
The Forbidden Temptation

What will happen when a fiercely defiant woman crosses paths with a meticulously structured demigod King? Step into the land of Veridia, where danger and magic collide in a spellbinding tale of love and freedom. Meet Elara, a rebellious young human girl trapped in a cruel and unfair world. She is abused in every way imaginable. That includes financial exploitation, cruel words, and even physical violence. Her spirit, however, is unbreakable, shining through the darkness that surrounds her. On the other side of Veridia is Caspian. He is a noble demigod king who takes his responsibilities very seriously. He prefers law and order. And he is concerned about anything that might disturb his peaceful kingdom. But fate has other plans. Despite their differences, Elara and Caspian find themselves drawn to each other. Their connection is forbidden, but it brings them comfort and excitement. Their feelings intensified. And it called into question their beliefs and the paths they thought they would take. Can Elara and Caspian put aside their differences? Can they work together to defy expectations? Or will their own desires drive them apart, putting Veridia in danger? EXCERPT: Elara took a bold step forward. Her voice dripped with confidence as she faced Caspian. "I am not going to let Veridia control me, and I am not going to be anyone's puppet; I am going to live freely, with or without you." Caspian's eyes glinted dangerously. And he approached in a low, intense tone. "You are not getting away that easily, no chance." Caspian reached out and grabbed Elara by the waist in an unexpected move. Their lips met in a daring, passionate kiss that felt like a challenge to the rest of the world. It was a clash of strong wills, a battle filled with urgent intensity. They finally drew away, both breathing heavily. "This kiss is not something we can ignore, Elara." Elara's pupils constricted. A mix of rage and desire danced in them. “Don't mistake this kiss for surrender, Caspian But for the time being, I will go along with it. Remember, I'm not a helpless damsel waiting to be saved. I am a force to be reckoned with, and you'll need to keep up if you want to be part of my world." Everything else faded away as they focused solely on each other. Their clash was like a raging storm, wild and untamed. And they wavered on the brink of surrender and control. ----------------------------------------- Feel free to get in touch with me: FB: author aelia IG: authoraelia Website: authoraelia.wordpress.com Mail: author.aelia@gmail.com Discord: https://discord.gg/T6MfDdpe

Author_Aelia · Fantasy
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33 Chs



Seated upon the throne, Caspian's eyes scanned the situation, commanding the room with an air of authority.

His mind raced, seeking answers to the current issue at hand.

"Send help to those hit by the healing magic accidents. Boost the supplies for potions and natural remedies. Make sure healers are rewarded for their work," he directed in a firm, kingly tone, his strategic thoughts driving his decisions.

One of the council members spoke up, "Your Majesty, what if we run out of resources?"

Caspian's gaze sharpened as he responded, "We'll prioritize gathering necessary items. Shift allocations where needed, but ensure the stability of our resources."

Another council member inquired, "How can we ensure the healers are effective?"

Caspian's voice remained steady, "We'll organize training sessions and provide support to enhance their skills. Effective healers mean swifter recovery."

A third member raised concerns, "But won't this put a strain on our funds, Your Highness?"

Caspian's lips curved in a thoughtful manner. "Indeed, it's an investment. A healthy kingdom thrives, and our efforts will pay off in the long run."

"Yes, your Majesty." The council members nodded, acknowledging his rational approach.

He then addressed the issue concerning the fireball mishaps.

Caspian's voice held authority as he spoke, "Halt the creation of fireballs. Fire usage is forbidden until the cause is determined."

His eyes scanned the council members, making sure his message was understood.

One of the council members, a skilled mage, raised a question, "Your Majesty, what if fire is essential for defense?"

Caspian's response was measured and strategic, "Find alternative methods. Our safety cannot rely solely on fire. Seek solutions that align with our resources and capabilities."

Another council member chimed in, "Shall we assign a team to investigate the source of the fire magic accidents?"

