
Return of the Heir


Two large wolves run through the forest at a steady speed. They are far larger than normal wolves. One has a pure black coat, the other a smoky grey colour.

They have been travelling in wolf form for the last three days in order to make their way back to the Lunar Eclipse pack. It has been two years since the wolves had left their pack, but neither wolf was in a hurry to return home.

The black wolf stopped at the pack border and began to shift back into his human form, closely followed by the grey wolf.

As a human the black wolf stood at six foot four inches in height, with shoulder length dark brown hair that looked almost black, and dark brooding brown eyes which looked cold until they were lit up by his smile. His physique was hard and muscular, and it was clear from the light scars on his chest and upper arms that he was used to fighting.

The other wolf once shifted was not as tall as his companion at only six foot two, but he was just as muscular with matching battle scars on his chest. He had blond hair and sparkling blue eyes which at the moment looked subdued.

“So, we are finally back home Alex” the blond haired man stated quietly.

“Yes Euan, back to face our duties to the pack and for me to return to my position as the Alpha heir.”

“Will you tell your father the truth about what we have been doing for the last two years?” Euan asked him curiously. This was not the first time he had asked this question, but Alex had never given him a straight answer before. Now though he knew he must.

“No” he said. “Not yet. I will speak to my grandfather first, and then I will make my decision as to when and how much I will tell him. In the meantime, my friend I need you to keep to our story that we have been searching for our mates.”

“Unsuccessfully” Euan grinned. “I am sure all the unmated Shewolves will be pleased to hear that you are still in the market for your Luna.”

Alex sighed. “That is the last thing I need. I have more important things to think about than a bunch of over excited shewolves trying to persuade me to make them my Luna. I have still not completed the mission that my grandfather gave me, and until I do, I will not be free to find my mate. I have no time for distractions like romance.”

“It isn’t me you have to convince” Euan chuckled. “It is your father who will be disappointed to see you back without a suitable mate in tow. He is going to be angry with you for not fulfilling your duty to the pack and providing us with our future Luna.”

“I know” Alex reluctantly grinned back. “Why do you think it has taken us three days rather than one to get here”

“I thought it was you slowing down in your old age” Euan cheekily replied.

Alex launched himself at his friend throwing him to the ground and they began to play fight. Many Alphas wolves would not have stood those types of comments from lower ranking wolves, but Alex has been through too much with Euan to stand on ceremony. They were closer than brothers having trained together, fought together and saved each other’s life on more than one occasion.

Once they had exhausted themselves play fighting. They sat back and Alex said “There can be no comments like that when we get back to the pack. We must play our roles, or you will suffer my father’s wrath. I am soon to be Alpha, and he will expect you to be respectful. Anything less and he will become suspicious.”

“I know and I won’t let you down” Euan promised.

“We should go” Alex said. Both men stood up and began their walk to the pack house.


As I walked into school on Monday morning all I could hear was loud chattering from all the students, everyone seemed to be way too excited for your average Monday morning. Some of the older Shewolves were shrieking and giggling at each other.

Something had obviously happened to make everyone so excited. I wasn’t sure if I was curious or not. Most pack gossip and news didn’t really affect Omegas. We didn’t get involved with pack affairs. If it was really important someone would eventually tell me.

I saw Lily already standing at her locker. If anyone knew what was going on it would be Lily.

“Hi” I said giving her a big hug. “Do you know what is going on? Everyone seems so excited”

“Yes” Lily replied, “Alex and Euan returned last night. They were holed up in the Alpha’s office for a few hours with Alpha James and my father, then they joined the rest of the pack for dinner. Didn’t your parents tell you? Weren’t they working at the packhouse last night?”

“They were but they finished late and then they had an early shift this morning, so I haven’t had chance to catch up with them. “So, what is he like” I asked curiously, “is he still the same Alex?”

“Well, I haven’t spoken to him directly. He spoke to each of the ranking wolves at dinner, and then made a short speech to the rest of us saying he was glad to be home and he would take time to speak to all the pack members over the next few weeks but that was it. As you can probably tell from all the giggling girls, he is gorgeous even better looking than he was when he left, but that is all I can tell you.”

“Well that is OK” I responded. “I am unlikely to spend much time with him. He is going to be busy with his Alpha duties, and finding his Luna, and I will be studying and cleaning. What could go wrong?”