
The Forgotten Dawn: Rise of the Retaliators

When twelve deities from diverse pantheons converge, they seize dominion over humanity, branding themselves as the Primordials. As the world's fate hangs in the balance, forgotten gods, trapped in the celestial realm, engineer a clandestine scheme. Amidst an unfolding cosmic struggle, an unsuspecting hero emerges to challenge these newfound rulers, setting the stage for a battle of epic proportions.

TheGreatSage8121 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 6 - Into the Depths of Devotion

Priest: (suddenly serious) "It seems the treatment that we have given you is not enough. You still have the strength to joke around. In fact, We can release you. You just need to answer our question: WHICH ORGANIZATION ARE YOU FROM?"

Nazer: ( weary) "You've been asking me that question for two days. I told you, I don't know what you are talking about. You killed the only members of the gang I am part of, remember?"




Nazer had awoken to the cold, dimly lit cell, his initial confusion giving way to the realization that he had been captured. As he contemplated his predicament, the door to the cell swung open, and the priest entered.

Priest: (calmly) Don't be so nervous. I won't attack you, at least for now.

Nazer: (guarded) What do you want from me?

Priest: (leaning in) Nothing, just some information. Who are you?

Nazer: (defensive) You said you saw us coming, then you must have also known about me. So why are you asking me again?

Priest: (serious) Yes, we did see them coming. But you... (he pauses, locking eyes with Nazer) We didn't see you. This situation has occurred to us several times, moments when we weren't able to predict the attackers. You know, in this world, there are only two organizations that oppose the 12 supreme deities. Only the members of these organizations can mask their presence from us. So, I'm asking again, which organization are you from?

Nazer: (frustrated) I really don't know what you're talking about.

Priest: (getting up) Well, all the prisoners say the same thing when we ask them at first. But they will eventually break and comply with us.


[Present Day]


Hearing Nazer's continued resistance, the priest kicked him in the abdomen, causing Nazer to groan in pain. The priest then lifted Nazer's head by his hair and spoke with a mixture of frustration and determination.

Priest: (harshly) Even after all this, you still won't answer. It seems you enjoy being tortured. Well then, let's see if you can be brave after I'm done with you.

With that, the priest delivered one final kick to Nazer's face and left the cell without looking back.

As he steps into the corridor, he gives the guard specific instructions regarding Nazer's confinement.

Guard: (awaiting instructions) What are your orders, Excellency?

Priest: (authoritative) Increase the pressure, but do not harm him fatally. We need the information he holds. Make sure he understands the consequences of his silence.

Guard: (nods) Understood, Excellency. I'll see to it immediately.




As the priest emerged from the dim confines of the dungeon, he stepped into the grand hall of the temple, where flickering torches cast a warm glow upon the marble pillars and ornate tapestries that adorned the walls. In this sacred place, the devoted congregated, seeking solace and blessings from their revered god, Indra.

Amidst the hushed whispers of worshippers, a couple stood anxiously, their hearts heavy with worry for their ailing child. As the priest approached, they presented their three-year-old son, his frail form a stark contrast to the grandeur of the temple.

The priest, his demeanor shifting from stern to benevolent, knelt beside the child and examined him with a practiced eye. Though his thoughts lingered on the interrogation that had just taken place, he knew the role he must play in the lives of these faithful worshippers.

The wife, her eyes reflecting both hope and fear, spoke with trembling words. "Excellency, our son is gravely ill. We beseech you, bestow upon him the blessings of Lord Indra, that he may be healed."

The priest, his gaze shifting briefly to the wife's beauty, nodded solemnly. "Indra, the benevolent god, cannot bear to see his worshippers in sadness. However, remember this—our god's blessings are not to be taken lightly. We must demonstrate our unwavering faith and devotion."

The couple, their hearts filled with anticipation, inquired, "What must we do, Excellency?"

The priest's gaze held a hint of knowing as he continued, "You see, every year, approximately fifty young women from our country journey to Indraprastha, the city of Lord Indra, to serve our lord. We wouldn't normally disclose this information outside as the devotees would flock the temple. We select very few outstanding young female from our land. This time our city fell behind because we cannot suitable candidates. Other cities from our country already sent their devotees. You understand what I imply, do you not?"

Ecstasy washed over the husband's face as he turned to his wife, conveying that she was chosen for a sacred duty. The wife, her eyes moist with joy, understood the honor bestowed upon her.

The priest, his voice taking on a somber tone, emphasized, "However, you must comprehend that once you devote yourself to our god, your human connections must be severed. Mind, body, and soul must be wholly dedicated to this divine cause."

The husband's pride in his wife's selection mingled with a twinge of jealousy, for he could not bear witness to their lord's presence as she could.

Having secured their consent, the priest summoned a servant and sais something in his ears. The servant listed to the priest's words. He nodded and went into one of the rooms. After five minutes, he returned to the priest with a vial in his hands and presented it to the priest.

With the Sanjeevani in hand, the priest showed it to the couple, explaining its miraculous powers. "This herb is called sanjeevani. It is divine elixir that can mend any ailment or wound, as long as life's flame still flickers within. Watch as it revitalizes your child."

