
The Forbidden Oneshot Collection/The Vault

A collection of all the oneshots I post in one clusterfuck of a book. Additional tags: HMOFA(Human Male on Female Anthro), femdom, non-con elements, yandere, and more. Keep in mind, every chapter is a oneshot and does not connect in any way, shape, or form to any other one.

TheFacelessUser · Others
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18 Chs

The Hermit

Day 1


I guess I just start writing.

This is…

If anyone finds this, this is a journal I made to document my adventures on this island. I don't know where to start. By the way this isn't the first day here, that I'm here.


Ha funny word.

Okay. Okay. I should start at the beginning.

One day I woke up at a beach. All I had was a rock and a torch. Sand is very rough on my skin. I looked around and was like what da fuck man what is this and when some man tried to kill me with a rock I killed him first!

Okay crazy stuff. That's the island for ya. Crazy all around.

A couple days passed since I woke up at the beach. I farmed wood and stone and made myself tools like hammer, hatchet, pickaxe, and bow with stone arrows. I got mushrooms yummy yum yum chewy veggies. I discovered a lot of things too.

Gas station has trash but useful. There is a big launch site in the north part of the island, Dome is dangerous DO NOT GO THERE!!! Snipers hide in trees like monkeys! How the fuck do they climb man it's bullshit. There is also the outposts which are very strange.

The outposts are "safe" zones. LIE! LIE! The green scientists don't kill us like the blue ones do, but I once saw a brown man get dragged away and weird noises come from the room they blocked him in, words like "no, please, stop, I'm coming." Coming? Where? Did they have underground train station under the outpost?

Moving on. The first and importantest rule I give you is don't trust anyone, only yourself. Man is danger. But scientist are dangerer. They not human like us. They have tails and horns and two big sacks on chest. They have loot in chest I know it!

I think on day three of after waking up one blue moderfaker got me with a boom stick, it was small but OUCH it hurt. I was laying in the grass, crawling away like a worm from the scrap truck before it tried to stick something sharp with liquid inside in my neck, but then…

My friend arrived.

Amazing dude by the way.

He looked like the darkest thing I ever saw more dark than unrefined oil. An arrow went through scientist's head and killed it, and he helped me up! He wanted me to come with him so we can be a team and said I was nice enough. I would never betray him, why??? He saved my life. I don't know if I die I will wake up again, scary, very scary.

So that is basically what happened so far! Wake up. Survive like animal, dirty thing. Saved by black man, fren. I will describe us now. My friend is like me but his hair is brown like chocolate and his skin is like dark chocolate. My skin is pale but has some light chocolate to it, he said it's from the sun. Sun good. Sun make me feel warm and cozy. My hair is also very strange. I saw lots of color hair like black, brown, and inbetween, but mine was gold. Gold like the sun. Gold like the corn. Gold like- ok enough. You understand. You are not stupid. I hope. Hahaha.

Shokol just asked me why I laugh, I tell him I do what I do. I am writing. He said okay and went back to working on furnace smelting. His name is Shokol and mine is Zolt. I came up with the idea because we don't know our names, and it felt right. I don't know don't ask me it just felt right. Zolt and Shokol. Shokol and Zolt. Frens!

Anyway… He brought me back to base, a "two by two" he called it. Made of stone with only two metal doors protecting the core. All these new words are so cool! Airlock, door-camping, loot runs, workbench, researchbench. He said we need to work together to farm and get better gear and survive. He was also afraid of dying. He said he was living for a while, a month, but he's still human and all it takes is one bullet to the skull to end it all. I agree with everything. Tomorrow he said we'll go to a warehouse in the woods to recycle stuff.

That's about it for now. Nothing more. I don't know what this island is and why and how and what, but I know that we have to survive.

*I forgot to mention but there was also a lot of Cobalt posters in the gas station, if you know anything, I hope this helps you understand and maybe I will too.


Day 2

Just got back from hunt. Fuck dude. New word! Dude. Shokol taught me.

Okay. We woke up and went to recycle some stuff but on the way we got jumped by two brown madafakas and killed them! I got shot with a boom banana though. Shokol said it was an "ee-o-ka" pistol, it hurt!!! Good thing we had bandages and a natural cloth farm behind our home.

