
The Forbidden Secrets of The Love Tavern

The chattering of the men who sat at the bar robbed Richard of his quiet time. He was always at the tavern after work hours every day to have a drink, clear his head and watch Missy; the beautiful barkeep who had captured his heart, from a safe distance. --- Richard did not have the habit of using women, but Gina left him no choice. --- 'I hear suitors are seeking your hand.' He removed his bag from his shoulder and set it down beside him. 'I have not seen you yet. I shall continue to decline all offers until you make your intention known.' She responded sharply. 'Whatever do you mean? I am not going to seek your hand.' He picked up his water container and took a big swig. 'Of course, you shall seek my hand. Whose hand shall you seek then?' She picked up the linen and covered herself. The moment she had dreaded since she started sneaking around with Richard two years ago was finally before her... --- Want more? You will find it all in here... Drama, Revenge, Dark Secrets, Plot Twist, Forbidden Love; all of these are abundant in this novel and will have you glued to your screens... --- Updates: 2 Chapters Daily. Timing: Between 2 - 4 PM (GMT+8) --- Please, I'm a big fan of constructive criticisms and always open to suggestions, so keep them rolling in; let me know I am writing for actual living beings and not myself.

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Richard's Mysterious Cupid

Missy had words she wanted to say to Irene, but she knew better than washing her dirty linen in the outlet that was full of ears that were eager to jump on any information.

'Missy is not in the tavern anymore, is she?'

When Donna looked back to see who had spoken, she saw Tabitha's face. Donna did not like Tabitha simply because she did not know when to stop.

Tabitha was too focused on her role as the town gossip to care about when her poke nosing was too much.

'Tabitha, have you come here to get a dress for yourself too?' Donna looked away from her.

'Yes. I reckon the king shall throw a ball soon. It must be in honour of his son who has recently returned from Bakhil. I shall not miss it.' Tabitha laughed slightly.

Word about the return of the king's son had not travelled outside of the East where the king and his nobles resided but Tabitha knew about it.

Donna wondered how Tabitha might have had such information. Something like that was usually kept hidden from the townspeople to protect the prince.

'I cannot say I am shocked at your knowledge of that.' Donna continued walking around the outlet and she held Missy close.

'You have not replied to my question, Donna. Tell me, have you taken your child away from the tavern?' Tabitha followed Donna.

'Tabitha, there will be plenty of time for you to speak with the lady later. For now, I need to size her and her daughter.' Irene said.

Irene was tired of Tabitha's behaviour around her patrons, but she could not send her out. All she could do was ask her to leave them alone.

'Do not worry, I just need Donna to tell me if she has lifted the burden from her daughter's shoulders.' Tabitha leaned against the wall behind her.

Donna did not want Missy to find out the real reason behind her lack of suitors from Tabitha's loose mouth. She knew she had to get away from the spot Tabitha was fixing her in.

'Yes. I do not work at the tavern anymore. But I must ask, was it wrong for me to work there?' Missy looked into Tabitha's eyes.

Tabitha understood that Donna was protecting her daughter's feelings and so she hid the truth from her. Even though Tabitha was a gossip, there were certain lines she just did not cross simply because she was human too.

'No. I must return to picking out my favourite dress now. Donna, be well.' Tabitha turned her back on the three women and went around the outlet on her own.

Tabitha cared about Richard for reasons best known to her and when she noticed he had grown feelings for Missy, she tried her best to get them together but every time, her plan failed. That did not stop her, she was going to continue until Richard was finally happy.

But Richard and Missy's love story was only one of the things Tabitha had to worry about. There was still the issue of Dayton. She still did not understand why Dayton had travelled from the East to the North to meet with an unwanted.

She wanted to confront Dayton but that was not enough reason to get past the borders of the East. The only thing she could do was wait until the ball the king had planned.

Ansley sat in his workroom, awaiting Gina's arrival. He had dreamed of her the night before and his body could hardly wait to have its desires met.

He looked at the old clock that had been passed down generations in his family. It was only a little after noon.

He excused Gina's lateness and told himself she was only getting ready for him. After all, she was a woman and she had to take care of her body well.

Ansley decided to pass time by looking through the papers that were piled on his table. He had read those papers time and time again but still, their content amazed him every time.

He was in great debt. But none of them was brought upon him by his hands. They were the debts he inherited from his late father.

Ansley's father, Stanley had been a noble. He was a man of great wealth. He had built a mansion for himself in the East of Garld and for many years, he flourished.

He traded gold and often went to faraway lands to sell his gold. But one day, the unexpected happened. His mine ran out of gold. Stanley however did not stop his workers from mining. Nor did he stop living a flashy life. He continued to travel overseas with the money he borrowed from many sources.

Stanley ended up dying on one of his many trips but that was after he sent word out to the people he owed. He asked them to collect their fee from his son, Ansley.

Because of the shame that act brought, the king took the noble title from Ansley's family.

Ansley was then forced to move to the North of Garld and there he began to make something of himself. He made great wealth but alas, his father's debt surpassed his wealth.

In a bid to pay off some of Stanley's dues, Ansley had to borrow. There was no better person to ask for money than Tripp, the town money lender.

The time to pay Tripp came quickly but Ansley did not have even half of what he owed him at hand. That was why Tripp had visited the previous day.

The knock on his workroom door saved him from his thoughts. He looked around him and all he could see was how much better Richard was than him.

'Whoever is that? You may come in.' Ansley said.

One of his workers entered and the smell of Ale accompanied him. It was Bolton, the drunk who had smacked Missy across the butt cheek once.

Bolton was always drinking but Ansley did not have a problem with it because Bolton was also a hard worker. Most of the profit Ansley made from his animal rearing was all thanks to Bolton.