Explaining, the priest opened the Vail and brought it to the mouth of the ill child.

The couple watched with bated breath as their son consumed the medicine. Within moments, a miraculous transformation began to unfold before their eyes. The child's pallor shifted to a healthy hue, and his feeble breaths grew stronger.

The priest, his eyes filled with compassion, extended a comforting hand to the wife. "Take your child and cherish this moment of healing. Tonight, come to the temple alone. We shall see if you possess the devotion to serve Lord Indra."

With their child now in their arms, the couple expressed their gratitude and happiness. Their faith rekindled, they departed from the temple, their hearts lighter than they had been in days.

Once the couple had exited the hallowed hall, the priest turned to a nearby servant, his tone decisive. "Prepare the chamber for tonight."

The servant obeyed the order and left to make preparations. The grand hall of the temple returned to its solemn tranquility, the flickering torches casting a warm, ethereal glow upon the marble pillars and ornate tapestries, as if holding within their light the secrets of both miracles and devotion.




The mysterious group who gathered in the inn just outside the temple after coming out of the temple, their hoods concealing their identities as they discreetly observed the devotees coming and going from the holy sanctuary. Among the throngs of worshippers, they noticed a couple, their faces lit with radiant smiles, which sharply contrasted with the anxious expressions they had seen earlier inside the temple.

Perplexed by this sudden change in demeanor, the group exchanged curious glances. They had witnessed the couple's restlessness while in the temple, a stark contrast to their current state of jubilation.

It was the female leader of the group who decided to approach the couple and find out what had transpired. She assumed the role of a fellow devotee, gracefully moving toward the couple with an air of quiet reverence. As she neared them, she offered a warm smile and struck up a conversation.

"Namaste," she greeted them in the traditional manner, her voice gentle and soothing. "I couldn't help but notice the happiness radiating from both of you. Has something wonderful occurred today?"

The husband, still caught up in the joy of the moment, couldn't contain himself and eagerly responded, "Yes, indeed! Our child was terribly ill, and we brought him to the temple to seek the blessings of Lord Indra. Miraculously, the priest has provided a solution, and our son is now well again. Our hearts are filled with gratitude."

The leader raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "That is truly a blessing," she remarked, her tone filled with empathy. "May I inquire how the priest managed to bring about this miraculous recovery?"

The husband hesitated for a moment, torn between the desire to share their newfound hope and the need to protect his wife from embarrassment. However, before he could respond, his wife interjected, her voice trembling with sincerity.

"The ways of the gods are mysterious," she replied, her gaze fixed on her husband, silently urging him to withhold certain details. "Lord Indra is a benevolent deity, and he extends his divine aid to those in need without expecting anything in return."

The leader couldn't help but notice the undercurrent of hesitation in the couple's response. It was as if they were concealing something, a deeper truth perhaps. Nevertheless, she chose not to press further, respecting the couple's privacy.

Offering a warm smile, she nodded in agreement. "Indeed, the gods work in mysterious ways, and their benevolence knows no bounds. I am genuinely thrilled for your family's good fortune."

The husband and wife exchanged a brief, knowing glance, and the wife discreetly shook her head, silently signaling her husband not to divulge any more information.

As the couple left, their joyous laughter fading into the distance, the female leader of the mysterious group returned to the inn where her companions awaited her return. She could not shake the feeling that something was amiss, that there was more to the couple's story than met the eye.

Upon rejoining her group, she noticed the anticipation in their eyes, and it was clear they were eager to hear the details of her conversation with the couple. With a measured tone, she began to recount the encounter.

"Something doesn't add up," she stated, her voice tinged with a hint of suspicion. "When I questioned them about their sudden change in demeanor, they mentioned their child's remarkable recovery at the hands of the temple priest. But there was an air of hesitation in their words, as if they were shielding a deeper truth."

Member 1, always quick to engage in discussions, leaned forward, his interest piqued. "What precisely did they say, Captain?"

The leader recalled the husband and wife's carefully chosen words, each syllable etched in her memory. "They spoke of the enigmatic ways of the gods and the benevolence of Lord Indra. It was as though they were deliberately avoiding certain details, perhaps to safeguard themselves or someone else."

A thoughtful silence enveloped the group as they digested the implications of the encounter.

Member 4, known for his analytical thinking, finally broke the silence. "Captain, based on your account, it seems likely that the couple is harboring a significant secret. The question remains: What could this secret be, and what motivates them to keep it concealed?"

The leader nodded, acknowledging the astuteness of her team. "Indeed, that is the crux of the matter, and that's precisely why we cannot ignore this situation. We must uncover the truth, but we must do so discreetly and without causing harm to those who might be innocent."

Member 2, renowned for his resourcefulness and agility, rose from his seat, his eyes reflecting unwavering determination. "Captain, I offer to shadow the couple covertly. I'll observe their actions and interactions closely, and with any luck, I might unveil the hidden layers of their secret."

The leader appreciated Member 2's eagerness but issued a stern reminder. "Keep in mind that our primary objective is to unearth the truth, not to intimidate or inflict harm on anyone. These individuals may find themselves entangled in circumstances beyond their control."

Member 2 smiles and says " Don't worry, captain. I am not that clueless."