from the Hudson's family. Although she was set up, and nothing happened between them, but who was ready to believe her story given the circumstance that the one who saw her was the Almighty Shawn David Hudson: her own husband. No longer the weakling and spineless women that left the Hudson family, she returned a few years later with a new but powerful identity. Revenge was her mission: an eye for an eye for those who have set her up. She didn’t mind crushing whoever dares to stand in her path. But in her quest for revenge, will Shawn sweep her off her feet a second time or is Kathleen’s heart too cold to be melted by his irresistible charm?

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350 Chs

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The following day, Kathleen drove through the huge gates of Hudson Manor and was surprised she wasn't stopped for a security check, it's possible Shawn may have given them a heads-up about her coming. They only bowed reverently when she drove by.

When she saw the familiar grounds of the l manor, which held nothing but pain and sad memories for her, her mood was slightly affected but she soon got over it. She reminded herself to focus on what brought her there.

This time, she was the one calling the shots and no one would be able to look down on her again.

The car skidded to a stop at the front of the main door and Kathleen stepped out confidently.

The person who came to receive her was none other than Shawn himself.

He looked as elegant as always in his branded black suit which accentuated his long legs. His perfectly sculptured facial features reminded Kathleen of Elvis and suddenly she couldn't get enough of this perfect work of art.