
The Forgotten Heir

A man was reborn using wishes he got from a god to live a normal happy life... But instead he was rejected by those he wished would love him... And even by the world he hoped to live in...

ChiseldPotato · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The Start...



[NAME- Mason Cole]

[You have set NAME- Victor Lugaid on the path of the immortals]

[Thus bonding as Master and Disciple for now until the end]

[In where his victory shall be yours... His accomplishments shall be yours... His life, shall be yours...]

[Now please have a look at you stats NAME- Mason Cole]

~What just happened~ the old man thought with his arm out in a grabbing motion. When all of a sudden, notification after notification, appeared before his eyes.

A blue transparent screen floated just in front of him, with all the words from the language of his old tongue.

However, he wasn't too shocked as he had some idea of this from books he once read about... From his old world.

On the other hand this wasn't something he wished for. He had spent so long coming to terms with his death.

Yet. He got such a miracle now... And it came after he spent a life in constant torture... Hiding, scavenging and with constant belittlement draped across his neck like a noose.

And now he found out there was a way to be free and live life to the fullest without such burdens.

"Great... Great so this is how you want to play it, fine" he mumbled with a new found purpose.

Not matter what was on the screen he needed to take full advantage of it, so he subconsciously spoke the words to open his status screen.

[NAME- Mason Cole]

[AGE- 97]


[BODY HEALTH- dying due to old age]

[CULTIVATION RANK- Mortal Realm(Organ Forging, stage 1) 0.49%)]



[NAME- Victor Lugaid]

[AGE- 14]

[CULTIVATION RANK- Mortal Realm(Organ Forging, stage 1) 1%)]


Reading through the screen, Mason had a thoughtful look, yes fair enough it all looked cool but, now he saw that he only had 4 days left until he died.

With a look of contemplation he had to make a decision and fast, whether or not to continue being depressed waiting for death or cling onto this new found hope and figure out a way to bleed it dry.


Mason watched the child's progress through the system and whilst Victor continued, Mason noticed that QI was slowly accumulated out of nowhere within his body.

Looking at his screen he saw that the portion of QI in him was a percentage of whatever Victor currently had.

And after observing the screen for about 5 hours Victor's percentage increases from 1% to 23%.

Mason subsequently noticed that he had gotten to 11.47% and that with this new found strength his body felt lighter and younger because of it.

Which in itself was a miracle for him...

Even though Mason enjoyed this feeling he noticed Victor slowly stopped cultivating as his eyes twitched open so he quickly collected himself.

Victor stood up and feeling the energy surge throughout his body gave him an ecstatic expression.

The feeling was intoxicating but whilst he was in those thoughts Mason spoke up "You should go outside, to get accustomed with your new strength."

Victor quickly nodded and dashed outside whilst Mason followed.

He began telling him to do jumps, pushups and a few short running exercises.

Victor soon found out his body was able to last longer, jump higher and run farther than ever before.

Mason kept doing this until Victor became uncomfortable exhausted and dropped onto the ground.

"Well done Victor, now when you're ready, go get us some food" he called out as a short dagger plunged into the ground just Infront of Victor.

With a smile Mason said "You will be hunting it" and with those words Victor fainted.


Noon scorched the ground, when Mason saw Victor wake.

Mason reached out with a bowl containing water and motioned him to drink. "Good" he said, as he collected the now empty bowl from Victor.

Putting it down he looked at Victor "You should rest but, you also need to think about doing the task I gave you."

Slumping back into the bed Victor sucked in a deep breath. Bouncing off the bed he grabbed the dagger Mason held out for him.

Quickly Mason stated "The easiest way to stabilize your foundation is with a battle" whilst he waved off Victor.

Victor's silhouette vanished between the bushes, and after seeing him off Mason went back inside.

Within the hut Mason gazed around at the unkept area and thought it was time to pull his weight and began cleaning it.

He started with all the big objects, neatening them up before throwing out the small unneeded rubbish.

He flinched spotting a spider nest tucked away into one of the bottom corners of the hut and reaching out with his cane to squash it.


[Kills detected nearby... Total: 137]

[Deduction, Non-Human... Deduction, found to be unborn...

[Total- LP gained: 1.4]

Pulling his cane back for balance he questioned about what 'LP' stood for when a solid mechanical voice echoed throughout his mind.

