
The Forged Vows

In a twist of fate at the café, as you prepare to introduce your new fiancé to your parents and meet the intriguing men, you're stunned to find an envelope containing a note from your soon-to-be spouse, breaking off the engagement. Confusion and disappointment fill your heart as you struggle to understand the sudden change. Caught in a predicament, your parents' joyous anticipation for the engagement ceremony leaves you hesitant to reveal the truth. Just as despair threatens to consume you, a voice cuts through the tension with an unexpected proclamation, "Sorry to keep you waiting..." It's one of the men you've just met, and he's claiming to be your fiancé. Intrigued and caught off-guard, you listen as he explains himself further. As circumstances unfold, you find yourself drawn into a complex web of emotions and decisions. With a mixture of curiosity, desperation, and perhaps a spark of daring, you agree to enter into a fake marriage with this enigmatic stranger. Your path becomes a delicate dance between loyalty to your parents' happiness and the mystery that surrounds this unexpected development. As days turn into weeks and the charade continues, you find yourself spending time with this man in the guise of a couple. As the two of you navigate this façade, you begin to uncover layers of his personality, his past, and the reasons behind his sudden proposition. A slow but undeniable connection forms, intertwining your lives in ways you never imagined. Throughout the journey, you're faced with moments of vulnerability, shared laughter, and unexpected intimacy. As your relationship deepens, the lines between fiction and reality blur, and you question the authenticity of your emotions. Is it just a charade, or is there something genuine blossoming amidst the pretense?As the story reaches its climax, you must confront your feelings and make a choice. Will you continue to uphold the pretense for the sake of your parents' happiness, or will you pursue your own heart's desires?

Conan_Edogawa_4865 · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 2: I'm your Daughter's Fiancé