We got their loot and recycled what we didn't need. After we had around 500 wood, 200 metal frags and 50 stone. There were also the useless scraps like bones and flesh, but cannibalism is BAD! BAD! Shokol says it causes brain diseases and it's always fatal. BAD!!!

We then went to an outpost to buy some goodies for our base. Shokol wanted to add a triangle foundation at the front door to secure another airlock. An airlock is when you have a door, a space, then another door. So if you open the first door a naked can't rush in kill you and steal your loot. Smart. Shokol is smart.

At the outpost we kept things simple. We bought food and medicine, mainly the latter, before leaving quietly. There was a fight in the gambling container some distance away from the trading center and a few booms went off before all was silent. Never mess with the scientist's outpost. They have auto turrets with RTTTTTTTTT machines. That things shreds through muscle like a hunting knife through rope.

After we were done with the outpost we went back home the long way. Why? Because there were GEARED people camping outside, waiting for weaker targets like us to exit the safety, however illusionary, the scientists provided. Shokol called them "campers," and they sure were. That is the scummiest, most skill-less thing ever. You want to fight? Fight outside! Ambush! Use actual skill! Don't just sit on top of your roof like a scaredy kitty. What? You got boom sticks? So USE THEM! Cowards all of them. I hope a big clan raids them, or a bigger clan if a clan is doing it. Clans are also skill-less.

Not much I can write about the day anymore. We have food and water for a good while. One week if we conserve. Tomorrow I'll go on a loot run alone with a crossy Shokol made. It has a nice tang to the string, slow to reload but very powerful!


Day 3 - Cave

Today was… interesting.

It started off like the usual it was becoming. We woke up to the sun creeping through the cracks in the roof and floor. Ate a light snack and went for a loot run. The first half isn't worth mentioning due to the lack of action, which is good for us! But not so interesting to you, I guess.

On our way back home, we found a hole in the ground. I should've mentioned it in earlier days, but we live near the woods. There was the forest that surrounded the Dome, and the woods were like a transition between the grasslands and the forest. We found it when I accidentally tripped on a rock and a whole wide hole- wait that sound wrong. A whole… a hole. A whole hole. That feels weird thinking but not so when on paper.


From the entrance, it was a deep, steep cave. I had a spare torch on me, and those were easy to craft, so I lit one and threw it down the hole. By the time it reached the bottom, it was a barely visible light the size of the moon. The cave also angled into the ground in a curve, like a ee-o-ka.

This cave was special. Just from the outside, I could clearly see it was LOADED! RICH! FUCKING ROTTING WITH BARRELS OF FRUIT! It was all untouched! Ores, minecarts, chests, so many more at the bottom and on the way there. I was about to start climbing down before Shokol stopped me and yoinked me back. I wasn't very happy, but after he explained things I understood.

There was a legend around the cave. A Hermit. Something lived inside that cave, and anyone who dared enter the cave was later found dead outside. Logical. That's not the bad part though. Oh yes, it's worse. The body was said to be skinned. Skinned of EVERYTHING. Only bone was left, nothing else. Whatever lived down there was a monster. Killing someone is one thing. But this? If what they say is true, I hope it isn't, then the cave is NOT WORTH exploring. Actual evil. Fuck.

I didn't know what to believe anymore. With the things I've seen on this island, I won't question Shokol. He has survived for quite a while, so there must be a good reason.

*I should add a note to this, this is probably important. Maybe if another survivor finds this, you can know to avoid that cave. It's right in the heart of the woods, using a map you can buy from the outpost or make yourself (USE METRIC MEASUREMENT) it's in the top right corner of square G13.

Our home is at J11.


Day 4 - Curious

I've decided to title every day. I like it.

Today was normal as can be. Loot run. Recycle run. Meds gotten. As I write this, I'm sitting on my sleeping bag against the wall, Shokol is crafting a new revie using the one I found in a crate in the ruined warehouse. I'm sorry. I want to tell him that but I can't. He'd feel so betrayed. I AM NOT BETRAYING HIM! NEVER! It's just…

I went inside the cave. Hence the title! I was curious man! Or woman. I don't care, I'd still kill you if you take my mushies(mushrooms).

On my way back, I had also found a salvaged pickaxe in a different crate, and what do you do with a pickaxe? You mine! But the cave was BAD. It was DANGEROUS.

It was also rich.

It was so fucking loaded dude!