[Answer- The accumulation of Life the host holds]

The loud random voice spooked him to no end but after he thought logically he understood what it was and asked for it to repeat.

[Answer- The accumulation of Life the host holds]

Scratching his head after that random explanation, he asked another question hoping to have it clear up a few things.

Mason thought for a little bit and said ~What can I use these LP's on?~

[Answer- Host can extend his life and_×××××_]

In the next moment he went from shock to immense agony after he tried to listen to the end of the sentence.

Once the pain had gone he said aloud "What the hell was that?" as sweat dripped down his brow.

[Answer- My responses are limited... You must ask the right question]

Mason pinched the bridge of his nose and said "Ok then how do I extend my life"

[Answer- Host will see after opening his screen]

Mason rolled his eye, feeling a bit agitated. Still he opened his screen to see what it meant.

[NAME- Mason Cole]

[AGE- 97]


[BODY HEALTH- dying due to old age]

[CULTIVATION RANK- Mortal Realm(Organ Forging stage 1)11.47%)]


Looking over the displayed window he found a plus symbol and reached out and pressed it. Feeling a wave of strange energy washing over his body.

And with that his days to live had increased to 5 in total, whilst his left over Life Points were at 0.4, which left him to wonder why it wasn't also added to his days.

Well there was nothing he could do, seeing the plus symbol vanish.


Mason had cleaned the hut and now he just had to wait for Victor to come back with food.

Slowly as time went on Mason slowly became anxious, as he started thinking it might have been a bad idea to send him out so soon.

However, all those thoughts flew away when a message appeared before his eyes.

[NAME- Victor Lugaid has killed a mountain deer... Reduction, Student killed it... Reduction, due to distance... Reduction, Non-Human]

[Total- LP added to NAME-Mason Cole: 0.8]

Mason was astonished, mostly because he didn't know the system would even let his student help him to accumulate LP, but it was nice to know.

Mason looked at his current total and added the 1 LP to his total days and smiled feeling the energy rush through his body again.

But that got him thinking as he wondered how much he could have gotten if he did the killing.

However, somethings are better than nothing so he put that thought to the side.

Mason had to help Victor increase his cultivation speed so he began thinking of a plan.


Without the pen and paper Mason found it hard to make a solid, concrete plan, but he did the best he could.

Victor stepped inside saying he skinned and hung the deer to dry which was when Mason told him of his new plan.

Over the following day Mason taught him a cultivation technique, which greatly improved the rate in which he absorbed QI into his body.

And that was when Victor soon hit the first stage of Organ Forging. However, the strange thing Mason noticed was the QI entering his body doubled.

And it only stopped when he too reached stage 1 but he noticed the Qi entering his body was slightly denser.

But that wasn't all, a message from the system congratulated him for reaching stage 1 and gave him an additional 50 LP.


With the extra 52 days he wiped his brow with a smirk and began teaching Victor everything.

Unfortunately, having a single arm hindered him from learning the things he taught Victor. Which in turn greatly hampered Victor's possibility to grow.

Nonetheless he taught him many Spirit Realm Martial Skills.


Stomping his cane "Twist, stop just using your arm!..." Mason's sharp gaze caught little inaccuracies in Victor's movement.

Again, as he gave more orders"Plant you feet, become an immovable mountain!"

After another full day of training Mason nodded and said "Good, now go for your run and I'll prepare dinner"

Already out of breath he said "Y-yes, teacher" and did as he was told.

Mason took out the meat and veggies from the pot laying them out on wooden plates. He handed Victor one when he came in through the door.

After swallowing a bite Mason said "Victor, I know you're close to the third stage but how are you doing with training?"

Nodding his head "Yes my body's finding it difficult to do the training as well as meditating... all day every day"

Mason agreed but, he needed Victor to understand the world he lived in "It's looks to me you just need more motivation"

Victor looked away from his plate"What do you mean teacher"

"Well I know that over at Oxhill they hold a Martial Tournament for younglings under 20 years old"

Victor's eyes gleamed "Really! when?" he said almost blowing out the old man's eardrums.

"Calm down..." he paused wanting to work out the time "About a year and 2 months or if you wait for the next one 6 years from now"