

Caught in bed with a man that wasn't her husband, Kathleen Crawford was declared guilty and shamefully banished from the Hudson's family. Although she was set up, and nothing happened between them, but who was ready to believe her story given the circumstance that the one who saw her was the Almighty Shawn David Hudson: her own husband. No longer the weakling and spineless women that left the Hudson family, she returned a few years later with a new but powerful identity. Revenge was her mission: an eye for an eye for those who have set her up. She didn’t mind crushing whoever dares to stand in her path. But in her quest for revenge, will Shawn sweep her off her feet a second time or is Kathleen’s heart too cold to be melted by his irresistible charm?

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421 Chs

If you don’t have any serious business, get lost!

Jason Robin Wyatt was very tall, a little bit above 6'4" with exquisite facial features, and was more attractive than most male models.

His well-groomed, ear-length black hair, had a healthy sheen which further accentuated his looks. His amber eyes which always had a twinkle in them when he smiled was emitting a chilling vibe at the moment.

"President Wyatt," Linda half-whispered.

Jason, who was a clean freak, suddenly flung her arms away. His nose wrinkled in disgust as he wiped the hand which he had held Linda with, before throwing the handkerchief into the trash can.

Everyone, "...."

The expression on Linda's face was so unsightly that it took great effort for Kathleen to suppress her laughter from bursting forth.

Linda had never been this humiliated all her life, but there was nothing she could do about it.

Although she appeared arrogant when she was talking to Kathleen just now, she didn't dare act recklessly in front of Jason. She could only vent her anger on Kathleen.

"President Wyatt, you must not be deceived by this woman."

"She said so many despicable things about the four prestigious families in Baltimore just now, she doesn't have any regard for you or the Wyatt Corporations. She even said she was your girlfriend, can you imagine?"

"Is that so?" The contempt in Jason's tone was unmistakable.

"What I said is the truth," Linda insisted, clearly missing the mockery in Jason's voice. She saw this as an opportunity to finally smear Kathleen's character.

"She doesn't have a good reputation. In fact she was caught cheating with another man by her husband himself. When she got kicked out of her husband's house, she ran away and only just appeared after so many years. I thought I should warn you to be careful around her."

Believing she had done a good job in soiling Kathleen's reputation, she looked at Kathleen with a smug smile, 'let me see how you will explain your way out of this one,' she gloated inwardly.

"Do I need you to lecture me about my affairs now?" Jason asked, his expression dark and unfathomable.

"It's not like that," Linda quickly refuted. "It's just that I don't want you to be taken advantage of, seeing that you are a very nice gentleman."

Putting on her most charming smile she added, "people will do anything to get close to you as the most handsome President in this city."

Her words seem to have angered Jason inexplicably.

"You'd better come down from your high horse and discard that ridiculous smile of yours. You're not my type."

Jason's tongue was even more deadlier than a viper's as he diced Linda mercilessly.

All the people around gaped. They never expected the cool and handsome President who was the heartthrob of the ladies of Baltimore to have such a sharp tongue.

Those ladies who were beginning to have some designs on him quickly discarded their plans. Nobody wants to be at the receiving end of such a poisonous tongue.

In their heart they felt pity for Linda, but also thought she deserved it anyway. Afterall, she's been using her family background to suppress countless innocent ladies in time past. This time around she met more than her match.

Linda clutched her heart and almost fainted from embarrassment. This is the very first time she'll be subjected to such ridicule by anyone. And the worst part was that, it was someone she could not retaliate against. She has always been pampered and doted on by her family all through her twenty eight years of existence.

"What gave you the impression that I'm a gentleman? If you don't have any serious business in Wyatt Corps, get lost!"

"You must be mistaken President Wyatt, I am Linda Beazell, The only daughter of Director Thomas Beazell and I came here on behalf of the Beazell Group for a collaboration."

"For your information, there's not going to be any collaboration between Wyatt Corporation and the Beazell Group."

Blood drained from Linda's face instantly and she dropped to the ground on her knees.

"I was wrong President Wyatt, please give us a chance to compete fairly with everyone."

Her pleading seemed to drop on deaf ears as

Jason just glanced at his Personal Assistant, and within the space of a minute, the reception was cleared of Linda's noise.

Kathleen was impressed by how her brother handled things; he's indeed worthy of his title 'The Indomitable President."

"Are you ready for your work now, your highness?" Jason said, stretching his arms to Kathleen. All his coldness disappeared and was replaced by a charming and doting smile as if he was not the person spitting fire just now.

"Mm hmm," Kathleen readily responded and linked her hands with Jason's outstretched arms. They both stepped into the elevator for the appointment with Mr Mason.

The faces of everyone were full of surprises at their interaction, especially some staff that happened to be in the reception. They had never seen their President behave so intimately and unreservedly with anyone like this before.


"Mabel, did you see the way I was humiliated and kicked out by those foolish security guards, "It's all because of that bitch, I'll make sure I deal with her. It's her fault that we also lost the chance to collaborate with Wyatt Corps, how am I going to explain this to my dad?"

"Linda please, pull yourself together, remember you are the young lady of the Beazell family. Others must not see you like this. Or do you want to appear in the news tomorrow?"

This statement from Mabel Winters, Linda's assistant and Lackey actually worked like a magic wand as Linda who had been crying and cursing since she was kicked out of Wyatt Corps for the past fifteen minutes eventually calmed down.

She quickly adjusted her hair and dress and made a one hundred and eighty degree turn from a pitiful girl to a proud young lady.

"No one must know about what happened today." Linda commanded sternly."

"Of course, it must remain under wraps."

As an assistant, that was what she she do.

"Also, keep an eye on Kathleen, I have to know all her movements and what she's up to. We can't afford to lose to her."

"How can President Wyatt defend her so much? She must have done something to him just like she did to Shawn six years ago. But I'll not let her have a good end. Except I'm not Linda Beazell."

"That's the spirit, my dear friend. Nobody has the guts to ever win against you," Mabel cheered faithfully.

Having said all that, she walked to where her car was parked and they left Wyatt Corps.