By the time I was done with the outer ores and loot spots, I had a total of not 1, not 2, 3! 3 fucking THOUSAND raw ore! All metal of course. I saw sulfur deep inside, at the bottom, but the dark scared me.

And to fight the dark, there be light. I found a miner's helmet, which is super generous since-

Back to writing, Shokol gave me a slab of bear meat. Forgot to mention, we went on a hunt the day before(day 2 memory stupid) when we discovered the cave. It was juicy but bland, but hey food is food! I don't care as long as my belly is full.

Shokol of course being the smart man he is noticed I had quite the impressive loot, asking where I got so much ore. I lied. I feel bad but he'd be mad if he found out the truth. I made up a story where I ambushed some guy mining and took his stuff. He bought it, hooked like a hungry fish.

Hey, at least I got us some metal ore! A little more and we could upgrade the core as well as add honeycomb. I love these terms, so cool.

That is all of worth to note, I'll go to sleep now, good night, or day, or whatever time. Tired.


Day 5

Nothing interesting happened. We went to the fishing village to, well, fish.

Shokol got us both fishing rods and we practically farmed the ocean until our inventories were full. His luck had to be better than mine because he caught a HUGE baby shark! I didn't even think they got so close to shore, but would you look at that.

We sold some of the fish for scrap, currency by the way, before making our way back to sweet sweet home. And since we reeked of salty waters we took a quick bath in the river some grids away. It was nice. We also got pumpkins! We ate cooked fish and pumpkin for dinner, it was also nice.

Yeah, that's pretty much it.


Day 7 - Upgrade!

Upgrade! Just like the title! Get it? Man, I'm funny, I should open up a comedy stand in the bandit camp.

Nah, it'd flop.

Anyhow, today was a very important day. There wasn't action, but that's good! Very good! We had our base exposed for like an hour before we resealed.

I'll explain. We had an abundance of materials, upkeep was taken care of for months to come. So, we decided to expand the base and rearrange it!

I won't go through the whole boring process, I'll tell you how it is. It's so stupid. I mean that, I refer to YOU, as if someone is ever going to read this collection of notes I write. I'm getting better with words, I notice.

The base's layout was like this: the first floor had honeycomb and spikes stuck into the ground so no one would climb on top our roof, triangles and walls of stone. The airlock was expanded into a TRIPLE airlock, epic, yes. Where we had furniture and quality of life stuff we removed the roof and placed L shaped stairs leading to the second floor. On the second floor, we had windows looking out in all directions, living quarters, BLINDS for windows, important. Wood blinds so we had our privacy. A rug made of cloth. A table with two chairs to sit at. A furnace specially made for food ONLY! ONLY! No mixing food and ore, that's very very very very bad for your health. Three candle lanterns placed about to provide lumination at night, sleeping bags in the corner, and that's that. On the first floor where the base goes deeper and is more protected, we have our workbench, tool cupboard, storage, shotgun trap, and… well that's about it.

We upgraded our base, it's freaking awesome. Another cool word. Way- no, a little funnier than fucking. Freak this, freak that, freak!

I'm being silly, I'll stop writing now, gotta sleep.


Day 9 - Greed

I'm ashamed of myself. I feel queasy just writing this.

Day 8 was uneventful. Airdrop went down by the sewers but we didn't have the good guns. Shokol said we could go for the big boys when we had a SAR but those were RARE to find, and those aren't even the highest of tiers.

Today though, I went on another loot run. The supermarket was my first stop. I got lots of canned goods and water, and by lots, five food and two water bottles. It's strange, I could've sworn those weren't there yesterday.


The important part, yes. I came across the cave by accide- A! "Accident" my ASS. I wanted to go there, the loot man, the loot! When I looked down the hole the second time it was UNTOUCHED. Dare I say it; ENRICHED. I went deeper this time, all the way to the sulfur mines at the bottom. The climb took me about a few minutes but if I fell… I wouldn't be writing this, that's for sure.

I mined and looted and grabbed all the shit I could find in that dusty musty musky ass dank cave before leaving. I took off the miner's helm and separated the foods from the ores so I could hide it quickly from Shokol. I love him, he's my best friend, my savior, but we NEED these resources. We massively underestimated the cost of the upkeep with honeycombed walls and a metal core, but with what I got we could keep our home safe for another week!

