
The Forbidden Temptation

What will happen when a fiercely defiant woman crosses paths with a meticulously structured demigod King? Step into the land of Veridia, where danger and magic collide in a spellbinding tale of love and freedom. Meet Elara, a rebellious young human girl trapped in a cruel and unfair world. She is abused in every way imaginable. That includes financial exploitation, cruel words, and even physical violence. Her spirit, however, is unbreakable, shining through the darkness that surrounds her. On the other side of Veridia is Caspian. He is a noble demigod king who takes his responsibilities very seriously. He prefers law and order. And he is concerned about anything that might disturb his peaceful kingdom. But fate has other plans. Despite their differences, Elara and Caspian find themselves drawn to each other. Their connection is forbidden, but it brings them comfort and excitement. Their feelings intensified. And it called into question their beliefs and the paths they thought they would take. Can Elara and Caspian put aside their differences? Can they work together to defy expectations? Or will their own desires drive them apart, putting Veridia in danger? EXCERPT: Elara took a bold step forward. Her voice dripped with confidence as she faced Caspian. "I am not going to let Veridia control me, and I am not going to be anyone's puppet; I am going to live freely, with or without you." Caspian's eyes glinted dangerously. And he approached in a low, intense tone. "You are not getting away that easily, no chance." Caspian reached out and grabbed Elara by the waist in an unexpected move. Their lips met in a daring, passionate kiss that felt like a challenge to the rest of the world. It was a clash of strong wills, a battle filled with urgent intensity. They finally drew away, both breathing heavily. "This kiss is not something we can ignore, Elara." Elara's pupils constricted. A mix of rage and desire danced in them. “Don't mistake this kiss for surrender, Caspian But for the time being, I will go along with it. Remember, I'm not a helpless damsel waiting to be saved. I am a force to be reckoned with, and you'll need to keep up if you want to be part of my world." Everything else faded away as they focused solely on each other. Their clash was like a raging storm, wild and untamed. And they wavered on the brink of surrender and control. ----------------------------------------- Feel free to get in touch with me: FB: author aelia IG: authoraelia Website: authoraelia.wordpress.com Mail: author.aelia@gmail.com Discord: https://discord.gg/T6MfDdpe

Author_Aelia · Fantasy
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33 Chs


Caspian stood tall in the grand throne room.

His presence drew in the unwavering attention of the Royal Council.

"Listen," Caspian's words carried a tone of undeniable authority.

And he captured the attention of all who were present.

"Summon all the healers in the kingdom, and tell them to stop using their magic immediately."

Across the room, council members exchanged puzzled looks.

"Your Majesty," a council member began, their voice unsure.

"I mean no disrespect, but what about the sick people who rely on the magic of the healers? Stopping the magic could put their lives in danger!"

Caspian's mind already grappled with the potential outcomes of his decision.

"Already, someone has lost their life because of this," he responded.

A somber hush fell upon the room.

Caspian sensed the council members processing the severity of the situation.

"This situation is dire," he elaborated, his words aiming to bring insight.

"Our magical spells have become sources of harm instead of help. The healers' magic, which once brought relief, is now causing pain. We must act to uncover the root of this corruption."

He paused, allowing his words to settle in the hearts of those listening.

"Listen , everyone," Caspian's voice rang out with unwavering authority.

"For the time being, our healers must rely on potions, natural medicines, and their skills. We cannot allow any more lives to be lost due to these unpredictable spells."

The Council members relaxed. A wave of reassurance swept through the room as they absorbed Caspian's suggestion.

But, a shadow of confusion still lingered in their eyes. Caspian was quick to understand the need for further explanation.

"In the Northern and Western parts of our kingdom," Caspian's voice began. "There have been troubling reports about our healing spells. These spells are not working as they should."

He went on to recount the incidents involving the Duke of Sylvanwood. He also told them about the young boy in the Western Infirmary.

The expressions of the council members shifted from confusion to understanding. Their faces etched with concern.

"How could something like this happen? Healing magic is meant to be a wonderful gift. It is a way to help and care for our people," one council member exclaimed.

His voice was filled with genuine confusion.

Caspian's response was unwavering, his tone calm and certain.

"Our experts in magic are currently working hard to uncover the reason behind this. It's possible that there's an issue with the balance of magical energies. Or something from the outside is causing this disruption."

A councilor had seen many years. And they know him for his wisdom.

He joined the conversation and offered his insights.

"The king's decision is a wise one," the seasoned councilor said.

"Our top priority should be the safety of our people. Until we understand what's causing these troubles, it might be best to pause the use of healing magic for now."

Caspian nodded, his agreement evident.

The council members began to feel a sense of relief.

But the atmosphere was once again disrupted by the entrance of another messenger.

Caspian's watchful eyes honed in on the urgency etched in the messenger's expression.

He knew that he would deliver more unsettling news. And he braced himself for its impact.

"Your Majesty," the messenger's voice trembled with urgency, drawing everyone's attention .

"The fireballs that were created for defense lose control. And they ignited unintended targets. They also consume the casters themselves!"

'What now?' Caspian's thoughts raced, grappling with the latest revelation. 'First, the healing spells going wrong, and now uncontrollable fireballs? Magic is spiraling into chaos.'

The council chamber buzzed with a mixture of conversations and concerned glances.

"Tis a dire situation," one council member stammered, his voice quivering.

"Our own magic turned against us... this defies all logic."

Another council member jumped in. His brows knitted in concern.

"How could something like this even happen? Isn't magic meant to be in our control?"

A third council member's voice wavered with uncertainty.

She chimed in, "The flames seem to act with a mind of their own, a purpose that isn't ours. This puts everything we hold dear at risk."

"Our magic once shielded us, empowered us. But now it has turned into a harbinger of ruin. We find ourselves standing at the edge of an unfamiliar era."

Turmoil churned within Caspian.

But he knew that his role as a leader required him to maintain a semblance of composure and strength.

Caspian's eyes swept across the council chamber, his thoughts racing like galloping horses.

"We cannot let fear make our decisions. We must use what we know to solve this mystery."

His words seemed to catch the attention of everyone in the room.

The council members turned to him, their eyes seeking guidance in the midst of all the confusion.

Another council member leaned forward, their face showing deep thinking.

"If the fire has its own mind, ancient books have answers. People from the past might have faced this too."

Caspian's face brightened a bit, a small spark of hope appearing.

"That's a smart idea. Search through old books. Find the knowledge that our ancestors has passed down to us for a long time."

Another council member spoke up, their voice clear and determined.

"What about the Elemental Conclaves? Those who understand the elements might know what's happening."

Caspian's hand gripped the armrest as he pondered the suggestion.

"Considering the elements... yes, that could give us a new way of looking at this strange problem."

Just then, a sudden entrance of another messenger caught everyone's attention.

The room stayed quiet as King Caspian listened.

"Your Highness," the messenger began, sounding concerned.

"I've got some bad news from Veridia. There's something not right with our magical creatures."

King Caspian's gaze sharpened, his expression turning serious. "Tell me, what's happened?"

The messenger seemed scared. "The unicorns are now making people sick instead of helping. And some phoenixes are getting sick too. Even the fairies, who usually do good things, are acting mean."

A sudden weakness overcame King Caspian. His legs wobbled, and he sank down onto his throne, his confidence faltering.

The revelations about the magic going wrong. The creatures behaving strangely – it was all too much to bear.

Caspian's mind raced, thoughts swirling like leaves in a storm.

King Caspian's vulnerability showed a side of him they rarely saw.