The gentle chime of the bell interrupted our conversation, and I turned to see my parents entering the café, excitement written all over their faces. They approached our table, and my father's eyes scanned the group, clearly looking for my fiancé. "Where's your fiancé?" my father asked with a gentle smile, turning his head from side to side as if he expected my fiancé to be standing right there with us. "It was so sudden that I could not stop worrying. You didn't even tell us you have a boyfriend until yesterday night," my mother said with a mix of concern and excitement. My heart sank at their words. How could I say that the engagement was off when I saw how excited they were? The joy in their faces made it all the more challenging to deliver the news of the broken engagement. I knew I had to find the right words to avoid causing them unnecessary worry. I felt my heart tighten as I struggled to find the right words. How could I break their hearts when they seemed so genuinely happy about my engagement? Clutching my fist tightly, I looked down, trying to gather my thoughts.. As I struggled to find the right words to respond to my parents' excitement and concern, a voice suddenly spoke up, breaking the tension in the air. "Sorry to keep you waiting. I'm your daughter's fiancé," the voice said. All eyes turned towards the source of the voice, and to my utter surprise, one of the five men from the group stood up with a smile on his face. It was Hiroshi Takahashi, the police officer. My heart skipped a beat, and I could hardly believe what I was hearing. My heart raced with astonishment and confusion as I glanced at Hiroshi, who now sat beside me, holding my hand reassuringly. My mind was in turmoil, trying to process the sudden turn of events. Was this some kind of joke? How could one of the attractive men from the group suddenly claim to be my fiancé? Uncle Toshiro, always attuned to the atmosphere in his café, smiled knowingly. "Ah, so you're the fiancé. How wonderful to finally meet you," he said, playing along with the unexpected situation. Hiroshi nodded, his warm smile never faltering. "Yes, that's right. I apologize for the sudden appearance, but Hanako and I thought it would be a surprise." My parents seemed both surprised and delighted. My mother's eyes sparkled with joy, and my father extended his hand to Hiroshi with a beaming smile. "Well, it's lovely to meet you! We're thrilled to have you as part of our family." Hiroshi shook my father's hand warmly, his demeanor confident and genuine. "Thank you, sir. I'm honored to be a part of your family." My mother leaned in, her curiosity piqued. "How did you two meet? And why didn't Hanako tell us about your engagement earlier?" Hiroshi glanced at me with a knowing look before answering. "Hanako and I met a while back, and our relationship evolved slowly. We wanted to take our time and make sure of our feelings before announcing it to everyone. It was essential for us to be sure before taking this step." I nodded, thankful for Hiroshi's quick thinking and understanding of the delicate situation. The truth was that we had only just met earlier that day, but for some reason, he was willing to play along with the fake engagement. My heart swelled with gratitude for his gesture and the connection we seemed to share. My mother's excitement showed no signs of waning, and she couldn't contain her enthusiasm. "We were so worried because Hanako didn't tell us about you, but now that we've met, I know she's with a fine man," she said, her eyes filled with pride. My father chuckled, adding his own affectionate remark. "Yeah, I thought some punks were just playing with my lovely daughter, but it seems you're not only handsome on the outside but also on the inside." Hiroshi's smile widened at their warm reception. "Thank you both for your kind words. I assure you that I care deeply for Hanako, and I'll do my best to make her happy." With those words, I felt a sense of relief, knowing that Hiroshi was fully on board with this unexpected plan. Despite the initial confusion, I couldn't deny the comfort I found in his presence. As we continued our conversation, my parents and Hiroshi exchanged stories, laughter, and heartfelt moments. A strange but undeniable feeling of unity washed over our table, as if fate had brought us all together for a reason. As my parents walked away, their happiness still echoing in the air, I felt a mixture of emotions swirling within me. Hiroshi, my "fake" fiancé, stood by my side, his presence oddly comforting despite the unusual circumstances. The café, which had once seemed like a cozy haven, now felt like a crossroads of uncertainty. I glanced at Hiroshi, his expression unreadable. "I... I don't even know where to begin," I admitted. "I had already made arrangements to move out of my apartment and leave my job. Everything was supposed to change because of the engagement. I don't even have a place to stay. I left my apartment and my job, thinking I'd be starting a new life with my fiancé." As we settled at a table inside the café, the other members of the group joined us. Kazuki, always the one to lighten the mood, couldn't resist making a lighthearted comment. "So you two are playing lovers now?" he teased, his grin infectious. Ryo, ever the observant one, recalled Hiroshi's earlier revelation. "Now that I think of it, Hiroshi, didn't you mention earlier that you were arranged to be married to the daughter of your father's friend, who happens to be a lawyer?" Hiroshi nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Yes, that's correct. My father and his friend had this arrangement for years, and I was informed about it not too long ago." "What?!" I was shocked by what I heard. He suddenly said that he was my fiance in front of my parents, but he's already arranged to marry someone else! Hiroshi looked at me with a grin on his face and then he held my hand as if he wanted to reassure me. "Wh- what's with that smile?" I thought to myself. "I don't have any intention of marrying someone I don't like, and we've only known each other for 4 weeks," Hiroshi added. "Oh, that woman last time, she's beautiful though. I hope I can see her again," Kazuki said, his face looking mischievous. "I already told my father that it's impossible for me to marry that woman and mentioned that I've already found someone I like," Hiroshi said with a reassuring smile. "What?!" Everyone looked at me as I suddenly spoke up. Oh no, I thought I said it in my mind! I didn't have a choice but to continue now. "W-what do you mean you have someone you like?" My voice trembled, and I couldn't stop my hands from shaking. "I-if you already have, why did you lie to my parents that you're my fiancé? It will only make it harder for me to say that the engagement was off." "That's right, Hiroshi. If you already like someone, you should let me pretend to be her fiancé," Kazuki said, slamming his hand on the table. Wha- what?! I couldn't even tell if he was serious about it or just joking. The tension in the air was palpable, and I felt caught in the middle of their exchange. "Calm down, Kazuki. You're scaring Hanako," Takuya intervened, his voice calm and composed. "Ah! What do you mean, Takuya?" Kazuki leaned his head closer to Takuya, a mischievous grin on his face. "I'm sure he had a good reason, right Hiroshi?" Takuya added, his own grin reflecting a sense of camaraderie. Everyone leaned in, awaiting Hiroshi's response. My heart raced as I watched his face, trying to discern the truth behind his actions. Hiroshi took a deep breath and looked around at each of us, his gaze steady. "Of course, I have. When I said I have already liked someone, that was a lie to make up an excuse to my father. I intended to find someone as soon as possible because next month he wants to meet this girl I like." He then looked at me with a smile. "And when I saw the opportunity to help you in this situation, I didn't think twice. It will benefit both of us. I want you to pretend to be my girlfriend, for at least 4 months, and we can make up a story about how we broke up to your parents when the time comes." The weight of Hiroshi's words sank in, and I found myself in a whirlwind of emotions once again.

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