When I returned, Shokol wasn't home yet, thank the Maker. I stashed the loot into the boxes, blended right in, good job I'd done! So once I was done covering up my treacherous deed, I waited for Shokol to come home.

I waited for so fucking long. The moon was high in the sky and he was still missing, I was worried sick man, can you blame me? My brother was gone and without any FUCKING REASON!!!

I'm scared something bad happened to him. Sorry for the stain on the left side, teardrops. I'm sure he's fine, he has to be. I'll wait for him. He will come back.


Day 12


I'm sorry- NO! I AM NOT SORRY!

Let me explain. I waited for him for two days, I didn't leave the base at all. I don't know what compelled me to, but I searched his sleeping bag. Guess what I fucking found?


I'll stop with the big letters, I've calmed down.

I found a crumpled note that basically said that he knew of my… "liberal expeditions" into the forbidden. Like shit, he's a poet compared to how I write, but fuck him man. Why didn't he confront me? Why keep silent?? I DON- sorry. I don't get it. I really don't.

No. It's just a cave. It's just a fucking cave. No monster is in there. It's all a lie so some greedy rats can keep all the juicy loot for themselves.

I had that realization some time ago today. I packed up my stuff. I had a fully loaded revie, newly repaired. Food and water for half a week, maybe more if I conserved, which I will now thinking about it, I must. An extra set of clothes to keep me warm in the north.

Yes, I'm going to the north. The base will hold. He said he was going to leave the island through an outpost in the north. Do I believe any of it? Fuck no. But it's the best lead I've got. I just…

I want an explanation, a proper one, maybe an apology. I don't know what to do. I don't. I want things to go back to the way they were, but I am also at fault.

I'm sorry this turned from a scientific documentation to a drama. I'll continue writing on my journey, unless I'm killed or someone burns these notes.

Wish me luck.


Day 14(?) - The Hermit

Luck was not on my side. Luck is a bastard. I…

I'm fucked. I have no doubt in my mind these notes will forever be lost. So might as well get it out there.

I'll explain chronologically.

I woke up on the 13th day like normal. I took my stuff, made sure the codelock was active, upkeep was high, and went. I had to go through part of the woods to find the road up north, so of fucking course I found that stupid cave again.

I don't know why, oh why, oh fucking why, but I went in! Greed? I don't know, I rationalized that I could use a few more lowgrade if I found a scrapped vehicle or better yet a snowmobile.

I looted the minecarts on the bottom level where the sun seemed like a distant star. The light was dim enough to see the rocks but not features. I noticed the cave went further into the ground, but more horizontal than vertical. When turning my back to the darkness, I was grabbed from behind. It was bloody strong. An arm wrapped around my neck, another around my torso. I was choked unconscious, nothing I did hurt that thing.

Which leads me here. Inside a 1 by 1 metal-fence cage.

And the Hermit.

I assume I was unconscious for the day. I don't know. Maybe it's still today, maybe it's tomorrow. Hence, I put a ? in the date. Doesn't matter much now.

Outside of the cage, sitting in a chair, is who I call the Hermit. No. Not who. It. Creature. Monster. Inhuman. This thing was wearing a thick cloth robe thing that hid most of its body from head to toe except for the features that striked fear in me: clawed hands, a thick rat's tail and a rat's head. Maybe it's not a rat. I don't fucking know man this is fucked.

I've been stripped of all my gear except for a pair of ragged pants and shirt. It was cold. Cool, but I shivered from time to time. The thing was bigger than me. I assume if we stood face to face, it could comfortably put its head atop mine.

Ever since I woke up, and as I write this note, it's been staring at me. It was just sitting there looking at me. I tried speaking to it, I cried a little, 100%. I begged it to let me go, that I would NEVER return to its cave. But it said nothing, it blinked, and just STARED LIKE…

Creep. It was a creepy fucking creep. I can hear something in a different room echoing. A burn.

I was going to die. Now I'm crying silently. Its eyes widened. It's saying nothing. I'm going to end up like those skeletons. Shokol was right this is why he left. He was fucking right. I don't want to die so bad. It hurts.

There is nothing I can do. I don't have much paper left in my pockets, this writing is the only thing keeping me sane. My pencil is breaking too. I don't have anything to sharpen it with.

I'm crying so much right now. The thing left to another room. I hope some power above will spare me. From suffering.


Day 15(?)

