
The Forbidden Temptation

What will happen when a fiercely defiant woman crosses paths with a meticulously structured demigod King? Step into the land of Veridia, where danger and magic collide in a spellbinding tale of love and freedom. Meet Elara, a rebellious young human girl trapped in a cruel and unfair world. She is abused in every way imaginable. That includes financial exploitation, cruel words, and even physical violence. Her spirit, however, is unbreakable, shining through the darkness that surrounds her. On the other side of Veridia is Caspian. He is a noble demigod king who takes his responsibilities very seriously. He prefers law and order. And he is concerned about anything that might disturb his peaceful kingdom. But fate has other plans. Despite their differences, Elara and Caspian find themselves drawn to each other. Their connection is forbidden, but it brings them comfort and excitement. Their feelings intensified. And it called into question their beliefs and the paths they thought they would take. Can Elara and Caspian put aside their differences? Can they work together to defy expectations? Or will their own desires drive them apart, putting Veridia in danger? EXCERPT: Elara took a bold step forward. Her voice dripped with confidence as she faced Caspian. "I am not going to let Veridia control me, and I am not going to be anyone's puppet; I am going to live freely, with or without you." Caspian's eyes glinted dangerously. And he approached in a low, intense tone. "You are not getting away that easily, no chance." Caspian reached out and grabbed Elara by the waist in an unexpected move. Their lips met in a daring, passionate kiss that felt like a challenge to the rest of the world. It was a clash of strong wills, a battle filled with urgent intensity. They finally drew away, both breathing heavily. "This kiss is not something we can ignore, Elara." Elara's pupils constricted. A mix of rage and desire danced in them. “Don't mistake this kiss for surrender, Caspian But for the time being, I will go along with it. Remember, I'm not a helpless damsel waiting to be saved. I am a force to be reckoned with, and you'll need to keep up if you want to be part of my world." Everything else faded away as they focused solely on each other. Their clash was like a raging storm, wild and untamed. And they wavered on the brink of surrender and control. ----------------------------------------- Feel free to get in touch with me: FB: author aelia IG: authoraelia Website: authoraelia.wordpress.com Mail: author.aelia@gmail.com Discord: https://discord.gg/T6MfDdpe

Author_Aelia · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Singled Out

Elara's eyes darted towards the approaching figure of the King. And it emphasized the need for composure.

They had to present a united front in the presence of the King, no matter their differences.

Elara's hand instinctively moved to soothe the throbbing pain in her scalp.

"Who needs a peaceful day in Veridia, right? No, we must have our hair tugged in the most medieval of ways. How lovely!"

She let out a scoff, shaking her head as if to shake off the annoyance.

And then there he was. The King of Veridia -

His presence alone commanded the attention of all. He was standing tall and regal at the entrance.

Elara's breath hitched in her throat, her heart pounding like a wild stallion.

"The King…" Elara's eyes widened. Her body was frozen in awe.

Time seemed to stand still. Her eyes locked on his figure. And a mixture of awe and anticipation swirled within her.

"Oh, come on, Elara, pull yourself together," she whispered under her breath. "You've got this. Just a meeting with the enigmatic ruler of the kingdom, no big deal."

A whirlwind of emotions churned within her. It was as if a thousand delicate butterflies took flight in the pit of her stomach.

She watched as the King's tousled dark hair framed his face. It added an air of untamed allure to his regal countenance.

His eyes were like sapphires bathed in moonlight. And they held a depth that invited exploration, drawing her in like a moth to a flame.

Elara's heart fluttered, her cheeks turning a deep shade of pink.

"Oh, my," she whispered, her voice barely audible. She pressed a hand to her chest, feeling her pulse race beneath her fingertips.

The grand hall became a canvas of hushed whispers and exchanged glances.

The courtiers and nobles were vying for a closer look at the esteemed ruler.

"Is that him?" a voice whispered, barely audible amidst the murmurs.

"Yes, it must be King Caspian," another replied, their tone filled with awe.

Elara's eyes darted between the expectant faces. She caught snippets of their conversations.

"He possesses an undeniable presence," one noblewoman murmured. Her eyes traced the contours of the King's figure.

"He's even more captivating than the rumors suggest," a lord whispered, his voice laced with a touch of envy.

As the King stepped forward, the grand hall fell silent. Elara's heart quickened its pace.

"Your Majesty." One by one, the attendees bowed their heads in deference, a sign of respect for the royal figure in their midst.

Elara, too, inclined her head, her eyes never leaving the sight before her.

As he walked with measured steps, Elara couldn't help but marvel at the way he carried himself.

The way he held his head high, as if he owned the world, was truly mesmerizing. It was as if he was born to rule, commanding respect from all who laid eyes on him.

His gaze met the eyes of those who seemed familiar to him.

"Did he recognize them?" she wondered, her voice filled with awe.

Her breath caught in her throat as she observed a quick flash of recognition in his eyes. "He knows them! They must be important!"

"He nodded to Lord Harrington! They must have met before," a courtier murmured, eyes widening with curiosity.

"Did you see? Lady Isabella received a nod as well," another whispered.

"He recognizes those who have stood by his side in the past."

"The nod is a mark of favor and trust. Those individuals hold a special place in the King's heart."

Elara couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to receive a nod from the enigmatic king.

"What would it be like to be acknowledged as someone significant in his eyes?" she asked dreamily.

Just then Lady Victoria leaned closer to Aurora. Her voice was a hushed whisper amidst the bustling hall.

"Aurora, dear, remember to present yourself in the most alluring light. Catch the King's eye, and he shall be yours."

Aurora's eyes flickered with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. "But what should I do, Mother? How can I stand out? Elara, move back!"

Lady Victoria cast a disdainful glance at Elara, who stood a few steps behind them.

"Elara, move aside," she commanded, her voice laced with a tinge of superiority. "You need not worry about her. The King will never notice such a plain girl like her."

Elara's heart sank at Lady Victoria's cutting words. But she remained composed, refusing to let her emotions betray her.

"Yes, Mother." She silently stepped back, creating a physical distance between herself and her sister.

"Now, my dear, let your beauty shine," Lady Victoria continued. Her voice was dripping with a calculated sweetness.

"Make graceful movements, and captivate the King with your charm. Remember, he is drawn to those who exude confidence and allure."

Aurora nodded, her face a mix of determination and uncertainty. "I will do my best, Mother. I want the King's attention."

As the King walked by, Aurora had followed their mother's instructions. She ensured every move exuded captivating grace.

Elara sighed inwardly, feeling invisible in the grand hall.

She lowered herself with a deep bow, hiding her simple attire among the elegant ladies.

But destiny had other plans.

To her astonishment, the King came to a halt right in front of them. Elara's heart skipped a beat, and her breath caught in her throat.

Aurora's eyes widened, and she leaned close to Lady Victoria, whispering in a hushed voice.

"Oh my goodness, Mother, did you see that? I think the King noticed me!" Her excitement was so obvious, she couldn't hide it.

Yet, in a voice that resonated through the grand hall, King Caspian called out Elara's name. "Lady Elara Blackthorn."