
The Forbidden Secrets of The Love Tavern

The chattering of the men who sat at the bar robbed Richard of his quiet time. He was always at the tavern after work hours every day to have a drink, clear his head and watch Missy; the beautiful barkeep who had captured his heart, from a safe distance. --- Richard did not have the habit of using women, but Gina left him no choice. --- 'I hear suitors are seeking your hand.' He removed his bag from his shoulder and set it down beside him. 'I have not seen you yet. I shall continue to decline all offers until you make your intention known.' She responded sharply. 'Whatever do you mean? I am not going to seek your hand.' He picked up his water container and took a big swig. 'Of course, you shall seek my hand. Whose hand shall you seek then?' She picked up the linen and covered herself. The moment she had dreaded since she started sneaking around with Richard two years ago was finally before her... --- Want more? You will find it all in here... Drama, Revenge, Dark Secrets, Plot Twist, Forbidden Love; all of these are abundant in this novel and will have you glued to your screens... --- Updates: 2 Chapters Daily. Timing: Between 2 - 4 PM (GMT+8) --- Please, I'm a big fan of constructive criticisms and always open to suggestions, so keep them rolling in; let me know I am writing for actual living beings and not myself.

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Death Humbles Everyone

'Six bronze coins but for you, I shall take five.' The footman smiled.

Richard counted six bronze coins and pushed them in the footman's hand.

'Thank you, kind sir!' The footman said and began moving Richard's things out of the carriage.

'I will go ahead.' Richard's mother said and walked into the house.

It was not the toughest thing for her to do for she had made a resolve to accept her husband's death even though she loved him so much. It was the best thing for her and her son after all.

Richard's mother, Lucy walked straight to where she expected her husband to lay. It was his room, a place where he forbade anyone from going into.

When Lucy walked in, she saw her husband's siblings by his death bed. They were saying their last words to him.

It looked impossible that two people could be in her husband's room at the same time without him complaining.

But when she set her eyes on his pale body that leaned perfectly on the bed, she knew it was because he had no control of the situation and so could not ask anyone to leave.

'Lucy, you have decided to grace Thomas with your presence at last.' Cordelia said.

Thomas was Richard's father and Cordelia was Thomas' younger sister. Cordelia knew of her brother's hot temper and neglect towards his family, but she never spoke to him about it. She did not want to meddle in her brother's marriage since he never meddled in hers.

'There is not much grace for her to give now. Thomas is only a few breaths away from death. Wherever is Richard?' Oliver asked.

Oliver was Thomas' brother, but he was younger than Cordelia. Oliver did not like Lucy at all. He had been against his brother marrying her and he never supported anything that had to do with her.

'Richard is sorting our luggage. He shall be here soon.' Lucy walked to her husband's bedside.

She looked at Thomas and remembered their youth. They had been so in love, and she felt free whenever they were together.

She remembered the day he declared his intention for marriage. That had been one of the happiest days of her life.

But even as she remembered those happy thoughts, she could not stop herself from wondering where everything had gone wrong.

Was it because she could not have any more children after Richard? Was it because Richard had grown too rapidly in Thomas' eyes? None of the excuses explained why her loving husband stopped being loving.

'We shall give you your space.' Cordelia said and left the room.

Oliver took one look at his brother and left the room too. Oliver knew it was selfish of him, but he wished that Lucy had been on that bed in place of his brother.

'Thomas, who knew you would end this way?' Lucy sat beside him.

She touched his body, and it was still warm. She was glad that he had held out, at least until she was there to say her last words.

'Lucy.' Thomas' voice was weak.

He could not talk much but he wanted to apologize to her for the years of pain he had put her through. He wanted to tell her that he was just frustrated that she ended up with someone like him.

'Do not speak. Let me do all the speaking. You have done enough.' Lucy said.

'Lucy, I want to apologize.' Thomas tried to touch her, but her body was too far from the length at which his hand could move.

'Whatever happened to you? You must tell me why you treated Richard and me like peasants. Whatever did we do?' Lucy could not hold back the pain.

Tears rolled down her face as she looked at her husband's eyes close and open slowly. Each time they closed; she thought it was his end. But Thomas was a fighter, and he was not ready to get caught in the cold grasp of death.

'I apologize.' He said.

It was too late for him to apologize but that did not matter to Lucy. she had hoped to hear those very words from her husband, and she was glad he uttered them.

'Do not speak anymore. Your son, Richard shall be here at any moment. You must apologize to him too. So, Thomas, save your strength.' Lucy reached for his hand and held it.

Just then, Richard walked in. Richard looked at his mother beside his father and saw the power of death. It was able to make someone as horrible as his father so humble.

'Mother, how is he?' Richard asked.

He had hoped to hear the words 'he is dead' so that he could at least, escape speaking with his father again.

'You must come and speak to him at once. I do not know how much longer he has.' Lucy stood up, walked to a chair in the room and sat.

Richard did not know what to say to his father. He still did not know what behaviours were accepted and which were forbidden.

'Father.' He walked to Thomas' side and stood above him.

'Richard, how is your health?' Thomas opened his eyes widely and looked at his son.

His son who had brought pride and joy to him. His son who looked beautiful like a woman. His son who he did not know how to love.

'Yours is more important. Whenever did this begin?' There was no need for Richard to ask for he knew.

The letter which Thomas sent Lucy had the details but still, Richard asked. It was something he counted as acceptable behaviour.

'Do not bother about me. There is no saving me now. But I must apologize to you.' Thomas took his time to say those words and they were his last.

Richard had not noticed his father's passing for he was too busy being angry. Richard wondered why his father came to his senses on his death bed. Thomas had years to apologize but he decided to do it when Richard had no choice but to forgive him.

'Thomas?' Lucy called out.

That was when Richard realized that his father was no more. He did not know how to act at that moment. He kept questioning what acceptable behaviour was and what behaviour attracted punishment.

'Mother, what shall I do?' Beads of cold sweat covered his forehead.

'Thomas?' Lucy stood up and walked to her husband's side.

She saw for herself that he was truly gone. At least, he had apologized, and she had forgiven him. She held on to the fact that her husband passed away whilst on good terms with her.