This is not a dream. I was so hoping it was. FUCK. I am dead I know it it's a matter of time. Here's why I think that.

When I woke up, my back hurt from the hard metal floor. It was cold too. The Hermit was sitting there in its chair. All focus on me. It then threw me a chunk of something. It was flesh, cooked. Overcooked but edible. I was hungry, but I didn't want to. What was it? I don't want to know. I was more thirsty than hungry, and it KNEW. IT FUCKING KNEW!!!

It showed me a plastic water bottle filled to the brim. I reached out but it didn't throw me the thing. I asked why, and it pointed at the chunk.

If I wanted to drink, I had to eat.

I had to. I HAD TO. I was so fucking hungry I munched on that thing imagining it something else. It was terrible but chewy like beef. I don't know what it was I don't want to know. I was then given the bottle. It was the only moment I forgot of what was going to happen to me.

You get it, yes? It was giving me food, fattening me, to then kill and eat me. It was intelligent, it was so human-like, but it wasn't. It was a lie. A mistake. Horror. The Maker won't save me. The Maker is deaf. Thoughts are not good. If this is the last note I write, please, don't go into the cave.



Day ???


I will… start writing. I cried it out of me.

I had…

No. Wait. Organizing thoughts…


I tried to count days. I lost it. I don't know how much time passed. I miss the sun. The lamp above is making me depressed. When I had to go to the toilet, I was given a bucket and, you'd never guess, TOILET PAPER. Like actual paper, and privacy too, I hope. Then the bucket was taken and the content was disposed of before returned to me. Clean. The Hermit had resources, high tier loot. I saw lasers inside the base - auto turrets. Raid-

Raiding this cave is IMPOSSIBLE. It's death wish. DO NOT RAID THE CAVE. DO NOT ENTER THE CAVE.

Some days ago I broke. I tried to end my life by strangling myself. I failed. Keep in my mind it was watching me. I then tried to break my neck by sticking my head through the bars and twisting. I almost did it but the Hermit stopped me and beat me up. I heard the cage unlock and rapid steps. A punch to my gut, first of many. A few more and then it removed my head from the bars and punched my right side over and over again, below my ribcage. I couldn't get up for a long time. I didn't try anything after that, that area is still purple. It injected me with medsticks to accelerate the healing, as I said, high tier loot.

I am losing my mind. It stares at me for hours every day and then leaves for some time. I bet it watches me sleep too. But it doesn't make sense. Why do all of this? Wait. SADISTIC. It ENJOYS this. Maker I'm sorry please no no nononononono!!!!!

Shokol. If you're somewhere out there, please, forgive me.


Release me

Release me. Release me. Please, release me. Let me go, Hermit. Please. Kill me. Kill me already. Why are you doing this. Why me. Release me. Shoot me. Burn. Kill. Hang. I don't care. Please release me. Pretty please? Please. Just do it. It hurts. Why won't you let me die. Why when I don't drink to dehydrate and die you go into my cage. Force me down. Force my mouth open. Take water into your mouth. And feed it to me. Why. And when I drink everything you keep touching my mouth with that tongue until I pass out. Why when I think about this, I feel funny. Why. Please release me. Release me. Please. Please. Please. Please.




I ran out of space, no more write. Goodbye.

The collection of notes was put aside, a pair of clawed hands calmly resting upon the table. There was so much food on it as well; ranging from mushroom stew to smoked meat, corn, pumpkin, berries for dessert, canned goods, juices. I've never seen juices in the supermarket. Hermit must've made them from other canned goods or vegetables that somehow grew without sunlight.

"Interesting story, yes yes," the hermit said, though it wasn't the first thing it said. That dishonorable title belongs to "Eat."

Eat. With all the appetizing foods it was hard not to stare or fantasize. They were right there, within fork's reach. I was so hungry too, but I couldn't stomach it. Not as long as that creature was sitting in front of me, acting all civilized.

"Why silent? Eat food, yum yum? I make. Very good," the hermit praised itself, the cloak around its body loosened and casual, yet still hiding most of its body.

"Not… hungry…" I couldn't look her- it, in the eyes. It doesn't deserve to be referred to with a pronoun. After everything that happened, it can burn for all I care.

"Bad. You want out, yes yes? EAT!" She slammed her hand onto the table, the bowls shaking from the impact. "Your idea? Yes yes? Why shy? Need feed feed?"

