

what do you do when the whole word is against you? do you pretend and follow along, do you run away or do you fight them? Maryam, Layla and Lina were found on the 10th of March my The Nigerian police force in an abandoned building, in their journey to find out shat happened to them those days there were in captive and also trying to fingure out what's going on in their town as the towns people acts strangely towards them, they also notcie how nonchalant the towns peoole are regarding cases like this they also uncover some dark secrets along the way. what can teenagers do? would they be able to solve the case or give up on it like everyone else. *****(Authors note) hi there, am not afraid of criticism and I would love to hear your honest opinion about this book I am ready to adjust and make it a really good read for you, alos the book is in a Nigerian setting thank you.

Gege_Saturo · Urban
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18 Chs



"Good morning missy" Jane said as she walked into my room with a big tray of food, even though it has been a month since i was found I still don't know how I feel about everything, but it does feel real and then again it feels like something is missing.

"Hey" she said again as she tapped my shoulder, can't believe I zoned out for a minute she was already on the side of my bed, I wonder how long I was hallucinating for.

"Hi" I said with a light smile as I used my eyes to follow her body as she dropped the tray of food on my cardiac table, she then adjusted it to an angle in which I could be able to eat from comfortable.

"When you are done you can hit the bell and I would come running" she said as she smiled and began to walk away.

Same old thing I guess, she has been doing this everyday for a month now and she still looks happy doing it, i wonder how much more of this she can take, especially the fact that she has never gotten an answer form me but it's her job I guess, she is only here because of me.

"By the way, you should stretch your legs once in a while" she said as she finally left the room and lock the door behind her.

"Haa" I sighed with relief as I rolled my eyes, "let's see what I should be having today" i opened the plate to see the dish and it was, "beans" i shouted, i don't know what got over me but i guess I just don't like this dish.


"Are you okay?" Jane said I she came running through my bedroom door, I did not remember calling or asking for her help I did not press the button and my voice wasn't even loud enough to be heard at my door talk more of wherever she was coming from, I'm sure it's a mistake.

"Yes I am" I said staring at her, she looked physically disturbed by something, I wonder what it is, although this is the most i have spoken to her ever since i was brought here.

"Oh darling that's great, I can see you have started to warm up to me" Jane said as she looked of my cardiac table, "you don't like this?" She asked as she noticed I was not eating.

"Yes" I said with a light smile on my face, I don't know but I don't trust her, even though she has never made me doubt anything i just feel like something is wrong somewhere.

But could the police be wrong? Could they have taken me to the wrong place? Could they have been a mistake in my case solving and I was brought here? Is it all over?

Who actually did that to me? Who? I have questions to ask a billion if them at that but not even a single answer to any of them and it's sad.

"What would you like to have for breakfast? You know your medication is not finished yet, you still have to take it all" Jane said to me with a grin on her face.

"Okay" I mumbled under my breath in a very low tone, she wants to give me those drugs that would stop me from thinking for myself again, yeah the drug that immediately I take it I won't be able to feel my legs and other part of my body but it's more than me I suppose.

"Come on sweetheart, you don't want to get better?" She asked while stroking my head.

It's not that I don't want to get better, you don't want me to and that's why all this is happening, the doctor said I should be able to move on my own within a week and it has been a month but nothing.

"Don't worry, I am sure everything would be okay don't stress yourself too much" she said as she took the tray from my cardiac table and began to walk away from me to the door.

"I am fine and I would be a lot better if I don't take those medications" I was having a conversation with myself in my head as she gently locked the door.

"I wonder where the other girls are? If they have found their family or like me who lost all memories of my existence is being lied to about this" this though was cut short with a tingling sensation down the soul of my foot, it really hurt but then again I can feel it after all this while, I am sure it is because I have successfully delayed my medication, I have always known that it was never good for me.

"Humm" I began to exclaim in pain as I used all my physical strength to move my toe, just my left toe. The pain was unbearable but again it is in accordance to what the doctor said, so I guess I can trust him or at least I do believe him, I wonder how long I can drag not taking my medication for, if I can skip the whole day I wonder what I would be able to do by tomorrow morning.

But she would never allow me, she would never "knock knock" I heard as the door knob was turned and it began to opening slowly, I wonder who it was. I knew it was not Jane because she never did knock, and on times when she did it wasn't this way it was in a creepy way.

