
The Forgotten Ability

As a young woman Adair Fox enters the civilization test, the most difficult test in the entirety of the Galactic Empire, in hopes of achieving that highest of honors and finally becoming eligible to meet her parents. During the test Adair acts out of desperation and uses a dangerous ritual to save her people, only to get betrayed by them shortly after. Unfortunately not only does Adair fail the test, but she also finds herself trapped in a void for thousands of years until she eventually meets up with another being. She makes a deal with the Reincarnation Machine, which allows her to go back in time and become a sorceress.

Xela_Stone · Fantasy
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135 Chs

Chapter 44

Adair did not know how to react to what the elemental had said. Her first thoughts were what the heck was "primary magic" and why this man was so disgusted with teaching it to her. Also, what it said confirmed that where she was at was an elite building because while she did not know much about the levels of education in this world but based on the elemental tone of voice, 300 years is not the average amount of time for someone to go to school to become a teacher.

She thought a bit about it and realized that why would anyone ever go to school for 300 years, to begin with. And what professions would require this amount of training, and who even had the lifespan to live long enough for this level of training to be worth it to teach the next generation. Certainly not an average teacher who led Adair to come up with two conclusions.

The first one was that the institute she was at was so privileged that the level of knowledge needed to get a job here was insane. This was probably true or at least partly true because the elemental in front of her had confirmed something similar to this. The second assumption was that "primary magic" was probably something that was taught since birth, and if this was supposedly some extremely privileged school, then probably only the geniuses of geniuses came here.

So her not knowing even the basics of magic she assumed was equivalent to a slap in the face to her instructor. This made her question if her not knowing anything was also extremely disrespectful to her other teachers. Well, that was something she could ask them the next time she saw them, so she set that matter aside.

She also wondered if she had a privacy setting once she had access to whatever interface everyone around her had access to. She also noticed that the elemental in front of her seemed to be extremely depressed now. So she wondered if it was going to get fired/severely punished for what it said and who was going to do that.

Was she responsible for firing him since he had been "disrespectful" to her, or was the automated voice responsible for firing the elemental? She quickly realized that she was the primary suspect for being responsible for firing the man because if the system instantly learned another language to accommodate her, then it definitely hears what every teacher and person says inside the entire building, and it already would have taken action if the elemental had done a fireable offense.

At this time, she looked up to see the elemental already packing up the diagrams on the walls and other various magical trinkets and stuffing them into an extremely similar bag to the one she had back with Hank but smaller and had different looking runes all around it. And she wondered if she should let it continue on with what he is doing because it clearly is not very stable emotionally or should I take advantage of the situation. At first, she wondered how she could take advantage of the situation, but she quickly realized that any future teacher would probably have a similar mindset to her current teacher just not say anything to her and therefore give her a sub-optimal teaching lesson because she knew so little. While there was a chance that the teacher would not hold any grudges openly they would hold them in the back of their mind which Adair had learned the hard way was even worse.

She had a brief thought wondering how this teacher had no classroom experience or know how to run a class if he actually went to school for 300 years but she set that matter aside for the time being as well.

While she thought that maybe a future teacher would treat her with respect just out of the fact that she was able to become a student at this strange school, she didn't want to miss this opportunity to blackmail someone in order to allow her to get the best teaching in magic as possible because both in the Galactic Empire and her mom's skills fascinated her greatly fascinated her and the fact that she wasn't able to learn them greatly disappointed her.

Even when she was a "God" back in the Galactic test, she was only able to grant powers for the majority of her time she was only able to grant herself powers when she exercised the ritual given to her by the test administrators, which themselves didn't even last very long due to her untimely betrayal.

She quickly put those thoughts behind her, though, because she saw that the elemental was almost packed up, and she didn't know the properties of the portal and if it could be stopped once the teacher started it, so she called out to the elemental saying "Sir. I can tell you clearly want to keep this job by how depressed you were, and I did not take offense to what you said earlier. But I will take offense and tell Anahel what you did if you don't teach me how to use magic. Because as you can see, I was not taught it already, and I need a good teacher to teach me, and I feel you meet the bare bones qualifications to teach me."

While she bull-shitted her way through the speech since she had no way to contact Adair even if she wanted to, she figured that it should be a big enough threat to make the elemental do what she wanted. She briefly recalled how her weapons teacher said he himself would go talk with Anahel, and she hoped that that was an anomaly and not the standard that teachers could go and talk with Anahel.

Her assumption appeared to be true because she saw the elemental get severely duller for a second before resuming its usual color then saying, "There is no way you have a connection with Goddess Anahel. If you did, you would know how to use magic."

Adair replied with "that could be, but do you really want to test it?" Because what else was she supposed to say? She had no idea that the elemental would see through her little ruse so quickly just by thinking for a second.

The elemental then asked one question saying, "If you can answer this question, then I will believe you. How many wings did Anahel have, and what was their color?" Adair had no idea why or how this would prove that she actually knew Anahel, but it was a pretty easy answer for her to provide, so she responded with, "She had eight wings, and they were all made of clear crystal."

The elemental nodded to her answer and said, "fine, I believe you." and started taking a whole bunch of new items out of his bag. Much simpler ones. Ones that seemed almost basic, and this is when Adair realized that these items were probably for her since she was apparently so far behind.

She was still slightly confused on why her answering the one question that the elemental asked was so important to decide if the elemental trusted that she actually knew what Anahel looked like to base his trust in that Adair actually personally knew Adair, but she would take what she could get.

A short time later, the man finished putting out a whole bunch of items and said they would need to test Adair in order to see what path of magic would best fit her. This was all new to Adair, so she decided to just listen to what the elemental was saying. But as she worried, they headed to a very similar-looking machine that she had just exited back in the weapons room.

She was pretty sure that this machine would say the same thing as the last one and say that all of her information was classified, and since she was so positive that this was the case, she told the elemental that all the information that would come up on the screen would be classified and the elemental seemed to blow her off.

This slightly frustrated her, so she decided that she would prove that it would still be the same information, and since she recalled that nothing bad happened to her in the previous exam, she decided that nothing would go wrong this time, so she quickly breezed through the instructions and made sure to keep herself awake through this test.

While she thought that there might be a small possibility that since she was staying awake through this test, the results would be different but she then thought that if that actually was the case, then this was an extremely unreliable test, and she was unsure of why people would listen to its data if this was actually the case.

After she noticed her feet were strapped down, she noticed that compared to the green liquid from before, this one was a light purple color. And when it flowed over her head, she held her breath as long as she could before breathing in, and the liquid entered her nostrils, but she was still able to breathe, which she concluded must be some sort of magic.

She then saw the elemental looking at the screen, and it looked extremely stressed out, and this is when she started to worry that maybe that these test results were "failed" as well. And even though she was pretty sure that this was her mother shielding her results, she was not completely sure though.

After coming to this conclusion, she assumed that she would be released soon from the machine, but she was mistaken because the elemental started to rapidly tap the screen, and this was when Adair noticed a new liquid enter the tube and turn the previously light purple color to a dark brown color.