"N-no! I-I'll eat! I…" I grabbed the fork, my hand shaking in anxiety and disgust.

Its eyes widened in glee, her- its body posture relaxing back into the wooden chair. Luxurious indeed.

Sticking the tip into the potatoes, I took a hesitant bite, slowly chewing on the soft mass. It was good, salted to perfection. The hermit was well-fed, it seemed. While it had consumed to its heart's pleasure, I sat in my seat like a statue.

No more. Once I got into the groove, I shoved aside the hate and skepticism. The corn was also soft and salted. The water was fresh and rich, if that made any sense. The vegetables were so soft and tasty and everything was just, shamefully, as she'd said: "yum yum."

By the time I was done, my plate was empty, half the feast gone, disappeared into our bellies. My favorite had to be the mushroom stew. That was the first time I was given a proper, satisfying meal. Until that point all I had were scraps. Generous scraps but scraps nonetheless.

"Was good?"



"Y-yes! Don't yell… please…" I swallowed a lump in my throat, a bitter foam rising up before getting sent back down.

"Good. Good~" She crossed her arms over her lap, her head tilting slightly to the right. "Want exit now?"

"Y… yes…"

"One minute, let meal settle. Was heavy, no no?"

I agreed with whatever broken gibberish came out of her mouth, I just wanted to get out. Oh. Who was I kidding? She was probably going to kill me at last the moment I felt free. When I awoke this morning, she forced me out of the cage and to the living room. I guess that was the kind of room we were in considering the obvious, the auto turrets turned on peacekeeping weren't assuring though.

She promised she'd let me go if I ate dinner with her. I did not question her, nor did I want to theorize a reason. If there was a chance, however slim and shriveled, that I could escape, why not try? Worst case I go back to the cage or end up dead.

I miss Shokol.

"Let's go," the hermit stood up, starting around the table and towards me. I shrank in my seat, her height doing nothing to ease my paranoia.

I let her, as if I had a choice, grab my shoulder and lift me out of my seat, guiding me. I kept my gaze down to the cold, stone floor. All I had on my mind was the sun, the warmth, the shine, the true star. I wanted to forget this period in my life. As long as I got out, I didn't want to know what she was, why, how, and all other inquiries a sane man might have.

Stopping before a final, armored door, I was let go, nearly stumbling face first into the reinforced metal.

"Code is seven five four nine," she said, her tail slacking behind.

I inserted the numbers in order, the code lock turned a green light. She wasn't lying. I carefully moved my hand towards the handle, expecting to be shot in the back of the head at any second.

Grabbing the handle, I twisted. The door swung open, revealing pitch darkness. At the end of the tunnel was a ray of light from the heavens. She really wasn't lying.

Taking the first step into the outside, I was hit with a coldness like no other. Glancing back at the hermit, she simply smiled. Just like she always did when I was in that fucking cage. I parted my lips to say something, but drowned the words before they could break the surface. Snapping back forward, I took another step.

Then, another. And another. And a few more.

Before promptly falling face first into the ground.

I groaned in pain, attempting to get up. My limbs didn't respond. I couldn't move anything.

"H-huh?" I commanded my body to move, but there was no response. "W-what-"

A quiet scraping of nails against stone crept up from behind, the realization of a sob building up in my chest.

"N-no… no…"

" Tsk tsk tsk~ Come on, you can go. Why no go? Leave! Be free, humie!" I tried again, but my legs simply didn't listen. I could feel everything, but my body was somehow disconnected from my brain.


"Bad bad! No shout at me!" I received a friendly kick into my side, a yelp my pathetic response.

"Y-you lied! YOU FUCKING LIE-" Another kick followed, reducing my fury to a series of whimpers.

"Leave. You want leave, yes yes? So go! No stop you." She encouraged, her voice sharing no hint of the true meaning behind her words.

Receiving no reply from me, she continued.

"Maybe… maybe… you no want leave?"


"You want stay? With me me?" She gasped, a weight pressing down on my back. "You want to stay stay? You love love me?!"

"W-wha-" my head was slammed into the ground, my vision blurred and hazy.

"You want want stay! Oh~ You change! I knew you the one! I love humie! We have lots of fun fun! Go sleep now, okay? Okay!"

Before I could form a coherent thought to what she just said, she grabbed my neck in a chokehold, squeezing the life out of me.

