
The Forged Vows

In a twist of fate at the café, as you prepare to introduce your new fiancé to your parents and meet the intriguing men, you're stunned to find an envelope containing a note from your soon-to-be spouse, breaking off the engagement. Confusion and disappointment fill your heart as you struggle to understand the sudden change. Caught in a predicament, your parents' joyous anticipation for the engagement ceremony leaves you hesitant to reveal the truth. Just as despair threatens to consume you, a voice cuts through the tension with an unexpected proclamation, "Sorry to keep you waiting..." It's one of the men you've just met, and he's claiming to be your fiancé. Intrigued and caught off-guard, you listen as he explains himself further. As circumstances unfold, you find yourself drawn into a complex web of emotions and decisions. With a mixture of curiosity, desperation, and perhaps a spark of daring, you agree to enter into a fake marriage with this enigmatic stranger. Your path becomes a delicate dance between loyalty to your parents' happiness and the mystery that surrounds this unexpected development. As days turn into weeks and the charade continues, you find yourself spending time with this man in the guise of a couple. As the two of you navigate this façade, you begin to uncover layers of his personality, his past, and the reasons behind his sudden proposition. A slow but undeniable connection forms, intertwining your lives in ways you never imagined. Throughout the journey, you're faced with moments of vulnerability, shared laughter, and unexpected intimacy. As your relationship deepens, the lines between fiction and reality blur, and you question the authenticity of your emotions. Is it just a charade, or is there something genuine blossoming amidst the pretense?As the story reaches its climax, you must confront your feelings and make a choice. Will you continue to uphold the pretense for the sake of your parents' happiness, or will you pursue your own heart's desires?

Conan_Edogawa_4865 · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 8: Moving to a New House

Kazuki greeted us with his usual playful grin, adding a light-hearted comment, "Ah, look who's here, the dynamic duo!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at his jesting tone. "Well, good to see you too, Kazuki."

Hiroshi joined in, his tone lighthearted as well. "You always have a way with words, Kazuki."

Kazuki winked at us. "Just calling it as I see it."

The atmosphere in the café was warm and friendly, and it was clear that Hiroshi's friends were comfortable with our presence. It was almost as if we had slipped into a familiar routine, even though our relationship was merely a pretense. As we settled in, I found myself gradually letting go of the tension I had been carrying.

Hiroshi and I took our seats at a cozy table, the ambiance of the café creating an intimate setting.

Kazuki leaned in, his playful grin still in place. "So, how's the 'fake engagement' going? Any updates for us?"

Hiroshi exchanged a knowing glance with me before answering. "Well, we're still working on making it as convincing as possible."

Takuya chimed in, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Any plans for a grand proposal, Hiroshi?"

Hiroshi chuckled, shaking his head. "Not yet, Takuya. We're taking it one step at a time."

The playful banter continued, Ryo and Haruki also joining in with their teasing comments. Their lighthearted jests helped normalize the unconventional scenario we were in.

"By the way, is Uncle Toshiro not here?" I inquired, curious about the status of the apartment he had mentioned.

"Uncle went out to buy some ingredients," Ryo answered, taking a sip of his coffee.

Kazuki chimed in with his mischievous grin. "Oh, what's this? Are you excited to see the apartment that's soon to be your new home?"

His statement caught me off guard, and I stumbled over my words. "N-no! I mean… I was just curious about what kind of apartment it might be."

Kazuki's grin only widened, relishing in my momentary fluster. Hiroshi intervened with a laugh, his tone light. "Give her a break, Kazuki-kun. You're going to give her a heart attack."

With a chime, Uncle Toshiro entered the café. "Oh, you're both already here."

He placed his groceries on the counter before joining us at the table. "My friend informed me that the apartment has already been rented. However, he suggested that his son's house is available. His son is currently abroad, so he thought it would be better to have someone live there rather than have it empty."

Hiroshi exchanged a glance with me before speaking up, his curiosity evident in his voice. "Is he absolutely certain about this? What if his son decides to return home unexpectedly?"

Uncle Toshiro quickly reassured us, "Oh, he made sure to inform his son about renting the house. His son has given his consent, and he's perfectly fine with it. You know how young folks these days are always on the go. Now, why don't you both go take a look? It's quite nearby, and I'll be your guide."

I took a moment to ponder the logistics. "And what about the café?"

Uncle Toshiro's response was swift. "I've closed it for the day, specifically to assist you in case you find the place suitable. We're here to help you move your belongings."

Ryo chimed in with a supportive smile. "That's right, Hanako-san. You can count on us."

Their considerate words warmed my heart. "Thank you all so much. Your support means a lot to me."

Hiroshi nodded in agreement, his expression genuinely kind. "If you wouldn't mind showing us the way, Uncle, we'd greatly appreciate it."

Uncle Toshiro beamed at us, his enthusiasm contagious. "Absolutely! Let's head there together."

With that, Uncle Toshiro locked up the café and led the way as we embarked on our journey. Walking through the streets, I allowed my imagination to run free. Uncle Toshiro had mentioned that his friend's house wasn't too far away and that his son had designed it. My mind began to paint a vivid picture of the house and its surroundings.

Finally, we reached the house. The exterior was adorned with flowers, adding a natural charm to the setting. Uncle Toshiro directed us to the backyard first, where a table was set, perfectly positioned to enjoy both the view and the sunset.

"It's an incredible view, and the breeze is so refreshing," Haruki commented, clearly taking in the serene surroundings.

