
The Forgotten ( triplets separated )

This is the story about triplets all with the same face ... And all very dangerous Sneak peek "She wore my face !, I'm not crazy .." I pleaded to the officer in front of me " tsk, yea right lady .. admit what you did.. " I leaned back in the chair and sighed " Did what ?" I spoke and he slammed his hands onto the table making me flinch " You killed all those people ! you slaughtered them no one else .."

BiSexualArtist · Fantasy
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4 Chs

2: Anala

I wake up stretching .. " Sweetie come eat breakfast !" I hear my mother yell from downstairs . It startles me when she yells sometimes ..." Coming mom !" I yell back jumping out of bed I run to my bathroom to take my medication .. I hate taking those pills to keep my powers away and hidden " I hate these stupid pills.." I mumble under my breathe I gulp them down with some water .. sighing I look myself in the mirror seeing the red fire like veins in my cheeks and watching my eyes turn from a dark green to a dark red color ..I let out a small chuckle watching the veins fade and my eyes go back to the dark green color . I grip my bathroom sink before letting it go and walking downstairs to go eat breakfast " Morning mom " I give a calm smile .. she give me one back " morning ... did you take your pills ?" She ask with a concerned voice .. I hated when she reminded me about my pills " yes mom I did " she sighs in relief and makes my blood boil .. was she really thinking I was dangerous ?. I continued eating breakfast greeting my little brother " Carlos go eat " my mother demands and he sits and eats as fast as he can ..I laugh a little " Slow down a little buddy " I pat his head ..  but I do steal a bite of his food which makes him yell at me " Hey-!" I laugh even more and run upstairs . I bump into my step-dad almost falling .." sorry .." he slaps me  leaving a small red line on my cheek " what the hell man ?! " I yell and grips my neck slamming me against the wall ...I gasp for air hitting his arm trying to make him let go " shut up you little brat and watch were your going next time .." he whispers and let's go of my neck . I cough finally being able to breathe .. " You son of bitch .." I mumble as he walks downstairs ..I feel anger rise in me .. my eyes turn a dark red .and I felt an itch ...the need to burn him . " I'm gonna kill him !" I run down stairs and punch him .." Anala !" My mother yells .. I ignore her while I knock him to the ground punching him till his face is almost unrecognizable...his blood drips down my hand and my mother and brother watch scared ..I stop feeling the fire like veins in my face .."A-Anala .." I hear my brother whimper from fear ..I look up and he has tears running down his face .. and yet he hugs me anyway " I-I'm so sorry Carlos ...." My stepdad is Carlos's father ...I look over to my mother she drops the phone in her hand " I called the cops ... " my mother stutters out I manage not to yell at her " you did what ..." suddenly I see the blue and red lights outside of our house window ...my brother tightens his grip on me .. like it's a hug goodbye.." Carlos let her go .." my mother demands " n-no " he snaps ... I look at my hands covered in blood ..it flows down easily then I look at my mother and she has a look in her eyes .. she thinks I'm dangerous " Carlos let her go !" My mother yells and I flinch , I look down to my crying brother" Carlos you gotta let me go .." I sniffle .. feeling the tears in my eyes " No please don't leave Anala ..." I try not to sob .. then the enforcers walk in with there black and gold armor ... I scoff they reach out to pull me off the ground " Can't you wait 2 damn minutes ! You don't see the kid gripping onto for dear life ?!" I yell out and the enforcer steps back waiting till he lets go of me sobbing " P-please don't take my sister .." I look at the officer seeing his hazel eyes through his armor..he looks back me we stare at each other for what seems like hours ..I look away getting up holding my wrist out for them to cuff me " so what are you waiting for ?" I watch as an enforcer steps near my stepdad's unconscious body ...I watch as they check his pulse and run a hand over his face closing his eyes ..I clench my jaw " Sorry ma'am he's dead ..." the enforcers says and my mother leaps towards me yelling .. but the enforcer holds her back " You killed him !! You fucking bitch ?!" My mother yells and I look away with tears on the verge of running down my face ...I gulp suppressing whatever emotion I had left ..the enforcer pulled me by the arm roughly .." C-Carlos stay with mom ..ok ?" I sniffle .."ok please stay with mom ...you do not try to find me alright .." he nods " ok I will I promise .." I sigh in relief as they pull me out of the house outside I squint as the sun hits my eyes .. " so I'm going to the big house .." I joke as they put me into the car. I sigh leaning back in the seat .. I look out the window watching my house disappear out of my view due to the trees ..I sniff leaning over laying my head on the back of the drivers seat my hands tremble .. and I realize my meds are wearing off .." Sir did you happen to grab the meds out of bathroom .." the enforcer looks at me " tsk , why would give pills to a killer answer me that .." he spits out and I grip my seat feeling my powers sneak out a little " Sir now is not the time to joke .. where are my pills .." the enforcer next to me takes off his helmet revealing his hazel eyes .. I look at him he has a strong side view , a slit eyebrow , and perfectly shaped lips .. his hair is brown and silky I shift in my seat slightly " Here " he whispers handing me my pills and I take them and return it . He shoves them back into his pocket I sigh in relief feeling the pain of my powers fade .." Thank you ..sir " we lock eyes and he smiles a little .