Caspian nodded, "Indeed. Form a team, gather information, and report their findings. We must uncover the root cause."

With a flurry of activity, the council members began organizing the necessary actions.

Caspian watched as his orders were transformed into decisive steps, each contributing to the resolution of the situation.

"Let us also address the magical creatures," he continued, his voice carrying a weight of authority. "We must gather the magical creatures affected by this turmoil and place them in sanctums throughout every town. Our animalmages will attend to their needs, ensuring their well-being."

The members of the royal council leaned in, their attention captured by Caspian's commanding tone.

"Treasury Minister," Caspian turned his gaze towards the responsible official, "you are to allocate the necessary resources for this endeavor. Everything these creatures require must be provided."

The Treasury Minister nodded in agreement, scribbling down notes with a swift hand.

One of the council members spoke up, "Your Majesty, what about the costs? Creating sanctums and providing for the creatures will require substantial funds."

Caspian's eyes glinted with resolve. "Indeed, the costs are a concern. However, the stability of our kingdom relies on the harmony between our people and the magical inhabitants. It is an investment in our future."

Another council member raised a question, "But how do we ensure the safety of our townsfolk? Some of these creatures are powerful and unpredictable."

Caspian's lips curved into a slight, thoughtful smile. "We will implement strict security measures around each sanctum. Trained guards, both magical and mundane, will be stationed to maintain order and protect the towns."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the council as they absorbed his rational approach.

"What if the townspeople resist?" questioned a concerned council member.

Caspian's gaze swept across the room, his demeanor unwavering. "Education is our weapon against fear. We shall organize workshops and gatherings, fostering understanding between our citizens and these creatures. Fear subsides when knowledge takes its place."

Caspian concluded the meeting for the moment and prepared to head to the Royal Archives to oversee the scholars' work.

Just as he was about to move, a messenger intercepted him.

"Your Majesty, we've located the woman you sought. However, she's unconscious and ailing. She's currently with Captain Rowan Hawthorn in the Verdant Wildwood, west of Veridia."

Caspian's thoughts spun in confusion. "But Lady Elara is here."

He distinctly remembered conversing with her just moments before the reports reached him.

"Or did I?"

The doubt gnawed at him as he swiftly made his way to the Grand Halls.

The couples had already departed.

Fortunately, Dorian was there. He volunteered to keep the couples entertained while he addressed the issues outside of Veridia.

"Has she left already with them? Why would she venture to the Verdant Wildwood? And what could ail her?"

Without delay, he strode to his chamber and donned his cloak.

"Lead me there," he commanded the messenger.

"Of course, your Majesty."

Through one of the magical portals, they journeyed.

To his astonishment, upon emerging, the forest lay in an ashen and desolate state.

"What happened here?" he questioned, his analytical mind immediately seeking answers.

"Fireballs rained down from the nearby Forge, your Majesty," the messenger reported.

Caspian's voice remained composed as he inquired, "And you witnessed Lady Elara amidst this chaos?"

The messenger confirmed, "Yes, your Majesty. She was at the heart of it."

Though his exterior betrayed no emotion, a sense of horror tightened within Caspian.

He had been conversing with her not long ago, and now she was entangled in this mysterious turmoil.

Caspian's thoughts raced, considering the information at hand.

'The Forge's sudden eruption was concerning, but the involvement of Lady Elara made it even more perplexing.'

His mind whirred, seeking patterns and connections that might provide insight into this unexpected turn of events.

"We must ascertain the cause of this disruption," Caspian mused aloud, his analytical nature taking the reins. "And we need to ensure the safety of Lady Elara."

"Lead me to her," Caspian commanded without hesitation.

"Yes, your Majesty," the messenger replied, bowing respectfully.

It didn't take them long before they reached the Infirmary.

It is just a kilometer away from the Verdant Wildwood.

To his surprise, patient after patient were being brought to the Infirmary.

His shoulders sagged. His heart was broken by all that was happening.