"A-ah… n-no…"

" Shhhh~ Shhhhh~ Ssssleeeep, humie, fun fun will be later."

My heart beat in my ears, no matter how much air I breathed, my vision darkened further and further, consuming the landscape of my mind. As I shed a final tear, I wondered what had come of my one and only friend.

A groan escaped my throat, a dull pain lingering in my neck. My eyelids were so tired, and I felt comfort. Softness beneath me, similar to my sleeping bag. I made to move but was surprised to find I was denied the privilege. I tried harder, and that time managed to barely open my eyes. My legs were free, that was good news. However, when I flexed them, a weight on my pelvis became apparent.

A moan slipped past, I was feeling good, too good. It was like getting in that comfortable position in bed, or making a satisfactory meal before finishing it all, but better, hotter, erratic. Something slick in the shape of lips was moving up and down my naked-

I gasped, the fact striking me like lightning. The world became clear, the darkness not so dark. The hermit was atop me, rubbing a slit up and down my exposed penis. I'd never seen it like that, it was much bigger than I thought. The only time it became like that was in some mornings, from the cold I always assumed.

Another moan from me grabbed her attention, followed by a sigh from her. "Yessss~ Awake now, good good~" She humped me harder, sending a jolt of electricity up my spine. I gave a tug at my hands, didn't budge a bit. I was too exhausted to speak, so I made noises that roughly conveyed what I felt.

"I wait for so so so so long… you know?" She ceased the grind, allowing me to come down from the alien high. But when I thought she'd stop, she grabbed my penis at the base, drawing a quieter moan from me.

"I understand now. I feel so mad mad because… no mate. No humie. No cutie humie to give me seed. I saw you steal from me, you know know? Mine my ore, bad boy~" She raised her hips, all the while keeping contact between her mysterious lips down below and my tool. My heart beat faster, and I didn't know why. The inability to see what was going on was driving me to the bottom of a valley between madness and terror, the thought sending a throb through my member.

"You take from me, is okay okay. Only fair I take back, yes yes? Fair trade?" She inserted the mushroom-shaped tip into her slit, a strange pleasure building in my belly. "You take me, I take YOU!" Her hips dropped, my penis disappearing inside her and reaching a wall of flesh. From all angles, a slick, wet, slimy tunnel massaged and squeezed my penis, making it throb even harder. It was in heaven, but my brain was shattered.

I didn't understand what was happening, but I knew three things for certain; I couldn't fight her, I owed her, and I was feeling really, really, really good.

I made another attempt to say something through blabbering and inconsistent moaning, shuffling here and there to escape the overwhelming pleasure, but she'd thought ahead. Without my arms, I couldn't push her off and without my legs, I couldn't kick her off.

I made out her silhouette, she wasn't moving at all, but I felt her stare down at me, reminding me of all those uncountable days spent in the cage, a shiver manifesting into reality.

Finally, she spoke again, "I… I breed you. I take you. Mine mine. Seed mine. Cock mine. MINE! YOU MINE MINE!" She lunged down, the start of a blood curdling scream cut short by a lengthy tongue.

I fought back even harder, remembering that specific terrible day. Yet, no matter how hard I tried, the pleasure from her slit and the planned restraints rendered me submissive by default, excluding her raw prowess. A total overkill.

She began moving her hips around, all while my tip kissed her end. No moan left me, no cry, barely a sound. Why? Because a tongue was deep inside my mouth. She'd angled her snout in such a way she could reach further than what should have been possible; into my throat. Just before the pointy part in the middle of my windpipe, her tongue moved around like a parasite, infecting my thoughts with nothing but that sickening pleasure. I closed my eyes, barely any air reaching my lungs as she continued a raid no clan could counter. For a moment she'd break the kiss to whisper something into my ear before re-invading my oral cavity, pillaging my saliva with her own.

When I thought it couldn't get any better, it did. She started moving her hips up and down, letting the lower half of my penis breath before slamming down and swallowing me whole. With every thrust, a moan from me was the reward, encouraging her to go with more force each time. A second attempt at freeing myself was punished with a painful scratch of her claws, but soothed by a ticklish hug thanks to her fur.

Time lost its meaning soon after. My legs were between her thighs, for some reason she decided it wasn't enough, so she spread them. Now, her thighs were pressing into my inner ones, totally and shamelessly exposing me.

