

Caught in bed with a man that wasn't her husband, Kathleen Crawford was declared guilty and shamefully banished from the Hudson's family. Although she was set up, and nothing happened between them, but who was ready to believe her story given the circumstance that the one who saw her was the Almighty Shawn David Hudson: her own husband. No longer the weakling and spineless women that left the Hudson family, she returned a few years later with a new but powerful identity. Revenge was her mission: an eye for an eye for those who have set her up. She didn’t mind crushing whoever dares to stand in her path. But in her quest for revenge, will Shawn sweep her off her feet a second time or is Kathleen’s heart too cold to be melted by his irresistible charm?

Beautifiedg1 · Urban
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353 Chs

I Won’t Go Looking For Other Men

Dolly clenched her fist in anger but outwardly still maintained a smile.

"That's not a problem, Mrs Rosse. Steffan and I have been good friends and we care a lot about each other so I don't mind going out of my way to do anything for him."

"Thanks again, but no thanks," Sarah rejected in a clipped tone. "He has more than enough people around him to continue bothering strangers," Sarah shot back making sure that she stood directly in line of Dolly's vision, making it impossible for her to see Steffan clearly.

Seeing that the conversation was getting out of hand, Steffan called out.


Hearing Steffan's voice, Dolly's eyes lit up with the hope that he was going to speak up for her but the next second, Sarah turned around and cast Steffan a look that made him instantly swallow what he wanted to say.

"Are you very free? Then stand up and help with the packing instead of wasting your energy on irrelevant things," she ordered.

Steffan: "…"