"Hi baby" finally the door opened enough and I could see who was behind it, it was a woman, I have never seen her before in the house or at the hospital so I wonder what she came here to do and also why is she calling me baby.

"Hi"she said again and she began walking into my room, she was pretty young and beautiful I couldn't help but notice how neat and vibrant her dress is.

"Hi" I said with a smile as I replied her.

"Maryam right?" She asked and I nodded to confirm it.

"My name is Dana and I am here to be your personal physiotherapist, I would be helping you with foot massages, and also different rehabilitation excersie to help you walk so please feel free with me I am here to help you" she said as she dropped her purse down and she also sat.

I can't believe my eyes, finally I am going to learn how to walk, so one day I would be able to runs way from this house, tears of joy began to cloud my eyes as i am so happy.

"Baby" she held my hand as she looked down at my eyes, we were making eye contact at this point "don't cry, I am just here to help you" she said with an encouraging smile on her face, "poor girl, I wonder what you have been going through, you must be traumatised by everything that has been going on" she said as she continued to make eye contact with me.

"I am from the district hospital and the" she was cut short as Jane walked in with my food in her hands, for some reason this woman that was very composed and confident minute ago just became shy it looked like she just saw a ghost, something ain't adding up.

"Oh, Dana you've already met her" Jane said as she made her way to my cardiac table again, I wonder what she brought back with her this time.

"Maryam dear, it took me a lot of time to make that beans but I know and I understand you can choose food, but I spent time making you this and I would just appreciate it if you just eat it, just so you can take your drugs" jane said now standing besides me, she was opposite dana.

"Here, start with this" she brought out the medicine and held a glass of water for me to drink.

"Come on now miss Jane, let the girl eat first it is advisable medically" Dana interrupted her before she could force the drug into my mouth the way she did yesterday and the day before that.

"I know, but I have something to do and I want to leave you two alone to discuss" She said

"Oh in that case then, why don't you leave it to me, I promise I would make sure she takes the medication before I leave today" Dana said, I looked at her in disbelief she was making the one thing I hate go away, can I trust her?

"No, don't worry I was instructed by her parents to make sure she always take her drugs Infront of me" Jane said heistantly, I taught I was free today but I don't think Jane likes that.

"Come on, just today you would continue tomorrow I promise" she said as she smiled widely, for a moment there I taught she was intimidated by Jane's presence but I was heavily mistaken.

"Okay then" she sighed, I knew she wasn't happy with this her facial expression makes it so obvious to tell but I couldn't care less, I wonder why it is so important for me to take the drugs.

"Yaay" Dana said excited "thank you" she added as Jane began to walk to the door, she looked defeated.

"Sit up and eat" she said to me with a smile, like she has accomplished something I feel like my suspicions are right, something is not adding up and I wonder what it is.

"Thank you" I said as I began to devour the fried yam and egg I was given, it was really good I wonder what the chief put in it.

It wasn't long until I finished my meal, and again I was faced with this same drug, should I take it? I don't want to but if I don't won't Dana be suspicious of me? What if she is here to be friend me and tell Jane everything I say and do? I don't think I should be risking this.

I took the glass of water and the drug in my hand, I chugged half of the water then I proceeded to pick the drug from the table, "what are you doing?" Dana asked in a worried tone.

I swallowed the water I left in my mouth for the drug and said "taking my drugs like I usually do" she stared ate with a look of concern for a while.

"So you don't feel anything after taking the drugs? Nauseous? Sleepy? Tired? And all" she asked, it was as if she has been studying all my signs after I consume the drug.

"I do" damm I shouldn't have admitted it but it was true, so yeah.

"Do you think it makes you better?" She asked again.

"I don't know, but I was told it does" I raised my head and finally locked eyes with her again, she was still in shock and I don't think she fully understood why I volunteerly wanted to drug myself.

"Don't worry dear, I am here to actually make you better and I would start by making sure you don't take those medications" who sent her? Was she an angel? What's going on? Yesterday I cried asking God for a miracle for a way to be saved, is this it?

Can I trust her? Is this a sign that I am not alone? I wonder how she got that information but maybe it is finally time I get saved, I have actually suffered enough and it is time for me to finally find peace.

"I promise you Maryam, I would take care of you" maybe I can actually trust her, she seems to be the only one on my side after all.

i am open for suggestions on how you would like this book to go.

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