
The Forgotten Demon.

Fantasy world filled with mysteries, action and unique magic system. I WILL MAKE THEM REGRET IT! I WILL MAKE THEM REMEMBER THE FORGOTTEN ONE!! I WILL BE THE NIGHTMARE!!! I WILL BE THE JUDGE,JURY AND EXECUTIONER!!!! P.S first time writing..... feedback is appreciable anti hero type MC btw ... it will take time for everything cuz of character growth!! please stick with me and thanks for reading!!!

zuny_lake · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs


14th Jan, 400

It was Friday night, sound of dripping could be heard. It felt like a water tap was leaking out some water. A strange smell was lingering in the air. The droplets pace was slowing down with each second passing by, it was descending upon a puddle which was made by it.

Apart from the sound of a clock ticking in the room, only the sound of a few droplets falling on a pool of liquid could be heard. After a while the liquid started flowing, dyeing once white floor in red color.

Soon the liquid, filling the ground, came in contact with something solid, a 10 inch long object. Similar kind of liquid was also oozing out of one end of the said object, while the other end of it had a shape similar to a person's hand. It was a limb, specifically an arm that seemed to have been pulled out of someone's body not long ago. The liquid that was coming out of its other mangled end was blood.

Few steps away, another limb was present in a similar state with blood oozing out of it. When one observed around the room on the floor for a few more seconds, all that was to be seen were disentangled limbs and puddles of blood. If one tried to count, in midst of all the overflowing blood and pieces of flesh, one could recognise there to be around 7 arms and 13 Legs. These were the ones in recognisable state.

The liquid that was dripping in the room was nothing else but blood, blood coming through a ripped neck portion of a head which was jammed onto one of the four white walls. Accompanying one head was another head being planted onto the wall side by side. There were some numbers inscribed on the forehead of each heads. Above the both heads, on the wall, there was yet more numbers written in red color.

The room seemed to be inaccessible as there were no openings present in the room. The room originally being white in color had been soaked in red, with white light surrounding the room only enhancing it.

The two hanged heads were facing yet another pair of extracted heads attached to the opposite wall with numbers written on their foreheads aswell. Similar to the first set of heads, the expressions they displayed were of horror, surprise and pain. There were numbers written above these heads aswell.

The other walls were also not omitted, as they also had two set of heads present on them, attached to it via their necks with numbers written on their foreheads and above their heads on the wall.

If one took into account the number of heads present in the room, then it looked like 8 people were brutally executed in here. The blood still not dried up, meant that the massacre happened not too long ago.

The expressions shown on some of the victims face were clearly that of wanting death to escape the miserable pain they were facing, but in those moments, death was denied to them as they were continuously tormented. The severed limbs exhibited the torture they went through.

One thing that was common in all the severed heads was that their eyes were slightly plucked out of their sockets and were positioned in such a way that they all seemed to be looking towards the ceiling. The ceiling had a message written on it, "The one who likes to betray, the one who enjoys killing his own kind, the one who was meant for this world, is no more worthy". The message was written in red color, probably with blood.

With the 8 heads being evidence to 8 people dying in here, there was no trace of their remaining body being present in the room. It was as if it just vanished into thin air.

The name of the room where all of this had happened was, 'Rist Private Room No.121' which was written on the outside portion of one of the walls