For a while, her pace remained slow. In, and out. In. Out. In. Out. She was doing all the work, my job was to lie there and take it. When she freed my mouth, I gasped for air, twisting my neck away from her so she couldn't strike right away. That angered her. In retaliation to my rebellious behavior, she hilted me inside her before dragging her claws down my ribcage, a hiss of pain was the best I gave alongside many tears. My mistake was to turn back to curse her, she took the opportunity as soon as it presented itself and reoccupied my mouth, though not going past the dangling thing in the back. That way I could breathe and she didn't need to give me a break.

Then, she started to go faster. Instead of the relatively gentle rise and fall, she became an erratic jackhammer with every safety measurement removed to the last screw. The best I could manage was a series of moans in protest, but stating it didn't feel amazing would be a lie. It was a pleasure like no other, it numbed my mind and heightened my senses, and above all the situation itself multiplied it all.

All of a sudden, something started to build up in my lowest belly, a tickle at first that grew stronger and stronger. I moaned in surprise, a third and final attempt to break free from her prison of domination. She must've felt it too, for the next thing I knew were her claws digging into the spaces between each individual rib and the tightening of her tunnel to a lethal restriction. With my legs on the outer walls, every kick proved to be futile, having the opposite intended effect on her with how her two, fat sacks of… fat, pressed into my toned chest. Tears roamed however they pleased down my cheeks, a never ending supply of water that rivaled the ocean surrounding the island. Never forget the kiss. It'd become so mundane I forgot she was exploiting my mouth all that time.

But for once, she completely broke away, leaving me a wet, heaving mess. Countless strings of saliva splashed across my cheeks, dripping down my chin.

"Hah, hah, hah," I huffed, gazing into no particular part of her monstrous face.

"Close… yes… I feel it coming, yes yes… " She emphasized by slamming a little harder, a wet quench sounding from the impact. "Give everything… no hold back… become humie-hubby, yes yes yes! Give big big litter!"

"H-hah?! N-ngh-" A hand clamped around my throat, disabling my voice box.

"I l-love you~! I love love you~! Give one humie boy, minimum! No resistance! LET GO! CUM! CUUUUM!!!" She grabbed the hair on the back of my head, slamming her snout onto my lips for the deepest kiss thus far, creating a bulge in my throat.

Then, I felt it. A force began in my balls, traveling through my lowest belly before reaching my shaft. The hermit slammed for the final down onto my hips, creating the tightest airlock between my penis and her tunnel. My tip grew slightly bigger, pushing harder into her end before the force left through the hole. A hot torrent shot in throbbing ropes right into her, a shared series of moans between us blending into nothing but background noise to the heaven I found. There was no thought in my mind. Only her. Nothing but her. Her tongue, her body, her love. I went completely limp, my penis throbbing again and again inside her, pumping more of that force into her. I nearly lost consciousness from the pleasure, but every throb drew me a little closer, back to her waiting arms.

At last, I ceased coming, as she called it. She removed her tongue from me, her hands gently caressing the fresh scars burned into my soft flesh.

We huffed and puffed, the lingering pleasure nearly as euphoric as the climax that just ended.

"Hubby… hubby… I love you… I never let go, never alone again, ever," uncharacteristically, she pecked my lips, ruffling my wild, unkempt hair.

I could only reply with a sigh, still recovering from the experience. It was amazing, even if I didn't understand everything, her words made me feel fuzzy and warm on the inside.

She rested on top of me, cutting off my restraints with her claws. "Hug~" She did as she said, so I returned the gesture. She really was a head bigger than me, but the weight made me feel safe, secure, cozy.

I don't know. I really don't. I think I… love her.

Basking in the afterglow, we fell asleep in her bed, the next day holding many surprises for us. A new page turned, a new life. A wife.

On the edge of the woods stands a base.

A sad thing it is.

Abandoned by the owners, an arrow set ablaze.

Crumbled down the roof, looters, what malaise.

Every item taken, nothing spared.

Naked was the core, undefended.

Alone and cold, the stone remained.

An empty cupboard, long decayed.

On the edge of the woods, stands a base.

Never disturb the hermit in the caves. 

I tried a new style of writing in the form of a journal. I feel that it turned out alright, but I'd like to read your feedback on the matter.

TheFacelessUsercreators' thoughts