We then ventured into the house, starting with the living room. The interior was meticulously arranged, showcasing a seamless blend of traditional and modern aesthetics.

"Wow, it's truly beautiful," I couldn't help but exclaim, impressed by the harmonious marriage of old and new elements.

Hiroshi nodded in agreement. "The design is truly exceptional."

Uncle Toshiro's pride was evident as he smiled. "My friend's son has an incredible eye for design. He aimed to create a space that respects tradition while offering modern comfort."

As we continued our exploration, we moved on to the kitchen. "This kitchen is lovely. It's a great spot for the two of you to cook together," Ryo remarked while surveying every corner of the kitchen. His words made me blush, and I couldn't help but imagine what he suggested – cooking together. Hiroshi agreed with Ryo, catching me off guard once again. To shift the topic, I suggested, "Why don't we check out the bedroom?"

Uncle Toshiro led us toward the bedroom on the second floor but paused when Kazuki unexpectedly broached a topic that probably shouldn't have been brought up. "You know, now that I think of it, did you two sleep together last night?"

I felt a mixture of embarrassment and surprise at Kazuki's blunt question, and I exchanged a quick glance with Hiroshi, unsure how to respond.

I was just about to respond when Hiroshi spoke up, surprising everyone with his straightforward statement, "Yes, we slept together last night."

My eyes widened in astonishment, my jaw hanging slightly open. Did Hiroshi really just say that? The room was filled with a mix of surprise and amusement, and Uncle Toshiro seized the moment with a mischievous grin, teasingly asking, "Ohh, so have you two already taken that step?"

My mind raced as I struggled to find the right words. Haruki, however, was the only one who seemed genuinely concerned, his expression more serious than the rest, who were grinning like they'd just discovered a juicy secret.

"N-no, it's not like that! Hiroshi was sleeping in the living room!" I managed to stammer out, glancing quickly at Hiroshi. He met my gaze with an amused smile, as if he had just pulled off a well-played prank. His laughter was contagious, spreading through the room as even Uncle Toshiro joined in, his grin wide. Haruki's visible relief was evident.

"Ehh, what a buzzkill," Ryo chimed in, scratching his head while still chuckling.

As we explored further, Uncle Toshiro led us to the bedroom on the second floor, where I was grateful for the change in topic. But my relief was short-lived as Kazuki's mischievous grin returned. "So, if there's only one bedroom, will you two still be sleeping together?"

The question caught me off guard once again, and I felt my cheeks flush even more. I looked at Hiroshi, hoping he would come up with a tactful response to Kazuki's teasing.

"That's only if Hanako-san would allow it," Hiroshi answered with a chuckle, surprising me with his response and causing my heart to race. They really were relentless.

"Of course not," I replied, my voice stumbling over the words, causing another round of laughter from the group.

"Hanako-san, why don't you let him sleep with you?" Takuya asked, his tone seemingly light, but there was a subtle shift in his expression. Just a moment ago, he had been laughing, yet he didn't join in on the playful comments. Takuya-san, I thought you were on my side!.

I tried to regain my composure, my voice stumbling as I replied, "Of course not." My words were met with a round of laughter, leaving me both amused and flustered.

We continued on to the second floor, entering the bedroom. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the bed, and I couldn't help but glance at everyone else. Their grins were enough to tell me what they were thinking. Kazuki, Takuya, Ryo—they were all sporting the same mischievous expressions. Haruki, however, was looking around the room with a more neutral gaze.

"The bed is quite spacious, Hiroshi," Kazuki commented, his hand resting on Hiroshi's shoulder as he spoke.

Hiroshi nodded, his attention on the room. "Yes, and the design is impressive."

Takuya's voice came from the balcony, his excitement palpable. "There's even a balcony here!"

Kazuki joined him, adding with a playful tone, "Perfect for a romantic scene!"

My face flushed at his words, and I inwardly sighed at their relentless teasing.

Uncle Toshiro called us over to another room, suggesting it could be a guest room. A wave of relief washed over me at the thought that we wouldn't have to share the same bedroom. However, I noticed Kazuki's shoulders slump slightly as he heard the news.

As we descended the stairs to the second floor, Uncle Toshiro turned to us with a grin. "So, what do you both think of the house?"

Hiroshi and I exchanged glances, our eyes mirroring the enthusiasm in our voices. "It's fantastic, the design is truly remarkable!" Hiroshi exclaimed.

Uncle Toshiro's smile seemed to brighten at our positive response. "That's settled then. I'll give him a call and let him know that you both liked it." With that, Uncle Toshiro stepped outside to make the call to his friend.

A short while later, Uncle Toshiro returned, his grin even wider. "All done! His son is more than happy to have you both as tenants. He said you can move in whenever you're ready!"

A sense of relief washed over me, mingling with a growing excitement. It was comforting to know that we finally had a place to call our own. "Thank you so much, Uncle Toshiro. This truly means a lot to us."

Uncle Toshiro, however, had another suggestion. "Why not consider moving in right away? It's still early in the day, and we can all help you get everything arranged."

Haruki quickly chimed in, pulling his phone out of his pocket. "I can call a moving service to help transport your belongings."

Hiroshi's smile was genuine. "I do appreciate that, thank you."

I couldn't help but smile as well, the genuine kindness of everyone around us warming my heart.

As the sun began to set, we completed the task of arranging our things in the new house. Eventually, Uncle Toshiro and the others bid their farewells, their hands waving in the distance.

Kazuki's parting words came with a wink, "We'll definitely come to visit!"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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