
I am not a TOY!!!!!


hi guys I'm back in business🤣🤣and I apologise😔for my super late update....I was to busy because of schoolwork but since its quarantine(COVID-19)here in PHILIPPINES....yes Im from PHILIPPINES and I'm proud but were safe here so I hope u guys like this chapter and yeah,dont worry it's a long one so hope u like it and vite for me and stay safe!!!


They have arrived at the principal's office but Lucy was still not on her rightmind "n-no way...m-my classmates....a-are they vampires,v-v-vampires!!!!! I thought they only existed at horror movies and novels, I-I didnt know they were real!!!" Lucy snap out of her thoughts when her teacher knocked on the door..."Mr. Principal it's me...Yamatu-San we need to talk..." Yamatu-sensai's voice was filled of worry and anger....

"Oh!! Yamatu-San...Come in,come in!!"

A voice from inside replied...Yamatu-sensai opens the door fast and run up to the guy sitting on a couch reading, what sims to be a shool newspaper...."why are u in a hurry...Yamatu-San is there a problem??" Mr.principal said happily

"*Signs*...yes,there is a big problem!!! Mr.principal tell me why did u allow a human girl to enroll to our school!!" Yamatu-san said angrily....."why does it feels like,yamatu-sensai is closer to the principal"lucy thought while watching the two vamp-man argue

"Well u see,I thought it would be boring for my grandson if there's no one to entertain him and she was the perfect one for a game of Hide and seek!! Hahaha!!"Mr.principal said with a grin on his face....

"But sir...its more like a Hide to not get Eaten!!"Yamatu-sensai was furious....'wow they must be really close to each other to think my teacher scold my principal'Lucy was wondering what relationship these vamps have....

Then she remembered what the principle said..

"W-wait.....what do u mean entertainment....do u think I'm a toy!!!"Lucy was angry she glared at them

What were they thinking Lucy just moved here how can she know that vampires existed in this country.....will she knew that werewolves existed because there very beautiful beings and friendly not like vamps...

"Hahahaahha" mr.principle laughed with a grin on his face....."will.. u see my grandson....is very mysterious....his not into woman,money,power or glory"they both stared at each others eyes

"And...I thought...that maybe I can help him...by gifting u to him..."the principal's word were clear and full of happiness....then he turned cold "isn't that nice of me??"....

'W-why did the air become so heavy....why am I unable to move... I-I want to go home!!'Lucy was depressed it give Lucy a great impact to take in....

(A/N:I'm so so so sorry if this chapter is so long and bad I'm used to make my essays long and detailed I apologise for the inconvenience of my chapter it's just my habit)

Shock,angry,worry and stress All slapped Lucy right in the face making Lucy tremble in fear....Yamatu-sensai and the principal noticed Lucy's trembling....

It was ok until Lucy's tears was seen Lucy was so scared she had nothing to do but cry

The principal panicked because he didn't know that Lucy was going to cry....he only wanted to scare Lucy s alitte but not make her cry...

Lucy was also shock to see her tears in her palm....her only thoughts were to get out of this school and move out but.....how with all the money she has spent on tuition and addition this school is full of blood sucking creatures how can she escape....

She was hopeless.....she couldn't think right then....